Okay! This is the last chapter of One and the Same Book 1... wow... It is actually like, 2,000 words long, 1,00 words longer than usual.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except Leafpebble and three little surpirses.


Tigerclaw sighed in content as he curled up next to Firepaw. He looked at the orange tom lying next to him and smiled. This was their fifth meeting and he couldn't be happier.

Firepaw shifted beside of him before snuggling up against him and sighing.

Tigerclaw was so distracted with watching Firepaw that he didn't notice the crunch of leaves, as something grew closer.

"Tigerclaw, pay more attention to your surroundings."

Tigerclaw tensed and narrowed his eyes at the cat who's voice had washed over them.


The tortoiseshell she-cat nodded her head in response. "Tigerclaw."

He hissed and let his claws show. "What do you want?"

"I mean no harm to you, your mate, or your kits."

At that sentence, Tigerclaw stopped hissing and looked at Spotttedleaf in confusion. "Kits?"

Spottedleaf gave him a sad smile. "StarClan says they have tried to reach many other medicine cats, yet I was one of the only ones to hear it. They share their secrets with me. Yes. Kits, Tigerclaw. Do not ask me how, I just know. StarClan says that three young ones are to come from Firepaw's and your meetings. I am here to offer my services."

Tigerclaw was trying to grasp so many things at once. "Why would you tell me all of this?"

Spottedleaf glanced down at Firepaw. "He is like the kit I am not allowed to have. I see him like my own son. If he is happy with you, enough to make kits with you, then I want to help as much as I can."

Tigerclaw studied Spottedleaf for a few moments. Medicine cats could generally be trusted. "Fine. But tell no one! When Firepaw is about to have our kits, send Lionheart to fetch me."

"Lionheart? I thought you wanted none to know?"

Tigerclaw let out a sigh. "After the first time Firepaw and I spent together we have come back 4 other times. Each time I smelled the same scent. It was covering up our scents. Once the last time we met, I had stayed behind in the bushes to see who had found our spot. Surprisingly, Lionheart came out of nowhere and started rolling around. When he had finally stood still he sniffed and nodded before heading into the bushes on the opposite side."

Spottedleaf stared at him. "Lionheart… is helping you two?"

Tigerclaw nodded. "I don't know why but he has been covering our scents the whole time."

Spottedleaf nodded and got a distant look in her eyes. "I wonder…"

Tigerclaw looked down as Firepaw's ear twitched. He turned a little in his sleep before lying still once again.

"Firepaw…" Tigerclaw nugged Firepaw with his paw. "Wake up, love."

Firepaw huffed and curled up tighter.

Tigerclaw narrowed his eyes slightly. He leaned down and licked Firepaw's ear before biting it.

"Ow!" Firepaw squealed as he jumped up from his sleeping position. "What was that for?"

Tigerclaw nodded his head to where the medicine cat sit. Firepaw turned and quickly jumped back to Tigerclaw. "Spottedleaf!"

Spottedleaf smiled. "Hello Firepaw."

"W-What…" Firepaw looked on in confusion between the two cats.

"Head back with Spottedleaf. I am sure she will explain everything." Tigerclaw purred in amusement.

Firepaw turned to Tigercalw. "But I don't want to go yet!"

Tigerclaw chuckled as Firepaw started to pout. "I am afraid you have to, Love. I need to get back to start the border patrol."

Firepaw sighed sadly and nodded his head. Tigerclaw licked his ear and smiled when Firepaw looked up at him. "I love you." He stated.

Firepaw's face turned from a pout to a huge grin. "I love you too." He nipped at Tigerclaw's split ear and ran over to Spottedleaf. "See you in two nights?"

Tigerclaw nodded and smiled as the two ThunderClan cats padded away, talking.

As they disappeared Tigerclaw let his smile fall. He didn't know how long this could go on. Another ThunderClan cat had found out about their secret relationship. He already had a sneaking suspicion that ShadowClan knew he was in a way, betraying them. They trusted him, most of them anyway.

He sighed and jumped as he heard the bush rustle. A black she-cat hopped out. Her intense orange eyes landed on him.

"You have betrayed two clans now, Tigerclaw. What if Blackstar would find out?" He hiss rang though his ears.

Oh, StarClan, he thought. "You can not tell him!"

Leafpebble hissed. "Watch me! If I do this, Darkstripe will love me!"

Tigerclaw glared and took a small step toward the she-cat. "You must not! Darkstripe is going to hurt you and throw you away!"

"No! That is what you did! You hurt your clan mates and threw them away! Then another clan lets you in and you do the same thing! You are a disgrace to StarClan."

Her angered words stung Tigerclaw right in the heart. He flinched but did not let up. "Leafpebble, you know not-"

"I might not know all of it, but Blackstar will at least get some of it!" She turned and dashed off across the cleaing.

Tigerclaw hissed and ran after the she-cat. He would not let her tell Blackstar. He knew of his feeling toward himslef and Firepaw being together. He excepted the love but he would not except a relationship.

He quickened his pace to try and catch up to the she-cat. He jumped over a log and hissed as the disgusting odor of a thunderpath hit his nose. She was heading for the short cut. If he didn't catch up soon, she would get to Blackstar!

She stopped briefly to look at either end of the thunderpath before running across.

No! he thought. He ran faster and sprinted out into the road...

...then all went black.


Up in StarClan, a spiky-furred gray tom padded in circles. No! he thought. I will not let this happen!

He turned to do whatever he was going to do, only to run into a white she-cat. "Out of my way Snowfur."

Snowfur glared at her mate. "No, Thistleclaw. StarClan is helping him as we speak. We will not let the kits go without their other father."

Thislteclaw started padding around in circles one more. "But what if it is too late? He has already been saved three times! Can we really save him again?"

Snowfur sighed. "They saved him when he was just born, a sickly little kit that shouldn't have lived past a few days. WE saved him when we lead him to Rust-"


Snowfur rolled her blue eyes. "To Firepaw. We saved him when he got hit by that monster. What makes you think we will not or could not save him again?"

Thistleclaw stopped his pacing and looked up at Snowfur. "This time, the darkness is stronger. What if... What if he doesn't make it Snowfur? Firepaw can not do this alone!"

Snowfur gave a sad sigh and nodded. "I understand Thistleclaw. I really do. You must understand. You must put your trust in the elders of StarClan. They will help him."

Thislteclaw watched as his mate walked away. He sighed and glared down at the sight he saw. A bloodied pelt being picked up by one of the two leg's kits. Taking him into the monster and going away. He knew he had to trust in the power of the Elders. He just didn't know if that would be enough.


Firepaw smiled happily as he padded silently to his and Tigerclaw's secret meeting place. He couldn't believe it! He was going to have kits! With Tigerclaw!

He jumped into the clearing and moewed out, "Hello, love!" He blinked when he got no reply. He looked around and was surprised to see that no one was there.

He sniffed the air and found that Tigerclaw hadn't been there since the two days previous. He stiffened and sniffed again. There was two other scents. Darkstripe. His face curled up into one of horror. What if he had chased Tigerclaw off or... killed him?

He hissed as he smelled an unfimiliar scent. Someone had helped him, that was for sure. But who? He took a step back and ran from the clearing. He needed to get away from there. He needed to get to Spottedleaf and Lionheart.


He shuttered in pain. "It hurts Spottedleaf!"

Spottedleaf shushed him and nodded. "I know, I know. One more push and the last kit should be here."

He pushed once and gave a sigh of exhausted relief. It was over.

"Wow..." came a muttered reply.

He turned and smiled at Lionheart, who sat by his side. "I know... if only..." His eyes started to tear up.

"Calm yourself, Fireheart. I have been conversing with StarClan every night. We will find Tigerclaw."

Fireheart sighed and let out a silent cry. His mate had disappeared and no one knew how or where he disappeared too. He had missed many things, the gatherings, cats muttering rude things about him, Fireheart having his warrior ceremony, and now he had missed Fireheart giving birth to their kits. Luckily no one decided to follow them out into the clearing where he and Tigerclaw had met, which is where he gave birth. No one knew where Tigerclaw was...all except for Darkstripe. He hissed quietly at the thought of the ThunderClan warrior.

"Fireheart, your kits are all cleaned. Would you like to see them?"

He glanced over at Spottedleaf and let out a gasp of surprise. Three little bundle of fur layed feeding from Spottedleaf. One was a bright orange color, much like Fireheart himself. He was the biggest. Next to the little tom lay a brown tabby she-cat. She has almost as big as the orange one next to him. He turned to the last kit. He was oddly colored. He was orange but it had dark brown spots all over it. His tiny ears were black.

Fireheart watched all three of his kits but his gaze kept moving to the last one.

"What will you name them?" Lionheart asked as he watched the kits move and feed from Spottedleaf.

"The orange one will be Blazekit." He stated. He turned his gaze to the brown tabby she-cat. "She will be... Stripekit."

All three cat's gazes turned to the last kit. "He will be... Nightkit."

The three cats sat in the clearing until the sun set. They each picked up a kit and went back to the camp. The story they used was that they had found the kits on the side of the thunderpath.

Fireheart's last thought before exhaustion hit him was, "I wish Tigerclaw was here."

Somwhere in a far away two leg nest, past meadows, forests and mountains, a brown tabby tom was startled awake. He looked around and then shrugged his large shoulders. He yawned and curled up once again in his cat bed.

*Throws popcorn at screen* Boo! That was horrible! What happened to Tigerclaw! Why is Darkstripe still around! Boo!

Hehehehe. Wanna know what happened to Tigerclaw? Well you won't find out till book 2 is out! Yay! XD Book 2 will either be posted before of after Thanksgiving. Later suckers!