All I Need

Disclaimer: I don't own the Vampire Diaries series or the characters!

Author's Note: I am having a writer's block for my other story, but had an idea for a new fanfiction. This one takes place starting from the end of the finale with a twist. I believe it should've occurred differently. Damon should've gone to Bonnie so he could thank her, and not "Elena." Oh and I tried to use the same lines Damon said to Elena while he's talking to Bonnie, but I don't own those lines!

Songs: It is What It is- Lifehouse; Here We Go-Mat Kearney, Walking Away- Lifehouse

(These songs helped me write this chapter, and I recommend listening to them while reading this chapter! Enjoy!)

Chapter 1- Bloodstream

Bonnie rubbed her neck as she stood in front of her fridge, looking into it for food. Everything seemed unappetizing. She sighed, and pulled out a strawberry yogurt. What a night, she mused while shaking her head. She rolled back her shoulders feeling exhaustion settle in her bones and she turned around, starting to walk towards the stairs to her room. Suddenly, her whole body froze as she felt power surge around her house. On cue, the doorbell rang and she gathered her strength, ready to use her power if need be. Bonnie opened the door and peered out of the crack. She was greeted by icy blue eyes.

"Bonnie, it's me. Damon." He added his name needlessly as if she didn't know who he was. Seeing the door close, he said hurriedly, "Please, just listen to me. I'm not here to hurt you in any way. I just… I want to talk to you. For a minute, please." Bonnie thought for a second. Oh hell, if he wanted to kill me, he could've waited till I stepped out of my house tomorrow. She slowly pulled the door back and stepped out of the house warily. She stood in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest. Damon breathed out slowly and began. "I didn't come here to kill you. Although, I should." Bonnie's nostrils flared angrily. "I saved you," She said, grinding her teeth together in rage. The nerve he has, she thought huffing. "I know that, and that's why I'm here," Damon said quietly. He sighed again and walked around on Bonnie's porch, not knowing how to start. "You know, I came to this town wanting to destroy it. And tonight, I felt like protecting it. How does that happen?" Damon asked wondrously, walking back to where Bonnie stood. He looked at her face for a second before continuing. "I'm not good, Bonnie." "Maybe you are," Bonnie murmured soft enough for him to hear. He smirked bitterly and said, "No, that's reserved for Stefan, and Elena, and you. You have every to be mad at me. Yet, tonight you found a reason to save me. And for that, thank you." He swallowed hard. Bonnie stared into his eyes wondering if he was seriously thanking her. "You're welcome," she breathed tiredly. They stared at each other for a minute letting the silence of the night sink in. Damon bent down to softly kiss her cheek and felt her body stiffen. He felt her relax once she realized he wasn't going to bite her, and slowly kissed her cheek. She stared down at the floor and bit her lip. She realized he was still an inch from her face. She looked up at him, and he scanned her face. Damon bent in towards her lips cautiously waiting for her to say stop. But she never did.

He caught her trembling lower lip in between his and gently sucked on it. He kissed her passionately for the next few minutes and cupped her face to deepen the kiss as he felt her fragile body press against his. Bonnie pulled away, gasping for air and said breathlessly, "Damon, stop." Damon looked her, and felt himself float back down to earth. What happened? I just kissed the witch, he thought dazed. He was soon pulled out of his thoughts as he saw Bonnie push past him hurriedly and whisper, "I have to go." She stepped into her house and shut the door on his face before he could say anything. Bonnie turned around and leaned against the door, struggling to catch her breath. She slumped to the floor and ran a hand through her hair in disbelief at what had happened.

Damon stared at the closed door not believing they had just kissed. He couldn't remember being kissed like that ever since Katherine had left him. He touched his lips and looked at the closed door again. Damon shook his head and began walking down the steps to his car.

Bonnie rubbed her face and sighed tiredly. Her phone started ringing and she hurriedly got up. She looked at the screen of her phone and groaned. Great, it's Elena, she thought, she's probably calling to yell at me for lying to her about the watch. Bonnie held her breath, and picked up the phone. "Hello?" Bonnie said softly into the phone. "Bonnie! My father, Bonnie, his fingers, oh god, his fingers and Jeremy, he's not waking up," Elena cried into the phone hysterically." "Elena calm down, where are you?" Bonnie demanded, feeling her heart race. "My house, I'm at my house," Elena said in between sobs. "I'll be right there," Bonnie said hurriedly and snapped her phone shut. She grabbed her keys, and ran out of the door making sure to lock it behind her. This seems like the night that will never end; she thought before she climbed into her car and sped off into the night.

Bonnie pulled into Elena's driveway and saw she wasn't the only one there. Several police cars had lined up outside of her house and people were walking in and out like it was a market. Bonnie walked into Elena's house hurriedly and scanned the people in it for Elena's face. She heard sobbing in the kitchen. Bonnie ran for it and bumped into someone with a rock hard chest. "I'm so sorry," Bonnie blurted out with a worried look on her face as she looked up at the person she had bumped into. She swallowed hard when she saw Damon's face and muttered under her breath, "Excuse me." She pushed past him for the second time that night and took a look at the kitchen. It was a wreck – blood was splattered over the counters and John lay on the floor lifeless. His body was drained of blood, yet blood was on the counters, Bonnie noted. She scanned his body and her eyes fell on his hand which had no fingers. Well, that explains the blood on the counters, Bonnie thought grimly. She turned towards the sobbing noise and saw Elena crying into Stefan's chest. Bonnie met Stefan's eyes and they both nodded at each other. Elena turned around and saw Bonnie. "Bonnie, I don't know what to do," Elena cried, hugging her tightly. Bonnie rubbed her back soothingly, and whispered, "Elena, you can't stay here right now." Elena wiped the tears away from her face, and whispered, "Jeremy is in the hospital, I have to go see him." "Where's Jenna?" Bonnie asked, rubbing Elena's back. "She's already at the hospital, we were about to go over as there is nothing we can do here," Stefan answered for her. Bonnie nodded and squeezed Elena's hand. "I'll come with you, I'm here for you." Elena looked at her gratefully and said weakly, "Thank you." Stefan led Elena over to Officer Forbes, and Bonnie watched them explain to her where they were going. Bonnie rubbed her temple and turned her head to watch the officers drag John's body out of the kitchen in a black bag. She let her eyes wander and fall upon Damon who was staring at her intently. He blinked his eyes and averted his gaze to the floor. Bonnie felt Elena's touch on her shoulder. She turned and followed Stefan and Elena out of the kitchen knowing that Damon was right behind her. They all settled into Stefan's car, and Elena was asleep in a matter of seconds. The car was silent as it rolled past the streets. "Anyone care to explain to me what happened in there?" Bonnie asked quietly still feeling the tension between the vampires and her. Stefan cleared his throat and started, "I'd like to say thank you, first. For saving us in the basement." "You're welcome," Bonnie murmured, remembering her moment with Damon. "Elena told me that she had walked into her house and checked on Jeremy. She had shaken him, he didn't move and she saw an empty bottle of pills in their bathroom. She ran downstairs to call 911, and she saw John's body on the floor. She confirmed he was her father earlier today." "Jeremy committed suicide and Uncle John is her father," She said hollowly, feeling sick. Damon looked at her with a flicker of concern in his eyes but it was quickly gone. Bonnie pushed her feeling of sickness away and said, "Any idea who might have killed John?" Stefan exchanged glances with Damon and said, "We're thinking it's Isobel but we can't figure out what she wanted with Elena. Her job was done; she got the watch from her." Bonnie stayed quiet as they heard Elena stir. Stefan pulled into the parking lot and they all piled out of the car. Stefan wrapped an arm around Elena and began walking quickly towards the hospital. Bonnie and Damon brought up the rear, both walking side by side consciously.

They entered the emergency room and immediately stopped in their tracks. "What the hell…" Damon muttered in disbelief. The emergency room was like a zoo with doctors bustling around and a bunch of nurses aiding the injured people who were sitting down on the waiting room chairs. Elena walked over to the flustered receptionist and asked, "Excuse me, where can I find Jeremy Gilbert?" The receptionist pointed to a room towards the back. Elena looked at it and ran there as fast as she could. She felt Stefan and the rest behind her. Elena saw Jenna slouched on the chair outside of the room. "Jenna! How is he?" She asked anxiously. "Oh Elena," Jenna said as her eyes filled with tears, "they are in there still. Last I heard they were trying to pump his stomach for all the pills he took. How could he do this to us?" Elena swallowed and hugged Jenna hard as a fresh batch of tears came to her eyes. The doctors walked out of the room tiredly and turned towards them. "We've pumped his stomach, and got as much as we could out but he's not waking up. It seems he has slipped into a coma; there's still quite an amount of pills in his body but it seems too late. He is inside if you want a moment with him, and he's on a life respirator. We will monitor him for the next few days but as of right now, it's up to God." Jenna nodded weakly at the doctor and uttered in a monotonic voice, "Thank you." They stood up and walked into the room. For the next few hours, they stayed in there with Bonnie slipping in to give them cups of coffee. Finally, Elena said, "Jenna, you should go home. The police are still there and I bet they have more questions. I am going to stay here." Jenna looked as if she was going to protest but she gave in as she rubbed her swollen eyes. She nodded and squeezed Elena's shoulder as she walked out of the room. Stefan looked at her and said, "Don't worry; I'll be here for her." Jenna nodded thankfully and walked out of the hospital.

A/N: I'm sorry that there's not too much bamon but there will be in loads in the next few chapters. I just stopped here because I'm not sure which path I want Jeremy to take. Review please (: