Note:  This is my take on what might have happened at the Cell Games if the press had showed up before Gohan killed Cell, and caught the whole thing on tape.  This is my first attempt at a fan fiction so…….don't yell at me too loud!

Disclaimer:  Me own something??  HA!  I don't even own the clothes on my back!  My parents do until I'm 18 years old I hear…..

Due to my very unpolished writing skills, there will undoubtedly be some OOC moments in this story, and all I can say is I'm sorry!!!  Also, depending on the reviews on this little story, I may or may not continue this story on into Gohan going to Orange Star High School, and the Buu Saga.  In other words, I want reviews people!!  Thank you!  Now then…  Seven years ago in the middle of the desert…

            "Man!!  I thought we'd never get out here in time!  I mean, all the cameras breaking at once?  And in the middle of the most important event in history!"  The newscaster peered out the window of the van into the distance.  "Thank Kami, they are still at it!  Joe, get the camera quick!"

            "Right!"  snapped the cameraman, training it towards the flashing battle in the sky.  "Hey wait!  Where's Hercule?  He said he would kill cell, and the golden guy up there fighting is just a kid!  What the hell is going on around here?"

            "I haven't a clue, but this is the fight of the century!"

Up in the sky, the battle raged, neither side gaining the advantage.  The onlookers watched in awe as they traded blows that would have killed any normal man, but he was just a boy!  Gohan's thoughts raged inside of him, it was his fault!  'All my fault.  Cell should be dead by now, and my father alive.  Why didn't I kill Cell when I had the chance??  WHY??'  The thoughts circled in his head, never ceasing…

"Would you look at him go…." Krillin mumbled.

"Who would have thought, Kakarott's brat fighting with that much power.  Maybe there is saiyan blood in him after all."  Vegeta smirked.  'Unlike that fool Kakarott, this brat may actually make our race proud.  There's hope for him yet.'

Amongst the clouds, the final showdown between good and evil was taking place, the final ki blast showdown that would make, or break, this battle.  This was it, as those at the billions of TVs around the globe watched, words familiar to anyone who have ever met any member of the Son family echoed off the remaining rocks and cliffs…


'What the…'  The newscaster stared…  "My Kami!  Your getting this, right Joe?  For the love of Kami please tell me your getting this!"

"Keep your shirt on Phil, the whole world is watching!  I mean, we got exclusive footage here!  We have GOT to win an award for getting this!"

There was a bright flash as the Kamahamaha wave obliterated Cell from existence.  With almost all his energy spent, Gohan began to fall from the sky, only to be caught by Piccolo as the remaining Z fighters gathered around the still ss2 Gohan.

"Wahoo!!  You did it, you killed Cell!  I knew you could do it little buddy!" Krillin cheered. 

"Re…ally?  Is it…over?"  Gohan gasped for air.

"Yes, it is."  Piccolo answered.  "Don't worry about Goku, he will be back shortly.  Shouldn't take us too long to gather the Dragonballs to make our wishes."

"Ahem, excuse me!"

They were startled by this sudden comment that they all turned around to see what it was, only to find Phil and Joe standing there with camera at the ready, catching every move they made, and every word said.

"I must say I'm impressed!  Not even the mighty Hercule could do what you just did pal!  You save the whole planet from Cell!  CELL!  So tell me!  What's your secret?  How did you get so strong and fast?  What's your name?  Where do you come from??"

"All that concerns you is that he's a Saiyan Warrior, he saved the world, and we are leaving."  spat Vegeta.  And with that, the Z fighters vanished in a flash, leaving the reporter blinking at the empty space where they once stood.

"The… Saiyan Warrior?  Come on Joe!  Lets get back to the station!  And make as many backups of that tape as possible!  We are going to make a heap of money off this tape!  Everyone in the world is going to want a copy!"

"I'm on it Phil!"  And with that, they jumped into the van and sped back towards the Western Capital.  As the van disappeared into the dust and heat of the desert, a bewildered Hercule stumbled out from behind his boulder.

"But… what about me?" he stuttered, before promptly passing out in the sand.

Well??  What did you think??  TELL ME!!  REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!  And flamers remember, this is my first fanfic, so go lightly.  And to everyone else, should I continue this story, or leave it be?  YOU be the judge.  Thank you and goodnight.