Well I got a new writing program the office 2007

Well im here today to write a fallout/naruto fiction and please, please, PLEASE review and tell me how good it might be or how bad it could be. Anyway yea this is my 2nd story and still to lazy to update the other one…. Yea im an idiot.

Anyway idk what the pairing will be at all and the LW will be a girl!


Disclaimer: I do not own naruto or fallout in anyway whatso ever


(LW point of view)

Oh god I hurt, dammit… note to self don't tamper with guns with unstable fusion coils… my as soon as I'm able to get up I'm gonna make some new notes and throw the old ones at rothchild.

Ugh my arms probably damaged after that and I'm gonna need to replace some wires AGAIN!

"SEARGENT RL3 WHERE ARE YOU!" I yelled as the robot that was supposed to be with me and help when ever needed, Got him off of tinker Joe after I fixed his attitude problem, who knew that you had to just download a new personality and a little wishful thinking.

God I'm a mess if it wasn't for the t-51b power armor I would probably be toast.

Well that's enough sitting around I guess it's time to find out what happened to that robot and if there's anything to salvage from the experiment.

After getting up I noticed something immediately wrong, lets see, I got my perforator (that's the name right?) on my back , my trench knife on the other, that laser pistol of col. Autumn on my side and my scoped 44. I got from Agatha, and the pack I use to carry everything else, what am I missing?

Oh that's right there's REAL trees and not shriveled brown things sticking from the ground… come to think of it where's that sea of brown I always used to see in the capitol wasteland… all there is is some trees, some bushes, and grass.

Checking my pip boy I made sure I'm in the wasteland… and what do you know I saw the words "NO MAP DATA FOUND" Flash on it. Just perfect, I don't know where I'm at and for all I know I could be in asia.

I checked my pipboy again and check to see if the air had any radiation in it… IT DIDN'T… NOT ONE RAD IN THE AIR!

I took off my helmet to see for myself, my god it felt good. The air against my smooth skin

Well I guess I forgot to tell you about myself I'm about 6 feet tall without my power armor so I'm quite tall for my age, I have green eyes and had bright blond hair until it started getting dirty in the wastes, so now it's a dark blond kept in a pony tail. I'm about 20 years old and I have been out in the wastes for about 4 years now.

The enclave has retreated from the capitol wastes completely so all we have to worry about now is the super mutants. After the brotherhood in the far west made contact again it was like hell. Elder Lyons was trying to reason with the other elders of the brotherhood but wasn't making any progress, that was until I stepped in. they kept on saying that the "wastelanders" could fend for themselves and they didn't need to waste resources on us and that lot

But when I stood up to them and gave them my two cents it took Sarah AND a knight to keep me from ripping out their heads off. When I was calmed down I convinced them that "if there was a separate branch of brotherhood to help wastelanders, then you could have more people willing to join and help salvage more tech for you guys to research and make more of, after all isn't that your goals?"

After some discussing with the elders they agreed to make a separate branch of the BoS and have me in 2nd command next to elder Lyons after they saw the super mutant threat, and what the enclave is now capable of, and with liberty prime on the road to recovery.

After looking around I spotted RL3 off next to some bushes, a few holes here and there but nothing I couldn't fix. I got up and went into my pack to find my tools to help fix him.

(5 minutes later)

Christ ! RL3's a mess. His inside is a mess and he won't turn back on until I can fully fix him. And I cat fix him out here like this, I need a whole repair shop to fix this. His memory banks are almost shot, his weapon system IS shot and the only thing that could probably work is his propulsion system.

After I put my helmet back on and getting a few ropes to drag his sorry ass I started making my way down south hoping to find something. After all with this much green there could be someone or something that could live near here to help…


(Scene change with naruto 3rd person)

As we look for our 5 year old hero we see him running down the street with a whole MOB behind him

"Kill the demon!"

"Don't let him escape!"

"There he goes… get him!"

"Why do they do this… I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING DAMMIT!" he thought as he ran down past the gate into the forest.

As he kept running he heard some of the villagers drop from the crowed and went back into the village. Some of the more persistent (drunk) villagers kept chasing trying to keep up and not fall over themselves.

He kept running for god knows how long but he didn't notice after 5 minutes of running the person or thing in front of him until it was to late.

(LW point of view)

I kept dragging this hunk of junk with me for god knows how long but I was starting to get tired.

After a while I thought I heard something ahead but turned it off as a mole rat or something but kept going, after all they wouldn't mess with me.

I kept thinking it was a mole rat until I heard voices.

"He went this way, get him!"

Before I even knew it a kid ran into me and fell to the ground. As soon as that happened he dropped and curled into a ball like he was expecting me to hurt him or something.

"Hey kid I don't bite… common get up" I said, with the helmet on my voice has sort of a mechanical ring to it, a little creepy but that's the problem with having a filtration system on it.

The kid looked up at me but kept in his position, he saw the mask thought and he freaked out and buried his face.

"Kid seriously I'm not gonna hurt you." I tried again this time it seemed to work and he got up little by little

"R-r-really you're not gonna h-hurt me?" he said looking up at me, god I almost broke down and hugged him, he's so cute.

The moment ended when some people burst through the bushes with weapons, and by the looks of it they wanted to hurt the kid

"There he is boys… it's time to make the demon filth pay for what he has done." One villager said while the others cheered

God they looked drunk and they were gonna hurt the kid… not gonna happen I pulled out my trench knife and my laser pistol

"And what has this Child ever done to you?" I asked waiting for them to attack they were like typical raiders, wanting to kill the innocent for no reason

"Move out of the way… whatever you are and we may spare you, this DEMON has destroyed our village and were going to get our vengeance!" the man said

Wow… just…wow he accused this little boy of destroying a village. The kid looked like he could barley hurt a fly.

"If you want to hurt this kid you're going to have to go through me!" I said

This statement surprised the kid and angered the men.

"KILL THEM!" the drunk shouted again leading the charge

"kid stay back." I said to him as I sprang into action

I activated my V.A.T.S. and attacked. What my pipboy does is inject some high doses of adrenaline into my body, not too much to do anything bad but enough to heighten my senses to do some real damage.

I shot a few in the legs to disable them and cut a few across the chest. Not deep enough to kill but enough to hurt them and stop.

I kept doing this until I saw the main guy rush at the kid with his bat raised in the intent to kill…. That's when I lost it

With my VATS activated I ran as fast as I could to the kid and sliced the man across the chest. While he was stunned I pulled him over and slowly cut his throat, making him suffer and finally shooting him in the head splattering his brains everywhere across the others.

When the other men saw what I did the instantly ran (or in some cases limped) the way they came. Only to be stopped by masked people that appeared out of nowhere

One dropped right by me and looked at the kid. I instantly went into defensive mod I didn't know who these people where but by the looks of it they may be even my deadly that the drunk I just took care of

"Stand down I'm not here to harm naruto, I'm here to bring you both to the hokage." SHE spoke to me

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on with people like them drunk and going at little kids with the intent to KILL!" I said back shooting her with my glare, though not seen with my helmet on

"all will be explained when we go see the hokage now MOVE." She said again looking at me

"Fine but someone's going to have to carry this hunk of junk I've been lugging it for twenty minutes." I said shooting another glare

The masked lady motioned for a few of her comrades to help with RL3. As they did that I picked up the boy to carry he was in shock at how easily I killed the villagers.

"it's ok I not going to hurt you." I said in a mother like voice trying to calm him down. What shocked me is that he hugged me, or tried to.

"Thank you." He silently cried into my chest plate. As he did, as softly as I could I stroked his blod hair to calm him down as the people leaded me to their leader, still in awe that they could lift RL3 as easily as they could.

For better or for worse I think my life is now changing


Well there you have is a good long starter story

Anyway as I said before I don't know what the pairing will be so I'll be thinking

Please review and tell me how bad/good the story is.