Disclaimer: Okay! Okay! You Got Me! I *DON'T* own D.B.Z nor any of their wonderful characters! ..even though I wish I do... ^_^''

Author's Note: YoH! Thanks for deciding to read my fanfic! I feel so... Proud! Well... I guess I'll shut up and let you read now! Please do review and if I make ANY same stupid mistake e-mail me... Flame me! I don't care!

On That One Special Night

Chapter 1

Vegetsai, a planet where saiyans lived, a place where a king and queen ruled their solar system. Bulma a young woman of 19 was partially saiyan and her father worked as a head scientist in the royal palace. Her mom was one of the queen's best friend and so she knew a lot of things that happened through out the kingdom. So I guess you could say Bulma lived nice, and through her family she knew the prince of Vegetsai... Vegeta.

Bulma hang out with him a lot so they became quick friends even if they frequently were found bickering at each other. Bulma described him as an arrogant, self-centered, conceited, prince, with a great smile and a great body! In other words, Hot! But she wouldn't say that out loud. Yet, he has his trademark smirk which could make any girl instantly follow his every command and movement. On the other hand...

Vegeta could describe her to be a snobby, loud mouthed, too smart, and stubborn. Although he has caught himself looking into those bright cerulean eyes and flowing blue hair, He wouldn't admit it for the world that she was sexy. And she had that damn sweet voice which made every saiyan soldier drooling and hanging on her every word.

Yet they were the best of friends. It seemed as though nothing could ever come into their friendship. They wouldn't even dare too let them hint to one another of their true feelings...


"Dammit Woman wake up! And let me in!," Vegeta yelled through Bulma's door.

Bulma grumbled and walked half asleep to the door muttering some chosen words and opened it.

"Vegeta... it's way too early. I'm so tired and you just come here like you own this whole damn place!"

"Well.. Techniquely I do own this whole damn place! And I need your help!", Vegeta said quickly trying not hint that he ever needed help.

"Help? What could you possibly need help for when you have all these slaves and soldiers waiting on you hand and foot!?" Bulma replied with a yawn.

Vegeta flinched and paused then finally answered, "Well, There's this damn Royal family coming from Qouyusei and... and... I didn't want there to be alone and I was wondering... if..."

"I would be your "royal" date?", Bulma interrupted.

"No! I wasn't implying that! I was wondering if you would be there to help me if they should ask any scientifical questions I have no idea what they are talking about." Vegeta replied quickly.

"Oh... Well... Damn you Vegeta, ok only if I can get another fucking hour of sleep!" Bulma said tiredly.

"Okay! I'll send a slave over to get you a gown or something! Thanks!" And with that he left Bulma hanging by the empty door way practically asleep.

`Those things I do for him...' Bulma thought and made her way back to bed.


Vegeta walked back to his room after with his little meeting with Bulma. He didn't *really* tell her why he was inviting her. Even if they where just friends, he didn't mind at all having her near to talk to, if the guest where suddenly boring. He finally made his way to his room, and got ready to look his best? (AN: yea I know... it's one day thing to Vegeta is actually trying to look good!)

Eh! Well that's it for Chapter ONE! So if you want more you must review! I need atleast 3-5 reviews to continue. I know this chapter isn't that great, but just be patient with me and it'll get *a lot* better! Sorry So Short but it's all the information I can put for now...


DaRkMiStReSsAnGeL(S) -- Yes the S, aka: Kate