Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter.

So this is it. The last chapter. This is neither my oldest nor my most loved (this had the most reviews, but the Never Agains have been read about twice as much), but it is the one dearest to my heart. It pains me greatly to say goodbye to it, goodbye to the promise of reviews and the promise of knowing that all over the world, people are reading this. But, however, I do have the promise of hope that means you or someone else will read my fanfictions in the future.

Now enough of the soppy stuff. I'll have a big long Author's Note at the end, but for now...


Remus John Lupin opened his eyes. He was alone. That fact registered itself in his brain first. Where was the fighting? Was it over?

Remus then thought of where he was. The answer soon came to him.

He didn't know.

For the first time in his life, not knowing something that important didn't bother him. He stood up, noticing that he was naked. This did bother him, as he did not like anyone seeing his scars, even if there was no one there.

Remus found a clean robe not far from him on the white surface of the ground. That was when Remus realized he didn't have any scars. Not a mark marred his body.

This was nothing less than shocking. Almost all his life, Remus had had to deal with the scars of his past, emotional as well as physical. And Remus knew that here, he was human, not wolf. His curse was lifted.

He wanted a mirror, to see what he looked like. Glancing around, he spotted one not far away. What he saw was also a pleasant surprise.

He looked younger, and there were less lines on his face. The gray in his hair was gone and the robes he wore weren't patched and shabby, as the ones he had worn for years had been.

Remus then knew that he was dead. This didn't bother him. In fact, all the burdens he had carried for so long were gone. But where was he?

"You made it, mate." said a cheery, familiar voice from behind him.

Remus whirled around and saw two people standing there. Sirius Black and James Potter. Remus smiled and hugged his best friends, the ones he'd been missing for so long.

"I'm sorry, Remus." said James. "If we'd just trusted you, Lily and I would never have died. I'm ashamed to say it, but we thought you were the spy."

Sirius shook his head. "It's my fault too. I didn't trust you, Remus. Forgive us, old friend."

Remus laughed, laughed and cried simultaneously. For years those thoughts had haunted him, that he hadn't been trusted and if he'd been thought worthy they might not have died.

"So, mate, where are we?" asked Sirius, looking around interestingly.

Until then, Remus hadn't known.

"The park outside Tom's pub." he answered easily.

Sirius and James exchanged surprised glances.

"Mind telling us why, Remus?" asked James, bemused.

"That's my secret." replied Remus.

James motioned towards the edge of the park. "Do you want to go?"

"Go where?" asked Remus.

"On." said Sirius.

"You sound like Dumbledore." muttered Remus.

"Is that an insult?" asked James mockingly. "Old Dumbles won't be to happy to hear that."

"Oh, shut up, you idiot." taunted Remus. Before he knew it, James had tackled him and tried to land a punch.

The two scrambled around on the ground for a bit, Sirius cheering them on. All of a sudden, Remus felt a sudden pulling, like he was being yanked out if this world.

"Harry's calling us." James replied simply.

Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks opened her eyes. She was alone. She turned her head both ways and smiled. She knew she was dead. She didn't care. She just wanted Remus.

Tonks got up and looked for clothing. She found robes in the most vibrant pink imaginable. She loved them.

She looked around and found herself in a familiar place. It was shabby, and the grass was a bit brown, but the place didn't stink of fumes in this world. Tonks looked around for what she knew would be there. A bench….

There! Tonks walked over to it, marveling at how this world knew exactly what she needed.

For this place was the park outside Tom's pub, the entry to Diagon's Alley. This place was a mixture of the Wizarding World and the Muggle World. And this was where she had met Remus over six years ago.

She had to wait for a while, but she wasn't bored. She had a lot to think about, such as Teddy and how he was doing. And what about the battle? She knew her death couldn't turn the tide of the battle, but it sure couldn't help. She thought of her mother, and her friends and felt a small pang of loss. They'll miss me. she thought sadly.

"They'll learn to accept our deaths." said an all-too-welcome voice. Tonks's face split into a wide smile.

"Remus!" she cried.

He enveloped her in a hug and she put her head on his shoulders, happy beyond belief to see her husband. She leaned upward and kissed him, and he kissed back. It was a heartfelt, honest kiss that Tonks would treasure forever.

"Do you recognize this place?" she whispered.

"Of course." he murmured back. "How could I forget?"

"Where did you go?" asked Tonks. "What took you so long? You died before me, you should've been here first."

"I was." agreed Remus. "But I had to help Harry with something."

Tonks smiled softly. "You're here now."

Remus took his hand in hers. "Dying is sad to those who aren't dead. They mourn those they have lost, and they have every right to. But we, the dead, have moved on. And though I will always mourn that I didn't get to spend much time with Teddy, I have you, Dora, and that's all I need."

Tonks blushed. "You're such a hopeless romantic, you."

Remus laughed. "I am, am I?" He grabbed her and swung her under his arms, bridal style.

"You really are a Marauder after all, huh?"

"Did you ever doubt that I was?"

And with one last kiss that blew Tonks's mind, she, Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks was carried beyond the gate of the park, carried by the one man she loved, Remus John Lupin.

Without a second's hesitation, the lovers left their former world and went On.


Did you like it? I will ask for reviews now, because I don't want the very last words I leave you with to be me begging, but I would appreciate it.

And now...

For the Awards.

To all of you who read this, but did not review, I award you the Seamus Finnigan award. Because Seamus Finnigan, while not in his fanfic, is out there doing some thing somewhere.

And he is awesome.

sapphiretwin369, Phantomofthemall, Blue Buttercup, sparklyshimmer2010, Duckyumbrella, Unnamed, Tiger-Lily, The Witch of the South, summersun, Printdust, harrypotterfan and remustonks, I award you the Alastor Mad-Eye Moody. Because he is just to cool to be left out.

Peace-bookluva, xxxSora-chan, audburrito, Xenophilius22, TeenTypist, and iheartmoony7, to you I award the Remus Lupin award, because may not always succeed, but he tried his best to make it.

And to the group the I give my most thanks to: Loads of Randomness, who grants me happiness by telling me her favorite lines and shares with me the love of AVPM. Buzzcat, whom I have not forgotten about and whom I am still planning to honor with a stick-on dragon tattoo (and whom I recommended this to, although she soon forgot that it was by me and then asked me to read it), Blue-Eyed-Lily, who has followed me the whole way through and never ceases to amaze me in how much her reviews mean to me, Miriflowers, whose dedication in caring about this fanfiction has never stopped and lastly, to xXMizLilyEvansXx, who has shared so much of her life with me that I am truly honored to call her my friend.

To those five, I award the Nymphadora Tonks, my highest award, for your dedication and the way you have of making me feel like writing this is worth it. She, like you, is utterly devoted to those once she puts her mind on it. Thank you in every language there is, including Mermish and Gobbledegook.

And I suppose it's time to say goodbye now.

Remus and Tonks have moved on.

It's our turn.

EDIT: It's been over a year and a half since I wrote this, and although I usually don't like to edit things I wrote that long ago (to remind me how much I've improved since then), I just couldn't leave it on the awful corny ending, so...go eat a cookie or something. Also, thanks to all the people who'd reviewed since tihs was finished! :) I still read them even now! :) But seriously, what the hell was I think when I wrote that last author's not? Maybe it have something to do with the fact that I was barely fourteen...Xd

I hope you liked it! Bye (much better way to end a series)! :)