Raven (hands a script to Jinx): Drenn made me write up a disclaimer, read here.

Jinx (clears throat): Disclaimer: Drenn does not own DC or Teen Titans. If Drenn did it would be much different; Cyborg would have a function to make toast, Robin would stop having a hero complex, and Jinx would walk around in- Heyyy... wait a minute.

Drenn: Read it.

Jinx: And Jinx would walk around in hot pants.

Drenn: Huh, Raven, I like your my version of TT, care to write for me?

Raven: No.

Chapter 8

Behind her Jinx heard the roar of an engine as someone pulled up next to her.

"Hey kitty girl, 7th Street ain't no place for an up town girl." Jinx turned around to the call (her slightly catish eyes lead to far too many cat jokes and cat calls). Seated atop a -freaking awesome- black and red motorcycle was a certain girl who was wearing a sarashi over loose black pants. Her trench coat, similar to that of the coats that the Japanese yakuza gangs sometimes wore, matched her bike, black with four red eyes being the only pattern on the back. For all the world she looked like she could be a killer Sukeban.

"Hey, Jinx." Raven said. "What are you doing here?" Her voice held an edge to it, almost if she was threatening Jinx, but it also held the unmistakable purr of interest.

"Nothing." Jinx carefully baited the hook, and let her body language just dare Raven to question her further.

"Like I said before, 7th Street ain't no place for an uptown girl. Especial one who's got business here doing 'nothing.'" Raven killed her engine, but remained seated atop her motorcycle, basking in the very air of superiority and confidence.

"One could say the same for you." Jinx shifted her weight from one foot to another her brain automatically changing to a fighting stance at the beginnings of a banter.

Raven only smiled and dragged her eyes up and down Jinx, no doubt noticing the change in her stance and - most likely – the feint outlines of her multiple weapons underneath her clothes.

Jinx withheld a shiver that came from Raven's gaze. This is so weird. Every time I see her it's like she's a different person, at school she's meek but powerful, and follows around the Orange Thing. Then when she's a cop she's daring, strong, and fearless. Yet now, now, she's just... Dangerous. Jinx met Raven's gaze evenly and flashed a signature Jinx smile. "Something about a dyke on a bike?" She motioned toward the motorcycle, as if it wasn't obvious.

Coolly, Raven raised her eyebrows. "I'm not a dyke."

"Of course." Jinx agreed.

"Listen, Jinx. You're out of your territory. Far out of your territory. If something were to happen to you here, no one would ever know." Her words could be taken either as a concerned friend, or a dark threat. Her body told the latter.

Once again Jinx grinned. "I won't suppose that this is your territory, now is it."

"Yes, it is." Now her eyes narrowed, and she moved up in her seat, so that their faces were centimeters apart. "This. is. My territory." She hissed.

If it had been the Raven from the night before, Jinx would have playfully stolen a kiss, just to mess with her head. But it wasn't. This Raven was different, darker, and Jinx was wondering, just whose head was getting messed with. Instead Jinx stayed where she was, not moving forward, but sure as hell not retreating.

"What's. You're business. Here?"

Jinx quenched the urge to swallow nervously, and replied as evenly as she could. "I'm here to see the local Don."

Raven moved back from Jinx, and looked around to see if anyone was watching them. "Look, I don't want you getting hurt. Get on. I'll take you there." Jinx smiled at Raven's obvious concern over her. Smoothly Jinx jumped on behind Raven. The latter, in turn, turned the bike back on and revved the throttle. Jinx wrapped her arms around the shorter girl. "What's this," She asked. "No helmet?"

"Hell, no." And then Raven pulled back into the ever present traffic jam which for some reason is called a street in L.A. Swerving between cars they navigated passed them. This motorcycle rides insanely smooth and quiet. Is it electric? It must be way more expensive than it looks, and it looks pretty pricy.

Raven made one last daredevil high speed turn into a nearby alley and skidded to a halt. "We're here." She grunted. Dismounting from the motorcycle Jinx followed Raven's lead into a backdoor to some place's basement.

The lighting was dim in the stairway; a single light bulb swung uneasily overhead casting a red-ish flickering light. Raven calmly walked down the stairs and didn't even spare a parting glance as she pushed open the door at the bottom of the staircase. In large red graffiti letters was the menacing message, "Welcome to Hell." accompanied by four piercing red eyes, akin to those on Raven's jacket.

Upon entering Jinx instantly felt the cold steel of the back of a knife being pressed against her throat. She made no move to defend herself, she was a guest in this underground hell, she wasn't going to throw her last chance at some good business out the door. "Weapons," Hissed a female voice from behind Jinx.

"Hotaru, she's with me." Raven reprimanded Jinx's captor without turning around.

"No one from the outside sees the Don without surrendering all their weapons." The flat of the back was pushed harder against her skin. There was silence for a moment. "Don's orders." Jinx hesitated, knowing that she needed Raven's approval to surrender her weapons. There was an unspoken power war going on between these two.

"Hotaru, let her go. Jinx, hand over your knives." The blade disappeared from her throat and they stepped away. Taking a step forward Jinx took out her knife that was behind her back, and the one that was at her waist. Holding them out carefully she dropped them to the floor.

"Boot knife, too." Hotaru commanded. Jinx slipped said knife out of her boot. "Alright, she's good now." Raven nodded, and finally turned around and walked back to them.

"Hotaru." Said female walked around Jinx to face Raven, and Jinx finally got a look at her. She was Asian, and looked to be about 19 or 18. She had short spiked hair, that was dyed white, but a good portion of the roots were black. Wearing only a pair of worn out jeans and a black tank top you could see that she had many different blades on her, and was very fit. No guns though, Jinx noticed.

Ruffling Hotaru's short hair, Raven placed a short kiss on her lips.

What? Jinx thought. I guess she's even gayer than I thought. How the hell is she still popular and hanging with the Titans?

"Hey, Firefly, how's life been while I was away?" Raven teased the other woman.

"It was good until you came back." Hotaru teasingly pushed the Dark Titan away. "Anyway, you best not keep him waiting. I'll be here, later."

Raven nodded and motioned for Jinx to follow her down a hallway. After getting a safe distance away Jinx asked, "Who was that?"

Raven grinned. "My girl. What, you jealous?"

Jinx balked at the idea. Looks like messing with her head is going to be a little harder than I thought. "No, just-"

Raven cut her off as they reached what Jinx assumed to be their destination. "We're here. Play nice and he might give you whatever it is you are looking for in this hellhole." Jinx nodded, and followed Raven into the room.

Seated at the head of a long, business meeting style table was a large man. His hair was graying but he commanded a sort of power that demanded respect. He was without any doubt the Don.

"Hey, Dad.," Raven said. "I'm home."

Sorry for the gigantic delay between updates. My grandpa recently passed away, so someone had to take care of the family. That and I just finished my last final yesterday (college during the summer, whose great idea was that?). And I got a non paying job as a writer for the video game Second Life: A Legend is Born, based of the Chinese novel Half Prince.

Oh, and I need to get a girlfriend, and give in to my friend, and just let him hook me up with someone. Expect that has nothing to do with why the update was late.

So, don't follow Raven and Jinx's example again; wear a helmet. Why these two insist on not wearing helmets is beyond me... Oh, and Hotaru is a Japanese name, it means firefly.

Also there's a poll on my profile as to which fic I'm writing gets updated next, so go vote.

Reviews? :3