A yawn forced tears to his eyes as Ciel stood with his hands in the air, waiting for Sebastian to don his nightgown.

"You have been up too late tonight," his butler whispered, a hint of tease in his serious voice. He slipped the soft material over the young master's hands, dragging each hand carefully down Ciel's arms to reveal his hand out the other end. When he smoothed out the front of the gown, he let his hands linger off to the sides, holding his master in place. "Bed. Now."

I scowl came to Ciel's face, but he complied and allowed Sebastian to tuck him in. The soft pitter patter of rain echoed though his room, the first rain of the season at his estate. He was actually happy to be in the warm room with Sebastian at his side, he would never speak this of course, but he had a feeling Sebastian knew it anyways. Sebastian shed his own coat, folding it gently over the chair on Ciel's desk before putting out all the lights remaining in the room. Distant lightning lit the room well enough for Ciel to watch Sebastian make his way back to the side of his bed before sitting down next to him. "The storm tonight will be getting worse I'm afraid. Until you fall asleep, I'll lay here with you."

"I don't need you in my bed," Ciel argued with a pout, turning to face away from Sebastian but at the same time moving over to accommodate the second body. "Its not like I can't handle a simple spring storm."

The feel of soft fingertips running over his temple made him jump slightly and a light chuckle was heard as Sebastian removed his eye patch. "No, but I feel obliged to lay here with you anyways. Unless," the bed shifted as Sebastian put the patch on the night side table and stayed that way as if he was deciding to leave. "The young master does not want me in here? In which case, I have no choice but to leave." Ciel refused to respond at first out of pure stubbornness but when a loud crash of thunder was heard from out side, lighting the whole room, he couldn't help but to make a small gasp. The heat of Sebastian's body was suddenly pressed against his own, a scorching hand pressed to his forehead and he found his head cradled in Sebastian's neck. "Promise me that I will be the only one to ever see you like this," Sebastian whispered in his ear, dark and sensual this time. "The only one who will get to see you jump from thunder or shed tears."

He didn't know how to even respond at first, still just trying to calm down his racing heart which he forced himself to believe was strictly from the thunder and not from the fresh flower smell or almost overpowering feel of Sebastian all over him. "As long as you never leave me," he finally managed to choke out. "And that's an order."

Another small laugh was heard behind him. "Of course." It was said into his hair before a kiss was placed in the same spot.

A/N: Wow. I haven't written fan fiction in a while. Hopefully this will be followed by many others. Written with lots and lots of love for one of my friends after making her inner Ciel cry. :D Thank you for reading. Reviews are loved!