Doctor River Song consulted her diary; hurriedly flicking through the worn pages.

"Now now Doctor," she teased sensing him over her shoulder, "Spoilers"

He smiled and wandered a few paces away, no harm in keeping her on her toes.

"I've never taken such an experienced companion with me before," he pondered as he turned his attention absentmindedly to his sonic screwdriver.

"I'm not your companion Doctor," she replied closing the diary casually as she turned to him. She smiled at his confused and hurt expression, "Come along sweetie, we have lots to do. Would you...?" Aiming at the Tardis his snapped his fingers and the wooden blue door swung inwards. Without a backward glance she strode inside, the door closed obediently behind her. The Doctor stared for a moment; he pushed his hair out of his eyes as he stood confused for a second too long. The Tardis engine burst into life forcing him to follow her inside his faithful time machine. He slid his screwdriver carefully into his pocket as he looked for River within the Tardis, the door clicked shut.

"We make a great team you know Doctor," her voice came from the other side of the console.

"We do, don't we," he smiled, "I have to say, finding you in the wrong order is a bit, problematic"

"You don't find me Doctor, I find you," River pulled the final lever on the console and found her seat beside him as the Tardis sailed happily into the depths of space.

"So..." he said finally breaking the silence that had grown between them, "Lot's to do you say?" he made a playful grab for the diary still in her hand.

"... and plenty of time to do it all in," she laughed removing it swiftly from his reach, "If you try to peak again... who knows what might happen," River chuckled at his shocked expression, "At the diary Doctor... oh you're so young yet... so young. I don't know why I've let you wander all this time without me"

"So you've read it all?" he asked.

"Sweetie... I wrote it all"

The Doctor smiled and shook his head, "It's not set in stone, River... time can be rewritten"

"Not our time Doctor. Not ours" They paused and stared at each other, for slightly too long.

"River, I'm a complicated time event, I know time can be rewritten, ANY time. I've seen it happen"

"It's not your way Doctor"

He looked once more into her annoyingly 'all knowing' eyes. Those eyes knew him better than he knew himself. He frowned, "Maybe I'll surprise even you River"

"Everything has to end Doctor, everything dies..." as she continued to talk the Doctor closed his eyes and was instantly back inside the Library listening to those exact words, River's words, her dying words. He wondered if she'd planned to say those words to him.

"Doctor? Are you listening to me? Don't you close your eyes! I know you don't sleep! Doctor!" she bellowed in frustration.

"Hmm?" he asked looking at her with puzzled interest. She eyed him suspiciously before standing; swiftly and deftly she piloted the Tardis with seamless ease.

"Can you...?"

"... Leave the brakes on?" she laughed slightly, "You always ask me that. For you Doctor... anything"

Playing with his bowtie he watched her with pure fascination. This woman; this... complicated time event, who could have predicted her impact? She was as untameable as all of time and space and yet somehow she'd managed to tame the most feared being in all the cosmos. Though it was still the beginning for him he already felt an impossible feeling of safety and freedom with her on board the Tardis. And of course, there was only one reason he would tell anyone his name. He knew he could trust River Song with his life, every dimension of it.