iWish I had known

This is a little something I am throwing together while I work out my writers block on 'iAm Back in the Game.' I got the idea from the country song "Letter to Me" and the many 'iWish' stories already on the site. If anyone thinks I'm stepping on their toes, say so. If you like it, say so; if you don't, say so. As always, I don't own any of the iCarly characters, and I am taking liberties with their back stories.

"Sam, could you move?" Freddie asked, gathering some hand tools from his cart. She had been having a horrible day. Her mother had yelled at her about there being no vodka left in the house. Sam had reminded her that she was only 16; that earned her a beating. At school, Briggs had given her a detention for not completing her work and she had been caught putting food coloring in the pool.

Shooting him an annoyed look, "Why nub? Am I blocking your view of Carly's ass?" Carly shot Sam a 'Shut up' look.

"No, I need to swing the monitor out to do some maintenance and upgrades. If I swing it out with you standing there, I'll hit you in the back of the head."

"Hit me and you die."

"Would you two stop fighting for five minutes?" Carly screamed at both of them. "Sam please move so he can do his tech thing."

"I don't wanna." She whined. "Moving involves me doing something."

"There's some ham in the fridge." Carly held the studio door open.

"Mama's gone, later Freddichino."

"That's a new one. Thanks Carly, when I get done this monitor will swing out 12 percent…" She cut him off with her hand.

"Don't care, just don't hurt yourself."

"Okay, are you and Sam going to Groovy Smoothie later?" Freddie started pulling the armature motor out.

She noticed how he had been asking about Sam's doings more and more lately. Carly decided to test her theory. "Maybe, but I'll be alone tonight." She batted her eyes at him.

"Oh, Spencer and Socko going to the junkyard again?"

"I say that I'll be alone later and you ask where Spencer is gonna be, are you gay?"

"NO!" He snapped, "I'm sorry Carly. No, I am not gay. I just don't feel for you like I used to. You're still like my best friend and I don't want to lose you. After our kiss and all that drama with the taco truck, I realized I'm not in love with you."

"Oh, have you and Shannon gone out yet?"

"Not since that disastrous triple date."

"Who is the lucky girl?"

"I'd rather not tell you yet; I haven't said anything to her yet." He set the motor on the floor. Sam walked in carrying a plate filled with sliced ham. "Carly, can you hand me my pliers?"

"These?" She held up a tool.

"No, those are wire cutters; the pliers have the green handle." She picked up the correct tool and stepped towards Freddie, tripping over the power cords running to the monitor. She landed on her chest, knocking the wind out of her. Seeing Carly gasping for breath, Sam dropped the plate and grabbed the inhaler from Carly's room. Freddie was trying to keep Carly calm as she struggled for air. Sam handed her the plastic device; Carly triggered a dose of the medicine.

"Are you alright?" Freddie finally asked, after Carly was able to take some deep breaths.

Sam snapped, "Of course she's not alright you stupid nub! I outta beat your ass for not taping those cords down." She shoveled Freddie away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know…"

"She…could…have…died!" Sam emphasized each word. "You know what, I wish you were dead!"

"Sam!" Carly broke in, "That's enough! It was an accident, Freddie didn't do anything."

Freddie cast his eyes down at the cords, "No, Sam's right. I'm always going on about taping the cords down. I'll go now." He trudged out of the studio. "Good-bye."

"Sam, that was mean. You hurt his feelings." She sat on one of the bean bags, Sam hovered nearby. Carly thought it was strange that he said good-bye; Freddie usually said 'later' or 'See ya'.

"He made you have an asthma attack. He coulda killed you." Sam looked at the plate of ham. "Butt wart even ruined my ham. I'm gonna go get more ham, you want anything?"

"For you to tell Freddie you're sorry." Sam gave her that 'Over my dead body' look. "A Peppie Cola."

"That I'll do." Sam hopped down the steps, two at a time. She expected to see Freddie sitting on the couch; Spencer called it his 'sitting couch'. "Where's Fred-dork?"

Spencer paused 'Girlie Cow: The unrated version', "He left about 5 minutes ago, he looked really upset. You glue his laptop shut again?"

"No, but I'll have to remember that for later."

"Why? What he do?"

"He forgot to tape the power cords down and Carly tripped and had an asthma attack."

"Is she okay? Do I need to take her to the ER? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Spencer started to panic.

Sam didn't really apply herself at school, but she was far from dumb. One secret she kept was a near photographic memory. "Yes, no, you would completely spaz out like you are right now."

Spencer stopped for a second; he had to remember his questions. "Okay. Next time, tell me sooner alright."

"Sure thing Spencer." Sam turned towards the fridge. After piling her plate with more ham, she set it on the new counter some dude had built to replace the one Spencer had ruined. She heard a cough behind her, like someone wanting her attention. Carly's upstairs, Spencer's over there and Freddie's across the hall in his nerd cave. Who's behind me? She wondered.

"Name's Mitch, you can call me 'Big Mitch' if you want." The Little person said. "Before you start yelling, only you can see me and time is stopped. I'm your guardian angel. I only have one question for you: Did you mean it?"

"Mean what, mini-nub."

"Your wish, that Freddie was dead."

"Yeah, he almost killed Carly."

Mitch looked her square in the eyes and snapped his fingers. "Granted. But I wanna take you on a little trip."

"Where we going?"

"Not where, when. To understand the present, you have to know your history. Then, you can appreciate the future. Take my hand."

Taking it, Sam suddenly got a very bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

I admit, it's a short chapter, but it's only the begining.