And now, the conclusion. Be warned for more fun and fluff! Thank you all for the reviews and favorites. Please enjoy! :)

"Oh slag, it's your mother!" Hide muttered to Bee before turning around to greet the fast approaching femme. "Hello Elita. How are you doing this fine jour?"

"Don't patronize me. And I heard you. Don't use such words in front of my son. And just where did you think you were going with him?"

"The little mech pleaded with me to go," Ironhide confessed, knowing it would be better to tell her the truth now rather than later. Later Bee wouldn't be in his arms.

And Bee knew how to quell his mother's anger in an instant.

"Pweez, Wita," he begged, giving her the same sad look he gave Ironhide.

"See, how can ya resist that face?"

Elita couldn't. It was a weakness. She knew it. Optimus most definitely knew it as he would make a similar look when he wanted something from her. He was rather handsome doing it too. But Bumblebee was simply irresistibly adorable.

"Oh Bee, you're going to break sparks with that face," she smiled warmly, caressing his small helm. "It goes against my better judgment. Half a breem. No longer. Then you're to bring him to me at our quarters. I want him to have a wash a proper recharge before the festivities begin."

"Yes, ma'am!" Ironhide saluted, cradling Bee in one arm.

"Tanks, ma'am," Bee beamed and saluted his mother.

"Get going before I change my mind," she laughed.

The femme commander watched as her precious son giggled excited in Ironhide's arms. Her son the only mechanism on the base that could turn the hardened warrior into such a softy. Optimus had told her that Ironhide was a fierce warrior but had one of the most gentle and kindest sparks on Cybertron. Elita never really believed it until she'd seen how taken Bumblebee was with the mech when they announced that Ironhide was Bee's official guardian.

And like the good guardian he was he delivered Bumblebee on time back to the femme commander. Elita smiled fondly at how her son was in deep recharge.

"Just set him on the couch," she instructed. "You didn't let him touch your cannons did you?"

"No. I did my best to teach him that weapons are not toys and that one must be a responsible enough mechanism before handling one. Of course, he was more interested in watching the drones explode than my weapons anyway. Little guy fell into recharge on our way over here."

"Thanks for taking care of him."

"It was my pleasure. I'll see you guys later at the party," he smiled then left.

A few moments later the door chimed and Elita answered it, surprised to see Chromia there with Bee's blanket and toys in hand.

"Before you say it, I'm just following orders. Optimus said Bee might want these when he wakes from his nap."

"Too bad, you just missed Hide," Elita smirked.

"I…I um actually waited for him to leave."

Elita quirked an optic ridge at her friend. Then she immediately noticed how nervous Chromia was. Chromia was never nervous.

"Chromia, are you ok?"

"No," her voice trembled and the femme collapsed into a chair crying. "I mean yes. I…frag I don't know!"

"Well which is it?" Elita asked, kneeling before her best friend.

"I had my maintenance exam today. Ratchet found…I…well…I've sparked. I'm going to have a sparkling."

"That's great!" Elita cheered, hugging the distraught femme. "Ironhide is going to be so happy!"

Chormia proceeded to cry even harder, worrying Elita.

"You do want the sparkling, right?"

"Of course! I would never destroy something so precious or something my love desires with all his spark."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I'm scared. I didn't plan on this happening just yet. I wanted to get used to the idea of becoming a mother before I became one! Ironhide finally understood that and he was willing to wait. Now…"

"He will be absolutely thrilled and will be there for you ever step of the way. You've nothing to be afraid of," the femme commander smiled. "And I'll be here whenever you need me. First thing is to tell Hide, before Ratchet does. You know those two are like brothers."

"I don't even know how to tell him!"


The door chimed, interrupting Elita and she quickly granted access to whomever it was so she could get back to helping Chromia that much sooner. As if by some divine purpose Ironhide entered the room and his optics spotted Chromia.

"Have you seen…oh there you are. I've been looking all over for you," he smiled and then suddenly noticed his femme was crying. "Mia, dear what's wrong?"

"Chromia would like to tell you something, Hide," Elita smiled, moving away to give the couple a bit of privacy.

"Mia?" Hide questioned, taking hold of his bondmate's trembling hands.

Chromia looked to Elita for guidance. With a simple nodded from the femme commander the scared femme knew exactly what to do. She took a deep intake and gave it to her bondmate straight.

"You're getting your wish sooner than expect. Hide, I've sparked. We're going to have a sparkling."

"Primus," he gasped, awestruck. "I mean…wow! I mean WOW! This…this is great! We're going to have a sparkling! Did you hear that, Elita? A sparkling!"

"Two actually," Chromia smiled. "It's twins."

Elita made a surprised noise, covering her mouth. She hadn't expected that! Neither did Ironhide. The poor mech fell over backwards in a dead faint. The sound of heavy metal slamming onto the floor woke Bumblebee who immediately started crying.

"I take it he was told the wonderful news," Optimus' deep voice sounded from the doorway as Elita cradled her son.

"Oh for pits sake!" Ratchet harrumphed, moving around Prime to the prone weapon's specialist sprawled out on the floor.

Elita or Chromia didn't bother asking how Optimus knew. The fact that Ratchet was with him was all they needed to know. The CMO was brilliant in the medical bay but terrible for keeping such good news to himself. The supposed medibot-patient confidentiality rule flew out the proverbial window on several occasions.

"Is he ok?"

"Yes, Chromia. He'll be coming back online in a moment. Honestly, Prowl didn't even lock up when he and Jazz found out they'd sparked."

"Ratchet!" Optimus hissed.

"Relax Optimus, I knew."

"Elita," Optimus growled at his mate.

"I had to tell someone," she said in her defense, rubbing Bee's back.

"Hide ok?" Bee asked, having recovered from his crying.

"Hide is going to be ok, little Bee," Elita kissed, his cheek. "It's getting late. Bee needs his bath."

"Everything's ready," Optimus smiled, lending Ratchet a hand in getting a very wobbly Ironhide on his feet.

"Optimus did you hear?" Hide asked.

"I heard. Congratulations my friend. Elita…"

"I've got Bee. Go help with Hide…he needs it. I'll see you in the recreation room in a breem," she said over her shoulder. Then she turned to the yawning sparkling in her arms. "And you little mech. You are to look absolutely spotless for your party."

Bee raised an optic ridge at her much like Optimus would do when he felt he was clean enough.

"Mechs, you think dirt is attractive," she chuckled. "You need to take some pointers from Jazz and Prowl. They know how to shine. Don't you want to sparkle?"

"Bee sparkwing!" Bee told her, patting his chest.

Elita kissed him on the helm, not minding that he didn't understand. She knew once he was in the bath he'd forget about everything else. And sure enough her son played with his usual reckless abandonment. Toys splashed in the liquid solvent. Sound effects echoed off the walls in the washroom. Bubbles occasionally flew up in the air. All the while Elita scrubbed her son from head to ped.

"Ok little mech. Play time is over. Time to dry off," she said.

Bumblebee knowing something exciting was going on today obediently handed each of his toys to his mother. Then he trilled loudly and shivered as she pulled him from the warm liquid. Before he got too cold Elita wrapped him in a big soft towel.

"That better?" she asked rubbing him with the towel.

Content purring sounded as Bee shuttered his optics. It was all the answer Elita needed to know her son was happy and warm. The femme commander cherished such quiet moments with her family, especially her son. She knew one day he'd follow in their footsteps. It was inevitable due to his heritage and the fact that he was growing up on a military base.

Alas, quiet moments do not last forever on any Autobot base.

Bumblebee grew restless and started squirming on his aft while Elita attempted to shine him up. He knew something was up. He rarely got this kind of treatment! He'd seen her wax and buff his father on many occasions and even got to help.

"Hold still!" she laughed, managing to grab hold of him and get him in the right positions to shine up his back side. Bumblebee squirmed, kicked, and made rude noises back at her. It was time to go! "Frag it. You're shined up enough."

Bee gasped. Hide was right!

Elita chose not to acknowledge the fact that she let a bad word slip from her vocal processor. Instead, she picked up her shocked son and made her way out their quarters as if the little slip up never happened. Besides, when they neared the recreations room it was completely forgotten.

The little yellow mech was set on his peds and allowed to walk into the recreation center.

"HAPPY SPARK DAY BUMBLEBEE!" the room erupted, making the sparkling blush and move to hide behind his mother's leg. He peeked out, smiling but still blushing at being the center of attention from so many mechs and femmes.

"Come here, Bee," Optimus called with open arms waiting.

Never one to want to disappoint his father, Bee slowly made his way to his father, glancing up every so often as mechs and femmes wished the sparkling a happy spark day, giving them shy smiles. As he passed by, Ironhide the big mech had bent down and tickled the back of Bumblebee's neck. The sparkling shriek and giggled then raced the rest of the way to his father causing everyone to laugh and applaud.

"Happy Spark Day my son," Optimus smiled, holding his sparkling close. "I love you."

"Luv you too," Bee grinned, purring contently, feeling so much love in his spark from his creators.

From there, the festivities officially started. Music played. Some mechs and femmes danced. Bumblebee opened each gift as they were given to him. Optimus and Elita wanted to hold off on the energon and oil cake until all their guests had arrived, which included their closest friend Ultra Magnus whose shuttle had just arrived.

"JASS!" Bee cheered when he spotted the black and white mech enter the room. Bumblebee held up on of his toys, a transport vehicle that looked a lot like Jazz's alt form and start talking excitedly in sparkling talk, obviously excited to show his friend.

Elita turned to see the lithe form of one saboteur move smoothly across the room. Her optics carefully scrutinized Jazz, trying to detect if he was the one carrying. She couldn't believe that both Prowl and Jazz had kept something like that secret for so long.

"Elita, behave," Optimus warned, knowing exactly what his sparkmate was thinking. As usual, she ignored his warning.

"Hey there li'l Bee. That's one awesome looking toy! I might have to get me one for Prowler to have on his desk!" Jazz exclaimed as he joined them at their table.

"So where is your better half?" Elita asked, cuddling Bee close. He'd nearly fallen off her lap a few times from getting over excited. She was almost afraid to feed him some of the energon cake because he was already full of energy!

"Haha," Jazz responded. "He had to greet Ultra Magnus on the shuttle deck and is escorting the City Commander h…"

Jazz suddenly hissed softly grabbing his chest and all optics immediately shot to him as the room got a lot quieter. Optimus rolled his optics. It seemed more than just Chromia knew the secret by now. He'll never understand how his femme could endure torture and never crack under a Decepticon interrogation yet on base she's partly responsible for a few of the many rumors that go around.

"You ok, Jazz?" Optimus asked when his third in command relaxed into his seat.

"I can get Ratchet if you need him," Elita offered, already placing Bumblebee in Optimus' arms.

"I'm fine," he grimaced, rubbing his chest.

"Jass gots an owie?" Bee asked.

"No, lil' Bee I don't have an owie," Jazz smiled and then he felt the punctuated distress from his sparkmate accompanied by a jolt of pain that lashed through his core. "Primus, no!"

Like that, Jazz shot off in a flash. Optimus and Elita shared one quick concerned look before they followed. Following behind them was Ironhide and Chromia and the rest of the party goers, all eager to find out if the newest sparkling was on its way.

Bumblebee thought this was the greatest thing in the world, sitting on his father's shoulder while they raced through the base. He whistled and cheered, even patted his father's helm telling him to go faster!

Jazz in the mean time had no idea of the entourage trailing him. He only had one thought on his processor and that was to get to Prowl fast. Around the next turn, he finally spotted his bondmate, sitting on the floor leaning against the wall with a worried Ultra Magnus kneeling beside him.

"I've already called for Ratchet," Magnus said.

"What happened?"

"You, is what happened!" Prowl snapped and then groaned in pain, clutching his chest. "Where the frag have you been?"

"Babe, I came as fast as I could!"

"Don't babe me…" Prowl moaned loudly, feeling an intense spasm of pain rippled through his chest. He swatted Jazz's hand away. "Don't touch me!"

"I guess that solves that riddle," Optimus chuckled. "I got that line on a regular basis while Elita was carrying."

"Primus, I had no idea! He was filling me on the latest 'Con activity when he suddenly doubled over," Magnus explained. "I was barely able grab hold in time before he fell flat on his face."

"Prow gots an owie?" Bee asked, looking extremely concerned. He covered his audio receptors when Prowl howled in pain.

"Not to worry, it's a good owie," Optimus smiled reassuringly.

Bumblebee shot his father a look of dismay, tiny mouth hanging wide open. How can any owie be good?

"Move it! Make a hole for frag's sake!" Ratchet snarled pushing through all the bots that had gathered. Once clear he pulled his medical scanner from subspace and ran scans on both Prowl and the sparkling.

"Ironhide, get this crowd dispersed," Optimus ordered, knowing what a private mech Prowl is and that this was more a private family matter between the bonded couple.

"Understood, Optimus."

"Ow…Ratchet please…it feels like he's rearranging all my internals!" Prowl cried out.

"Try to relax," the CMO ordered, optics trained on his scanner as it was feeding him information.

"You try to relax when all pit has broken loose inside your chassis!" Prowl shouted back the medic and then groaned loudly.

"My scan is almost complete then I'll give you something for the pain," Ratchet replied, double checking the scanner's readings with his own medical sensors. "Honestly, I don't understand why mechs are worse than femmes when they're carrying."

"I don't know about that," Optimus snorted and got punched in the arm by Elita. "Ow!"

"Ah…Ratch, is that supposed to happen?" Jazz asked, pointing at the translucent fluid trickling from the seams in Prowl's armor.

Ratchet barely had a chance to look at the fluid Jazz swiped with a finger as his medical alarms blared, Prowl's head abruptly slumped forward as he lost consciousness, and all pit broke loose as far as Bee was concerned.

He started trembling, clinging to his father, and was absolutely petrified when Ratchet started yelling for everyone to get out of the way while Ultra Magnus lifted up Prowl's offlined form. Jazz was quick to follow with Optimus and Elita trailing. Bee was really worried for he never saw Jazz be so quiet and actually looked as terrified as Bee felt.

"Jazz, stay in the waiting room!" Ratchet ordered, pushing the frantic mech back away from the medical bay's doors.

"That's my bondmate an' sparklin'!"

"Exactly why I need you out here," Ratchet insisted firmly but gently. "I'm going to be blunt. Both Prowl and the sparkling are in danger and if I don't deliver the sparkling now we could lose them both. The last thing I need is an uncontrollable bondmate wreaking havoc on my medical bay. Stay here and block your bond…please."

"Jazz, come sit with us," Elita spoke softly, gently tugging Jazz away from Ratchet. "Let Ratchet do his job."

"If ya have to…choose between them…"

"Don't even think that way!" Ratchet snapped, startling Jazz. Then the CMO's voice softened. "I'll take care of them both, I promise."

"Come on, Jazz," Elita said, putting an around about the saboteur's shoulders.

Jazz pushed her arm away and moved to sit in a corner…alone.

Optimus shook his head at Elita, taking hold of her hand. They waited with Jazz but gave the mech his space. Even Bumblebee understood that he needed to be quiet and sat in silence in his father's arms, watching all that went on.

Several mechs and femmes came over, patting Jazz on the head speaking softly to him. Bee tried but couldn't hear what they were saying. He just knew that whatever they said to his friend Jazz wasn't working because Jazz looked sadder each time he was left alone. Until finally Jazz just broke down and wept, burying his face in his hands.

Bee instantly started wiggling and grunting to get down. He had to do something!

"Optimus, put him down or he'll start crying," Elita whispered noticing the determined look on her son's faceplates. Whenever he had that look nothing short of Primus Himself was going to stop her little Bee. So much like his father he was.

Once on his feet Bumblebee wobbled for a moment. Then he took determined little strides across the waiting room. Those there, watched as the little mech climbed up onto the seat next to Jazz. After a couple of scoots on his aft, Bee was close enough that he leaned over and hugged Jazz's side as best as his small arms could.

Startled by the contact, Jazz looked down to see the little yellow sparkling clinging to him and smiled through his tears.

"Ya give good hugs lil Bee, thank ya," Jazz spoke softly, lifting the sparkling up and holding him close.

"It be ok, Jass," Bee sighed, patting Jazz on the shoulder, mimicking something his father or mother often did with him when he was upset.

"I sure hope so," the mech wept.

Suddenly First Aid rushed into the waiting room, calling for Jazz to hurry and go with him. Optimus was quick to retrieve Bee from Jazz's arms. For fifteen klicks everyone sat or stood in curiosity, talking softly and making assumptions about what might be going on inside the medical bay. Bee played with his toy quietly on his father's lap during that time until Jazz returned with the biggest smile on his face and a small wrapped bundle in his arms.

Everyone got to their feet and peered at the barely visible sparkling's face as the beaming mech slowly made his way across the room, being extra careful to not jostle the precious bundle in his arms.

"Prowl's doin' fine," Jazz grinned. "Ratch was able to stabilize 'im so he was awake an' able to deliver the sparklin' with no further complications." Jazz paused, looking down at the sparkling in his arms and gasped, "I'd never seen anythin' so beautiful before in all ma life as I watched our sparklin' come inta the world."

"I know exactly what you mean," Optimus smiled warmly, hugging Elita with one arm while holding Bee with the other.

"Bee, Prowl an' I wanted ya to be the first to see our son. We know you two are gonna be the best of friends."

"Sparkwing?" Bee asked, pointing at the thermal blanket.

"Yes, he's a sparklin'," Jazz chuckled, tenderly unfolding the thermal blanket to reveal the tiny grey sparkling with a small red chevron deep in recharge. "He looks so much like Prowl, its amazin'. Got winglets too."

"What's his name?" Ironhide asked as he and the others all gathered around, squeezing together to see the tiny mechling.

"Bluestreak," Jazz beamed proudly.

"Bwue!" Bee said excitedly and loudly, waking the sparkling making him cry. Bumblebee covered his mouth, cringing in his father's arm and looking apologetically at Jazz. "Oops."

"Don't worry li'l Bee," Jazz smiled, gently rocking Bluestreak. His cries immediately died down to soft whimpers before he fell back into a silent recharge. "Prowl has already taken to callin' him Blue."

"He's absolutely beautiful," Elita said, putting a hand up to restrain Bumblebee who'd been leaning closer and closer to the sparkling to get a better look. "Congratulations."

"Thank you. Everyone. Oh, I gotta go, Prowler's callin' for li'l Blue."

"Wait!" Bee screamed, making Jazz stop in his tracks. Optimus wasn't sure what Bee wanted but he moved to stand next to Jazz. "Here, fer Bwue."

Bumblebee held out the toy he'd been playing with, the one that looked like Jazz's vehicle mode.

"Ah, thank ya, Bee. I'm sure Blue will love it. Next vorn we're goin' to have one pit of a spark day party for ya and Blue! Ok?"

"K! Bye Bwue," Bee waved as Jazz excitedly rushed out of the room with his precious cargo bidding everyone a good jour.

"Well that means you're off the hook for spark day parties," Elita smirked up at Optimus as the crowd dispersed.

"What do you mean? We still need to have a party for Hide and Chromia becoming creators!" Optimus smirked. "Twins. Sure you can handle it Hide?"

"I'm ready and will be there for Mia every step of the way. Besides, I helped raised you. You were no good little mech I can tell you that," Hide countered, one arm protectively around Chromia's waist, holding her close. "You pit spawn fragger."

Optimus shook his head laughing. Oh yeah, he knew he was no saint when growing up.

"Language," Elita chided, glaring at Ironhide.

"Pit spawn," Bee giggled, tapping his father's chest.

Optimus and Ironhide laughed heartily which of course made Bee repeat what he'd just said, giggling wildly after he said it. Elita did approve but was willing to let it go on account of it being Bumblebee's spark day and the new little sparkling Bluestreak was born.

That was until Bee said the 'F' word.

The room fell silent for about one astrosecond until the sound rapid heavy footfalls sped away followed by lighter, faster ones.

"Lita, don't kill him!" Chromia shouted, watching her best friend chase after her sparkmate. "Do you think she'll kill him?"

"She won't kill him," Optimus smiled, adjusting a yawning Bumblebee into a cradled position. The sparkling rubbed his optics with his tiny fists then adjusted his body to get more comfortable. "She might maim him or rip off one of his interface or worse…one of his weapons."

Chromia looked up at her Prime, raising an optic ridge and then laughed. Elita and Ironhide did tell her that Optimus had a sense of humor. It was a rare treat to actually witness it for one's self.

Bumblebee yawned loudly, shuttering his optics, capturing her attention.

"I do hope you and Lita will be helping us with our twins," she smiled, caressing the sparkling's cheek.

"Of course. Elita's already planning on changing one of the storage rooms into a play room. Although, we may have to intervene on the color scheme she had in mind."

"Not pink!"

"Oh yeah. She's positive you're having femmes."

"Well, Hide insists we're having little mechs," she sighed happily, rubbing her abdomen plating. "In fact, he's so confident, he's even named them."

"Dare I ask?" Optimus whispered, gently rocking Bumblebee who was almost in full recharge.

"Sunstreaker and Sideswipe."

"Sound like wreckers already," he smiled. "If you'll excuse me. I need to put my little wrecker down for the jour. Too much excitement for his little processor."

"Yes it has. Now, I'd better go rescue my sparkmate before my Commander does something drastic. Happy Spark Day Bumblebee."

Bumblebee was oblivious to the kiss on his cheek from the femme or even the soft nuzzle from his father's nose as he was now in a deep recharge, mouth slightly open. Optimus sighed, watching his sparkling recharge peacefully in his arms as he treaded softly through the base. His spark pulsed happily, contently.

Every single mech or femme Prime passed smiled at seeing how happy and proud their leader was. As if sensing how content his father was, Bumblebee snuggled closer to his father's armored chest and started purring softly, a small smile spreading on his faceplates, so much unconditional loving flowed over their bond.

"I love you so much too…my little Bumblebee."