Disclaimer: All Sega characters do not belong to me. Darcy the vampire bat on the other hand does. Please do not take her without my say-so.

This is an undated version of RDI this is not the same chap as before. This is new and improved version.

Hello! If you are looking at this then congratulations! You are looking at my first fan fic! Please enjoy! I hope you like it! It's one I've worked hard on. So sit back grab a snack and enjoy!

Off panel:

Strange happenings I'm Blue -i got my hit by Amy and nearly- died (abu-de-abu-di)

This is Off pane!l The side stories of the RD series. It contains some hot comedy! So be sure to look for them as you enjoy this new version of RD!

Richter was riding his bike on the beach enjoying the sunlight. He then stopped by the near ice cream Shop. He got out his wallet and gout out a 50 dollar bill. "I want some cold ice cream, and I'm talking cold ice cream COLD! Please...six scoops; Chocolate, strawberry, mint, rocky road, birthday cake, and….pistachio!"

The vendor gave Richter an ice cream cone with six different flavors. "Here you go sir. That will be $35.67"

"And here's your spending paper" Richter handed the vendor the fifty dollar bill. "And you may keep your smaller pieces of metal as well."

"Thank you...but this is kind of big isn't it?"

"Eh buy yourself a new game or something."

Richter walked out and started eating the ice cream. "Ah what could be better than…." Suddenly Richter saw a large truck with a large take coming this way. The truck capsized and the large tank flew in the sky. Richter screamed as he was standing there looking at the tank coming right at him. The tank then crashed right in front of him while he was still screaming. His screaming finally died down* Oh...cool!" He finished his ice cream in one gulp, all of a sudden the large tank broke, releasing a large wave of blue pant. "SWEET MAMA GEE!" Richter got swept away by the blue paint.

"Red sneakers!" shouted a nearby vendor "Get your red and blue sneakers here!"

'WHhhaaaaaaa! Richter's feet got snagged in the sneakers the vendor was holding.

"Sonic hats! Get your sonic hats!" said another vendor. 'Can't look like Sonic the hedgehog without a Sonic hat!"

"Ahhhhhhh!" Richter did a dive bomb right into one of the hats on display. The large wave died down. Richter was all blue had red shoes and had quills on his back. "Oh man what a ride. I need to get in the -"

"Found you Sonic!"

"Huh?" Richter was being hugged by Amy from behind. "Oh my darling Sonic! You can never get away from me!" Amy then opened her eyes and saw that Richter wasn't Sonic.

"Hey little lady, i think you might have confused with someone else

Amy's left eye started to twitch. "Dang it! I'm so sick of the sonic impressions! First, it was shadow, then Silver, the the werehog! Now you! Grrrrrrr!" Amy got out her hammer.

"ohhhh that's a nice trick i can do it too you-"

"Imposter! Phony! Fraud!" Amy shouted as she swung her hammer.

"Now-now hold on, why don't I buy you a nice ice cream cone and we can...


Before Richter could finish he was whacked my Amy's hammer. "Mother of Notyalc! WHY!"

Amy was panting as he saw Richter fly. "Who was that weirdo imitating my..." Suddenly Amy saw a blue blur zoom by her. "Oh my! There's my darling sonic!"

As Richter was flying he turned to the readers and smiles. "Well folks in case you don't know. My name's Richter the echidna the author's most loving character. And I can tell you, that this is not the last you will see of me. So long!"

And now our feature presentation

The History of the Cramoisi

Narrator Pov…..


Today, I am going to tell you the story of theCramoisi

Long ago TheCramoisi were a group of beast people often referred to as vampires, which some also say shine in the darkness. They have red-violet eyes, pale skin, and two wings on their backs. They had one objective in their existence; to devour those who have evil in their hearts.

The in this powerful group of vampires there were a king and queen. These two would live up to the name as "Thefangs of Dark Radiance". This name was known by many people as the weapon of mass destruction, because of their destructive power. They lead the Cramoisi to devour the darkness in mortal's hearts.

Out of all the members of the Cramoisi, two of them stood loyal only to the king and queen. These two knights would fight alongside of both light and darkness. During a period of time, they would track down evil sinners and either drain them of their light, or let them drown in the darkness they serve.

It almost seemed that the Cramoisi was unstoppable….or…so they thought…

An organization that wore blue and green robes appeared out of nowhere. They opposed the Cramoisi, and somehow overpowered them. Using mysterious blades, they were able to slaughter many if not all the members of the Cramoisi.

The knights fought bravely, to their last breath, but not even they were able to stop the power of the organization. In a desperate attempt for escape, the knights beseeched their king and queen to leave and never return to their castle. The two of them did so and ran away from their fallen kingdom. The knights knew that keeping them from harm was the only way to keep their hope alive.

To keep from being found, the king and queen sealed themselves far away from each other and so no one, not even the organization can find them.

Centuries pasted, and the memory of the vampires was faded from history. However, the king and Queen to this day remain in an eternal sleep, locked away from the workd

What the people did not know is that a new evil was awakening into the world. Slowly and carefully it hides away from the unsuspecting people of the world. These dark creatures thrive on the dark emotions and thoughts of mortals. The late warriors of the Cramoisi knew very well of this evil, and knew how to defeat it. Being the deceivers of the Evil, they would hunt down evil and depower all kinds of evil.

But without them that evil does what it can, to destroy this world and the people in it.

Radiant Darkness Violet Night-Rise of the Cramoisi

Chapter 1

Prologue: The Fangs of Dark Radiance


In a dark room with a large blue pool glowing in the middle, two cloaked figures stood over it looking down in it.

"So…..it has begun…" said a man in a blue and green cloak.

They were both looking at glowing red eyes that were swarming in the dark pool.

"Indeed….." said another man who had his cloak showing his face.

"He has already been awakening. We can now make out move."

"Not yet…I'm afraid. We cannot do anything until Master Cobalt returns. Only then can we truly make this world anew. But Master Cobalt doesn't trust them. In fact it was the very same person who killed his brother….at least that's what I heard."

"And after being in the twilight cage for so long…he will finally come out"

"Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee! Yes…..finally this world will be in our hands….."

The day the sun sets

At the beautiful sunny coast of Emerald Beach, there came a blue blur running across the coastline. He was a blue hedgehog running while looking at the beach. Though he hated water, he always loved to look at the beach. He was going to his favorite spot at the beach. As he approached the spot he then stopped and looked with anticipation. It was a Chili Dog stand, serving his favorite snack.

"Hello Mr. Sonic! The usual?" asked the vendor.

"Yes please!" said the blue hedgehog

The vendor then made him a chili dog. He was his number one customer so he knew how he liked it.

"Mmmm Mmmm Just the way I like it!" Sonic said as he smelled it.

"There you go!" The vendor gives Sonic a big chili dog with jalapenos and onions.

"Thanks! Here's my money. See ya"

"Same time tomorrow?"

"You know it!" said Sonic as he zoomed of to the edge of the coast. He looked at the beautiful sky as he ate his chili dog.

"Man it sure feels great to be alive" he said as he gazed at the ocean.

"Yes, isn't it wonderful?" said a voice

Sonic turned and saw a man dressed in a red robe with his face covered by red mask.

"Who-Who are you? It's a little early for Halloween don't you think?" Sonic looked at the cloaked man curiously.

The robed man chuckled lightly. "You truly are the hero of blue? Your sarcasm speaks for itself," said the man. "But tell me, do you have what it takes to be a true ally of justice?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"The Radiant Dark is approaching will you have the courage to face it, or leave it to rot away?" He then disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke..

"OK that was weird." Sonic said as he finished his chili dog. "Heh…people these days are crazy as…..Huh?" Sonic stopped talking for a minute, after he felt a strange aura around him. It felt like his head was in a blender. Sonic then came to his senses while looking around. "What was that?"



"They…will…come...for …you…and…..devour…..you" Sonic heard this strange voice echo though his head. "The spawn of sin will soon rear its head" Sonic was holding his head hearing this voice.

When the voice stopped he got back up and looked around. "What was that all about? And who was that man?"



Sonic turned around and saw a pink hedgehog run up to him. Sonic was startled to see her, and tried to come up with a way to run away, but the pink hedgehog was already up in front of him.

"Oh Sonic! I missed you!" said the Hedgehog.

"What now, Amy?" said Sonic a little annoyed.

"I was just wondering if you would like to go on a double date with Shadow and Rouge."

"Uhhh….." Sonic looks down while kicking his feet. "That sounds great and all but I promised Big that I would go fishing with him."

Amy gasped and stomped her foot. "Since when do you fish?" asked Amy with an angry tone.

"Well uhhhhh…." Sonic was looking down twiddling with his shoes.

"Well…" Amy crossed her arms while tapping her foot. "I'm waiting!"

"I gotta go!"

"No wait!" Amy reached her hand out to Sonic, but Sonic ran off in a blue streak, leaving Amy in the dust.

"Sigh…Why do I even try? He doesn't love me. Every time it's one excuse after another. Why?"

As Amy was thinking about this she started to cry a little. "Why Sonic? Why won't you just accept my feelings?"

She ran away leaving a trail of tears in the air.

World of Black and White

In the heart of central city, there was a bat that was waiting outside a big building for a certain someone. Her name was Rouge. Rouge had on a black suit with a heart on the chest; she also had on white boots with hearts on them too. She was on the wall of the building waiting for that hedgehog to come out.

Soon, a Black hedgehog came out of the building. His name was Shadow. Shadow looked and saw Rouge look at him with a smile. She had been waiting on him to come out so that they can spend the day together.

"Oh finally, I thought you'd never get out of there. You're such a workaholic." said Rouge

"Humph whatever" said Shadow.

Rouge and Shadow have been going out for some time, after they spent the last few years defeating evil and saving the world. Shadow joined GUN so that he can be with Rouge, and fufil his promise to his late friend, Maria. One day Rouge told him that she would be with him even if the entire world rejected him. Because of his hard work, Shadow has been known as the best agent in the entire unit. Rouge however has decided to take a break from GUN for a well-deserved vacation. She had been trying to spend time with Shadow but for some reason Shadow had been more focused on work than anything else. This made Rouge upset, and made her the one person that he loved did not want to spend time with her. Every time she would hear that communicator on his wrist he would go on some mission and make Rouge wait for him and when he came back he would be too tired to do anything with her. So she hoped today will be the day he and she can finally have the day to themselves.

"So you ready to have some fun?" she asked.

Shadow then smiled a bit. "Yeah let's-"


Shadow's communicator started to beep.

"Ugh! Now?" shadow said as he pressed the button

"Agent Shadow, there has been strange activity going on in the city. We need you to head to Westpolis and investigate" said The Commander over the Com-link.

"Alright fine!" Shadow said as he turned it off. He sighed looking the other way.

"Come on Shadow! Forget about that and come with me!" said Rouge, pulling his arm

"Rouge I have to do this" He said calmly

"So, your mission's are more important than me?"

"You know that's not true!"

"I'll bet Maria didn't have to put up with your constant neglect!"

Rouge felt a little surprise at what she had said then she looked at Shadow's deadly stare.

"Shadow I-"

Shadow pulls his arm way from rogue "This conversation is over!" Shadow vanished using chaos control leaving Rouge alone.

Rouge then looked down and sighed. She felt guilty with what she had said. She thinks that now he will never talk to her again.

"Oh Shadow…guess I pushed it a little too hard. Maybe Amy had better luck than me…"

Darkness Rising

Deep within the heart of an ancient forest an Eggmobile was sitting next to the stony mausoleum, in the cold dark rain. He stood there in main room of ruins brushing his big, red mustache with his fingers, impatiently waiting for his robot minions to finish digging up the special item.

"Hurry up you idiots! I don't have all day! Soon I will have the ultimate weapon to destroy that little blue pest one and for all!"

"Doctor we hit something ", said one eggbot inside the hole. The robots uncovered a large black stone box with strange symbols on it.

"Excellent bring it up!" He said as he cackled in his minor achievement.

The robots wrapped the box in a metal strap, and they lift it using a large crane. Eggman saw the box slowly lifting out of the hole and up to the surface.

The Doctor laughed maniacally as he gazed upon the box like a child in a candy store. "Yes..yes..YES! The lost archive in Nestor the Wises' article was right all along! An ancient weapon that sleeps in these lost ruins used to destroy the great kings of old; the fangs of dark radiance!"

"We are ready to open it up, sir" said two robots with crowbars.

"Well, don't stand there like idiots! Open it up" said zealous doctor ready to see what was inside.

The bots dug the bars in the large crack in the box. They slowly pried it open. Just as they finally cracked it open, an ominous wind blew out of nowhere. The doctor shielded his eyes for one second. When he opened them he gasped as he saw the two egg pawns in pieces, and the box opened up.

Then he saw a dark silhouette rise from the coffin it resembles a beautiful purple bat with giant black wings, a black Dress a little ripped up from age, and pearly white fangs growing out of her mouth. She then stretched her arms and let out a little yawn.

"Uhhh…ahhhhh…" She smiled and sighs while closing her eyes. "That was such a pleasant sleep" She spoke in a grown young woman's. She then looked around the ruins and then looked at Eggman with her Red-violet eyes blooming like red diamonds.. "Hello, can you please tell me how long has it been since the great Chaos disaster?" asked the Bat

Eggman looked at the bat with question. He never guessed that the fangs of Dark Radiance was a living being, and one who has been living for so long. He marveled at her appearance as she glittered in the moonlight.

Despite of his surprise he smiled and answered the bat. "Why it's been about over 4000 years since that time."

"Mmmm…let see…." The bat started counting with her fingers while murmuring under her breath. Eggman tilts his head in confusion at the bats actions. "I've been asleep for about…. 3000 years. My word! I would think someone would have woken me up sooner." she said to herself. She looked away at the doctor and looks down. "Then there is no time to waste" She slowly got up and stretched her arms and legs and looked at Eggman. "Tell me human; are you the one who awakened me?"

"Why yes!" Eggman said with glee. "And let me be the first to congratulate you."

"Congratulate me? For what?" the bat tilted her head

"You are now a member of the Eggman Empire and follow my every command. With you at my side I will finally rid myself of that pesky blue rodent forever and rule this planet!"

As Eggman laughed Darcy turned her back from him and started walking out. "I don't think so, mortal."

"What? I released you. You should follow my every command!"

"True you woke me. However, I do not have to obey you. Furthermore, I do not have any intentions of taking over this world."

"Heh Heh Heh! I have ways of making you corporate!" said Eggman grinning

"Make me? Surly you jest!" The bat was looking at her long black claws moving them.

"If I am to make Eggmanland I will do by any means necessary. Don't think I will go easy on you just because you are over 3000 years old!

The bat looked at Eggman with a cold stare. "I shall warn you one last time; trying idle threats on me will get you destroyed"

"You're as old as this building itself! Do you think someone like you can match my mechanical genius? Robots, seize her!"

The robot's surrounded the coffin and got their weapons ready. The bat looked around and smiled. "Mmmm-mmmmm-mmmm-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! How amusing!"

"What's so funny?" Said Eggman with a quirked eyebrow

"You foolish mortal. You have no idea who you're talking to! "She said with a smile

She inhaled sharply and pushed out her hands. She unleashed a mighty black wave that destroyed all the robots and machines in one blow, including the Eggmoble that was sitting outside. She then opens her eyes and looks at Eggman who was quivering in fear. "Now….what did you say about you destroying me so easily?"

Eggman was now scared and back away as she slowly steps over to him while giggling.

"Who-who are you!" said Eggman quivering in fear.

She looks at the doctor with a cold and ravenous gaze. "One who will drag evil where it belongs, by bringing forth the ancient dark light! Hear my name mortal, for it shall be the last one you will ever hear. I am Darcy, Queen of the Dark dwellers!

Eggman tried to run but to avail. Darcy burst into a flock a bats that fly over to exit blocking Eggman from escaping. The bats then start to reform into Darcy.

"When Evil seeps out of the Shadows of light"Her body was just about done transforming "It cowers at the sight of Crimson's Gleam"She opened her eyes that were now glowing. "And Will be devoured by the Radiant Dark"

"W-what are you doing" Eggman said with fear.

"Those with evil in their hearts shall be cower at the wraith of the fangs!"

In an instant, Eggman felt was the cold sharp pain in his shoulder as she drained the doctor dry.

"GAHHHH!" Eggman shouted as he could feel the blood in his body getting suck out of him. He looked at his hand and removed the glove. He could see that his hand was drying up as was his face and his entire body was wrinkling and turning gray. His screaming turned into a wheeze, followed by a cough, and more wheezing. He felt his body completely dying up. He felt his life slowly slipping away.

After Darcy couldn't get another drop of blood from his now lifeless body, she jumped off him. His body was completely gray and dry. It then crumbled into a pile of ashes mixed with his clothes. As she looked at the remains, she licked her lips.

"*sigh* that was most satisfying." She sighs while looking down at the remains. "I should thank you. I needed some food before I went out. I didn't want to kill you but frankly you were a pest. Oh well."

She walks out of the ruins after the rain stopped. She then closed her eyes in thought. She could see different auras in the air surrounding the area.

"So many hearts, evil and Pure. How long have I been asleep I need to gather my people so that I can find him. They told me he was dead but I can feel him. He is still alive. I know it!" And with that she flew out in to the night time sky.

It is time for the Cramoisi to rise again!

Next Time: A cry for help The First Member