Phoenix's early Birthday present! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: See The Ultimate Disclaimer written by Myself

Dear Dorothy Gale of Kansas,

You are probably curious as to how this letter is being sent, or perhaps why I send it. This is not important, for the reasons are as confusing to me as they would be to you. I'll start my letter in a different manner. In another time, I was called Elphaba Thropp, the older daughter of the Governor of Munchkinland. Not that it matters, nobody calls me that anymore. I grew to become the Wicked Witch of the West, the green terror of Oz.

Why am I writing you? I seek to explain myself and to ask for your forgiveness. You see, when I was terrorizing and threatening you, I had good reason to. You had just killed my one and only sister. No, I am not trying to make you feel guilty, goodness knows you probably already do, I'm just saying the facts. Also, though no fault of it is yours, I was also mourning the death of my lover.

He, in order to allow me to escape from the Gale Force, allowed himself to be captured. At the time, I was mad with grief and delusional, and I blamed both the deaths on you. Though it was obviously not your fault. The shoes you wore on your feet represented all that I had lost, but they were never really desired by myself for magical purposes. The reason Glinda told you this was, in a fit of jealousy, to make you try to avoid me and keep the shoes to yourself.

Glinda was once my very best friend, back when I was still Elphaba. We went to collage together and were roommates. After getting over an initial loathing of one another, we became the best of friends. She was, in fact, the one who gave me my hat. When you arrived in your house, we were at a rather tough time in our friendship. She was jealous of me for multiple reasons and I resented her publicity that was due to the fact that she lied to the public, telling them what they wanted to hear. Just before I melted, she spoke with me and apologized for the things she had done, I accepted it and told her I was sorry as well. Our reinstated friendship only lasted a minute or two, as you ran in soon after.

I am not a Wicked person and I never intended to do any harm. All the rumors you heard were just the Wizard's attempt to create an enemy for Oz to hate, none were true. I'm sorry that you were put in the middle of all of this, you didn't deserve that. You were what I once was; the Wizard's pawn that was instructed to defeat the opponent's king. For you, the king was myself, for me, the king was any Ozians or Animals that stood against the Government. As you can see, I joined them rather than defeat them, am I'm sure you would have done the same had you been older and wiser about the going-ons of Oz.

Thank you, Dorothy Gale, for your forgiveness, if you decide to forgive me. Even if you don't, just know that there is two sides to every story, no matter what the scenario is. I hope you use this to tell right from wrong if you ever come across a situation when you need to.

Once more, I'm dreadfully sorry,

Elphaba Thropp

(The Wicked Witch of the West)

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