Too Young To Play With Us

Rin POV:

Finally! It was my first day at Higurashi High. Except I wasn't actually in high school yet. You see, in Higurashi High, they combine 6th through 12th grade into the same school. I however, wasn't just starting out junior high, I was an 8th grader but with my mother's job we hadn't moved to Tokyo until the beginning this summer.

I'd never been in a real school though, always homeschooling. For this reason, I'd been looking forward to the school year starting for the past three months. I hopped out of bed and ran to my closet. I quickly grabbed for the clothes I'd planned out last night.

My outfit consisted of a lose blue basketball style top that hung lightly over my right shoulder with the number 89 on the front along with white short shorts that hardly kept up with the school dress code, I would be surprised though if they were to call me out on it, no one cared enough to check on it. As for shoes I went with a simple sandal to show off my pink nail polish.

I gave myself a quick look in the mirror before grabbing for a hairbrush. My hair was a frizzy mess, after brushing it perhaps it was decent. Even so, I had no idea why my old friends from America obsessed over it as if it were a work of art. Maybe it was merely because I had self-esteem issues that I thought this way, better it be to low than to high, I assumed.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast. It would have taken me longer to get ready had my mother allowed me to wear make-up like most girls my age. She said I still had child-like beauty and I wouldn't need make-up unless my natural beauty faded. The only part of that statement I agreed with was the child-like part. I'll admit, if I tried I could easily pass for an 11 year old, if not perhaps 13 or 14 at most, I hated that about me.

Mom had prepared a large stack of pancakes for me. I gave her a thankful smile. Were 4 pancakes too many for someone my age? Perhaps. Either way, I needed to grow. I was sick of being 4' 11" and only 35 kilograms! Five feet here I come! I pulled out the dining room chair and began with my feast. Mom was a fantastic cook, Dad always secretly told me I was better though. My cooking was one of the few things I could be proud of…back when Dad was still alive.

I finished my food quickly without much conversation with Mom. All she told me was to have a good first day at school and I didn't reply. She and I didn't communicate much since Dad's death. Half the time it was like living by myself. I ran upstairs to brush my teeth and went back to my room. I grabbed my purple backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I went back down and gave Mom a peck on the cheek before starting out on the 10 minute walk to school.

As I walked I kept myself smiling with thoughts of how great the new school year would be. I hoped to make a bunch of friends almost immediately. I squeezed my eyes shut at the excitement of the thought. I looked across the street to see a couple of girls laughing, not at me, I assumed. I realized, however, that I assumed wrong when one of the girls began pointing as she laughed. I questioned to myself what was wrong with how I looked when I realized that the girl's laughs weren't taunting laughs, but rather flirty giggles.

Oh right. I forgot, they did that here. Better not to get involved, I would probably only embarrass myself with my first slight attempt at flirting. I looked down at the floor as I got closer to the school. I reminded myself that I had to show confidence in order to be in a place like this. I picked my head back up to see what had to be the object of what the girls had been talking about. He was surely a senior, much too old for me, I supposed.

That didn't change the fact that he was gorgeous. He had shiny silver hair, not the type that would age a person, all it did was make him look better. I hid my head behind a girl in front of me as I got a better look. His face didn't disappoint either, he was beautiful. His body, most likely, left little to be desired as well. His girlfriend surely knew that she was one of the luckiest girls alive, whoever she was. I wasn't envious, but perhaps longing for someone who looked like that to be my age.

As the girl in front of me moved I turned my gaze away from the boy feeling my cheeks getting warmer. I heard the boy laugh, I hoped not about me. I realized that my hopes weren't in vain when I heard one of his friends say something about one of his old girlfriends being a whore. Was that a word that was thrown around often in high school?

I took my cell phone out of my pocket realizing that I only had 3 minutes until my first class. I ran in front of the beautiful boy trying to keep a steady pace as not to trip, knowing that would be a good possibility considering my terrible balance. As soon as I walked into the main hall way a young boy about my age approached me.

"Hi! I'm Kohaku." He said putting his hand out, expecting a handshake.

I gave him what he wanted along with a small smile before introducing myself. "I'm Rin."

He seemed to not understand, however, the idea of letting go of a person's hand when you're done greeting them. I helped him by pulling away myself trying to be suttle as not to offend him. He was the first friend I'd made here.

"What grade are you in?" He asked casually.

"Eighth. What about you?" I asked.

"Same. Well Rin, want me to walk you to the school auditorium? That's where we get the new information about the school year." He inquired.

I smiled widely. "Sure, if it's not too much trouble." I replied, knowing fully well that I had no idea where the school's auditorium was.

He took my hand in his, I supposed this was his way of being forward. I blushed and turned away. When I turned I saw that boy again. This time he actually seemed to be noticing me. That couldn't mean anything though. I was to average to be payed much attention to by him. However, considering this, it was taking him quite a long time to turn away. 'All well, no reason to look into it.' I told myself.

Sesshomaru POV:

As we made our way to the school's front entrance we reminisced about all of the terrible girlfriends we'd all had in our past years at Higurashi High. Inuyasha brought up Kikyo from his freshman year and how much of a mistake she'd been. Miroku laughed and commented on how much of a whore she was then and still is. I laughed with them.

If I dare assume what you may or may not be thinking, you're correct. I'm known as the school player. Even knowing this, far too many of the girls fall into my traps. Some of them, however, deserve it. Such as Yuka or Kagura. I had dated them when we were all naïve, even then I knew it was stupid. The only reason I even attempted going out with Kagura was because I'd heard from all of her previous boyfriends that it was easy to get into her pants.

They were right. It wasn't worth it though. I'd decided by my sophomore year that I wouldn't go for easy girls anymore. I joked with the guys about perhaps beginning dating younger girls knowing they were more innocent. That's why innocence is now one of my main preferences in girls. It was a mere joke back then, now it was more of a prank.

You see, every time a new girl would come in the junior high section of the school, the guys would bet me that within a certain time period that I could or couldn't get the girl to fall in love with me. Even though I had never lost before, I was far to charming for that, the guys continued to make the bets. I didn't mind, merely more money in my pocket, and as far as it went for them, I supposed it was just for entertainment purposes.

As soon as I could manage to get the girl to admit she loved me, I called off the relationship. Cluel? Perhaps. Fun? Hell yeah! The girls of course had to be beautiful. Even if I was going into lolicon didn't mean I was going to lower my standards. That was the beauty of a new school year: New meat.

As I looked ahead with a grin still on my face from what the guys had been talking about, I saw a young girl walking in front of me. She must be new. She looked beautiful, even from the back. I would have gotten a better view had she not been walking so fast.

"Sesshomaru? Hey!" Inuyasha said, snapping a finger in my face.

I blinked and looked to see his face inches from mine.

"Hey. Uhhh…To close?" I asked. Even if he was my brother I didn't feel the need for this much closure.

He laughed. "Sorry, Dude. I just didn't want you to miss the new meat." He said pointing ahead to the girl I'd been looking at.

I laughed back. "Of course I didn't miss it. What you think I was looking at? How old do you think she is?"

"Around 11. At most she's a 7th grader." He told me. I agreed with a nod.

"What grade are you in?" I heard a boy around the corner ask.

I peeked my head around to see Kohaku, the annoying 8th grade boy I'd known ever since he'd been trying to follow in my footsteps, I saw him talking to the new girl.

"Eighth. What about you?" She asked politely with an innocent voice. Innocence? A turn on.

"Same. Well Rin, want me to walk you to the school auditorium? That's where we get the new information about the school year." He asked her.

So, her name was Rin? I felt a stinge of jealousy knowing that he'd found out her name before me. And he'd gotten the chance to ask her personally. I'd never actually felt jealousy over a younger girl. It had never been real. It still wasn't real. It was probably just an emotion that I couldn't identify yet.

I walked by her, attempting to get a better look at her face. She looked even better from the front. She was more gorgeous than any of the other girls I'd tried anything with. She didn't even wear make-up, she was naturally beautiful. She was probably conceited though, I couldn't imagine anyone looking like that and not being extremely self-centered. She didn't seem it though. Her entire self gave off "innocent little girl who just wants to make new friends."

I couldn't stop staring. Miroku had to pull me away. When I finally did look away I felt the need to turn back. I looked at the hallway clock only to find that we had 2 minutes left until the meeting in the auditorium. Not enough time to say what I wanted. I would wait.

"You alright?" Miroku asked, looking honestly worried.

I looked at him with my most convincing expression. "Duh. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

He laughed. "I don't know. Just the way you were looking at her." He explained.

"I was looking at her like I would any girl I'm interested in playing with. What do you guys think? How much would you bet on her?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Huh? Well since she's hotter than any of the other girls you've tried this on I'm willing to double it." Inuyasha told me. Miroku nodded in approval.

I laughed. "You guys underestimate me. No matter who this chick is I can get her in a month!" I said with a cocky grin as I placed my hands in my pockets.

Miroku laughed. "You're only giving yourself a month! No way!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? So I suppose you wouldn't mind tripling it?"

Before Miroku could reply, Naraku stepped in.

"I want in. And yeah, I'll triple it." He told me.

I scowled. "It doesn't concern you, Naraku."

"Neither did the feelings of my little sister Kanna for you, yet you did the same thing to her when she was new here." He replied bitterly.

Naraku had hated us ever since I'd messed with his little sister 2 years ago. She still wasn't over it and Naraku insisted on letting me know that he wasn't going to take it lightly.

"…Fine Naraku. You can have in. Under one condition: No sabotaging." I told him.

"Fair enough." He complied. "I'm interested to see how this plays out." He said as he took his leave.

Inuyasha snarled. Miroku glared. I smirked.

"Piece of cake." I said as I began making my way to the auditorium with Inuyasha and Miroku following me.

"I wouldn't be so sure of myself if I were you, Sesshomaru. Perhaps this girl's different." Miroku tried to convince me.

I laughed. "All young girls are the same: Naïve, trusting, and simple minded. With the combination of all of those things it's easy for me to get almost any girl to love me."

Inuyasha POV:

I stopped for a minute before Sesshomaru was far ahead enough to not hear my next statement.

"Dear Brother of mine, I have a feeling this girl's going to be difficult for you. I would warn you…but I think it's going to be too much fun for me. And who knows? Perhaps you could learn a lesson in this game of yours." I said with a smug smile.

Rin POV:

As soon as we got to the auditorium I did my best to get away from Kohaku. I realized almost immediately that he was far too clingy for anyone's good. I walked around for a few moments before I came across a girl who looked about my age. She had interesting white hair and looked friendly enough. She was with an older boy who looked quite protective. Most likely he was an older brother.

I walked beside her and introduced myself. She greeted me right away and introduced herself as Kanna and her older brother as Naraku. I didn't like the way Naraku kept looking at me but I was sure that me and Kanna could become pretty good friends. It turned out she was an 8th grader like me so she'd be in most of my classes.

Only a couple minutes into the conversation, I saw that boy again. He smiled at me this time. At least I thought it was for me. Perhaps not. I became more sure of myself though when he began coming to stand by me.

He put a hand out for me to shake. "Hey. I'm Sesshomaru. I suppose you must be Rin." He asked.

Him knowing my name threw me off. I didn't even think he'd given me half a thought until now.

"Ummm…yes. H…how'd you know?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

He grinned as if he thought my stuttering was…cute. Impossible. "I'm pretty sure I heard someone say your name earlier." He explained.

I smiled shyly, getting slightly more comfortable with the thought of talking to him.

"You're a senior, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. What grade are you in?" He asked. I got the impression that he already knew but I was sure that was wrong.

"Eighth. I just started public school this year." I said picking my head up slightly. I looked back at Kanna and she seemed…worried. For me?

I saw a couple of Sesshomaru's friends standing behind him, one looking very similar but not nearly as beautiful. That must have been brother. I heard the similar looking one mumble something to the other one, I assumed it was about me, making me feel slightly insecure.

I looked down, blood filling my cheeks before my face was gently pulled back up by his hand.

"Why do you look away? There's no reason to hide your face from anyone. Pretty girls shouldn't hide" He told me with a small smile.

I tightly closed my eyes out of embarrassment. I had never been told anything like that by anyone but Dad and even he didn't make it sound nearly that good.

"So cute…" I heard Sesshomaru's dark haired friend mutter to the other who nodded in agreement.

They couldn't be talking about me, right? Was anyone else seeing the same thing as me? I was such an average girl! I shouldn't even get to talk to someone as angelic looking as Sesshomaru.

All I could do in response was smile and say the first thing that came to mind. "You're prettier."

Everyone around me laughed. Was that a stupid thing to say? I looked down, my cheeks were on fire.

"No! Ummm…I meant something else!" I said, squeezing my eyes shut and turning away from the group.

Sesshomaru attempted to stop laughing for my sake but I could still hear the smile in his voice when he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Silly girl. You shouldn't be embarrassed. I just couldn't help myself from laughing." He said, the laughter coming out again.

I looked up. "Uhh…I think the announcements are about to start." I said, attempting to avoid further embarrassment.

"Really? Than Inuyasha, get Rin's schedule and get it to her before her first class. I wanna talk to you for a little while longer, Rin." He told me with a kind smile, putting a hand out giving me an option whether or not to take it.

Going against everything Mom had told me about not going off with a boy by myself, I took his hand and followed him with a smile. I had a good feeling about him, then again, Mom had always said that my instincts were as useful as a pen without ink. I ignored what Mom had said and decided today was a day to have fun.

Miroku winked at inuyasha as we walked away. Did that mean something?

Sesshomaru finally got me near the auditorium doors. I saw Kohaku there. Before I had time to turn away, he ran up to me wearing a huge grin.

"Rin! I found you." He seemed cheery until he looked up at saw the shadow staring him down. "Ummm…You and Sesshomaru started talking?" He asked.

I nodded, feeling heat radiating off of Sesshomaru, it must have been my imagination.

"That's probably not a good idea. He's not very good." He began.

"Shut up, kid! You speak as if I'm not here. Even if I wasn't, it's not like you have the right to talk. You're not much better." Sesshomaru interrupted. Perhaps it wasn't my imagination. Sesshomaru seemed pretty mad.

"…Well, I'm her age, for one." Kohaku mumbled.

I saw Sesshomaru's arm twitch, I could see how badly he wanted to flick Kohaku across the room. Why? All Kohaku had done was try to be my friend, right?

"Ummm…Let's go in the hallway to talk." I said, attempting to pull Sesshomaru away. Thankfully, he complied. Had he not been willing to leave, there would have been no way for me to get him away from Kohaku.

"Sure." Kohaku said, beginning to follow me. He looked up at Sesshomaru giving him a demonic glare before he realized what I meant.

"Oh. You were talking about him." He understood, sounding surprised.

"Duh, stupid." Sesshomaru smirked.

I turned back to lip the word "sorry" to Kohaku. He seemed to have already turned away. I looked down in shame of having hurt Kohaku's feelings.

Sesshomaru looked down at me and let out an annoyed breath.

"Why don't you like Kohaku?" I asked, curiosity making me itch.

"He doesn't know his boundaries." He explained without hesitation. "Age doesn't mean anything to me. Even if it did it still wouldn't be any of his business of whether you should know if I'm a good guy or not."

I smiled up at him. "But I think you're a good guy."

He chuckled. "You, obviously, are a very bad judge of character." He admitted.

My face fell. "Does that mean I shouldn't hang out with you?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to know the answer to that.

He laughed. "It depends. I'm gonna be honest, if you wanna be a good girl than you probably shouldn't but I'm not the kind of guy that's gonna purposely get you into trouble." He explained.

So he was giving me an option? I thought about it for less than a second before looking him in the eye. "I don't think I wanna be a good girl." I said with a smile.

He smiled. "Good. I don't want you to be either."

"Why not?" I inquired.

He smiled down at me. It wasn't until just now that I'd realized how tall he was. He must be at least 6' 2". With me being only 4' 11"? What a terrible match.

"I haven't even begun to get to know you. For instants: What's your favorite food?" He asked me.

I looked at him with squinty eyes. That was his first question? Well, I guess you have to start somewhere.

"Candy." I told him with a smile.

He chuckled. "Just candy? That's not even a real food. What about your health?"

"What's the point of eating if you're not going to enjoy what you eat?" I asked with a smile.

"Nutrition." He answered simply.

I giggled. "Yup, but if you're going to do something that you need to do anyways, like eat, than you might as well make what you're eating something you like. That way you can think of it as fun instead of a chore, you know?" I explained.

Sesshomaru POV:

The way she said that put things in perspective for me. Perhaps if I made life funner with childish idea like hers, I wouldn't feel the need to get involved in games like this, where people get hurt. Even so, I was sure the way I was making life fun was better than hers.

After a few seconds with no reply from me, having been to deep in thought, Rin decided to move on.

"Next question?" She asked.

"What do your parents do?" I asked, smiling down at her in an attempt to make her as comfortable as possible.

"She works for military intelligence. That's all she can tell me, anything else would be illegal." She explained.

"And your father?" I asked, confused as to why she hadn't mentioned him along with her mother.

She looked down. "He's dead."

I immediately regretted having asked. I attempted an apology, not sure what it would be worth by now, but it still seemed like the proper thing to do.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that…" I began.

She smiled up at me, widely. Almost to widely. It concerned me, perhaps she was trying to hide her pain behind a fake grin.

"It's fine. It's not your fault, it was a long time ago anyways." She told me. I wondered who she was trying to convince when she said that it was fine. Me or herself?

"I see. What kind of music do you listen to?" I asked, trying my best to stay away from the subject of family as much as possible.

"I like J-pop. Pretty much every kind of music as long as it's fun to dance to." She said with a smile.

"You like to dance?" I asked.

"Sure do!" She told me enthusiastically. "I've been in freestyle dance since I was five."

"Interesting. Do you do any other sports?" I asked, realizing that we'd just stepped out of the school hallway and into its parking lot.

"Yup. I like volleyball, soccer, swimming, tennis, track, gymnastics, and softball." She said with a smile. My god! This girl was a ball of energy.

I chuckled. "Where do you get time to do all that?"

She giggled. "Well they're year round so I'm normally in about 2 or 3 sports at a time. Unfortunately, at this school you can only be in one sport. What about you?"

"What about me?" I asked.

"Are you in any sports?" She asked.

I laughed, allowing my ego to take hold for a second. I controlled it, remembering who I was talking to. 'Innocent little girls don't like conceited jerks.' I told myself.

"Well you haven't been going to this school long enough to know, but I'm actually captain of the football team. I play basketball in the off season though." I told her. Nope, that still sounded pretty cocky.

She beamed. "Sounds fun. I wanna see one of your games."

I smiled. I was happy with the way she didn't complain about my bragging like any normal girl would. I'm a guy, it's what we do.

"Sure. I'll get you a ticket. So what school did you go to before now?" I asked.

"None." She told me. "I was homeschooled."

The idea amused me. "So until now you've never been around people your ag?" I asked.

She laughed. "Well I wouldn't actually consider you my age."

I laughed with her. True. Too bad for her I didn't care. A bet's a bet.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. So how did you meet people?" I asked.

She laughed. "That was the easy part. They all came to me. All of my friends from America were guys. I have no idea why though." She said innocently.

I was shocked. She really didn't know how cute she was? How easy it would be for her to get a guy in the snap of a finger? Did she really think that all of her guy friends from America just wanted to be her friends? 'The naivety of a child' I thought, chuckling to myself.

"What's so funny?" She asked, confused.

"Nothing." I told her. "The assembly is probably gonna be over in a couple minutes. If you don't wanna be late for your first class than we'd better go."

She smiled. "Okay." She told me in a musical voice.

It wasn't until we turned around that I realized we were still holding hands. I smiled to myself before leading her back the way we came.

Rin POV:

I looked up at Sesshomaru for a moment as he led me back. He was smiling. I took me a moment of curiosity to realize that I was smiling as well. I supposed talking to him just made me happy. How weird.

When we got back, Sesshomaru's brother, Inuyasha handed me my papers. It was difficult to sort through them when everyone was trying to get to the exit.

"Here's your class schedule, school map, lunch menu, and extra curricular activities." Inuyasha told me with a friendly smile. I smiled back. Inuyasha seemed almost as nice as Sesshomaru.

"And here's your gym uniform." Miroku said with a perverted grin. He handed me a pair of skimpy looking shorts along with a white tank top. I smiled my thanks.

"You're going to love that, aren't you Miroku?" Asked Inuyasha sarcastically.

"Very much so. Too bad the boys and girls are separated for P.E. Such a shame." He said as his face fell.

I laughed as an annoyed looking girl with a lose ponytail hit him on the back of the head. "Stupid pervert." She complained.

The warning bell rang as I looked up at my new friends.

"I guess we need to go." Sesshomaru said, separating as the rest of them followed suit.

Before long I was left alone. I began the walk to my first class keeping my eyes glued to the map. A group of boys looking about fourteen or fifteen came up to me.

"Hi. Are you new here?" Asked a boy with red hair. I nodded with a smile.

"I'm Haku. This is Shippo and Hakudoshi." He told me, referring to the two friends standing next to him.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Rin." I replied.

"Well Rin, it looks like you're heading our direction. Want us to walk you to class?" Asked Haku.

I looked down at the map in my hands. I'd hardly left the auditorium and I was already confused by it.

"Yes please." I said with a thankful smile.

I followed Haku as he led me through several different hallways. He attempted to make small talk. Most of what he said bored me but I tried to look interested.

As we arrived at a classroom door labeled 214: 8th grade Math.

"Thanks guys, for walking me." I told them with a smile.

"Don't mention it." They all said in unison. I waved goodbye as they began walking away. I couldn't help but notice that they were now heading in the same direction we'd come from. They couldn't have gone out of their way to walk me to class, right? What would be the point?

I decided not to dwell on the thought as I walked into my class. A nice looking man sitting at the teacher's desk gave me a friendly smile. His name plate read "Mr. Hagami".

I smiled back at him before looking around the room. I was confused as to how the seating would work. Was it first come, first serve or were the seats assigned.

I saw Kanna walk in behind me. I smiled before following her. She looked upset.

I sat in the seat next to her and set my bag down.

"Kanna? What's wrong?" I asked.

"You are!" She said, turning toward me abruptly.

I was confused. I had made her mad? How? "What did I do?" I asked.

She sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried for you and mad at Sesshomaru, I guess I'm pinning my anger on the wrong person." She smiled, I smiled back, relieve that she wasn't angry at me.

"Why are you mad at Sesshomaru?" I asked, confused.

She groaned. "Because, he's trying to trick you. He did the exact same thing to me when I was new here two years ago." She half explained. I still didn't get it.

"Come again?" I asked.

"Look. Him and his friends all have a bet when a new cute girl in the juniour high section of the school, meaning you, comes to the school. Sesshomaru's gonna try to make you fall in love with him." She said, holding me by my shoulders.

I looked at her, confusion obviously still written all over my face. "What's so bad about making me fall in love with him? I've never been in love before. Sounds fun." I said, looking up with a far away expression as I clasped my hands.

"No! Don't think like that! Fall in love and experience new emotions with some other guy!" She told me, now shaking my shoulders violently.

"Why?" I asked.

She sighed. "Because I don't want you to fall into the same trap I did. As soon as he gets a girl to admit they're in love with him he breaks up with her and moves onto the next poor innocent girl." She explained.

I finally understood, however, I didn't believe it. I'm not saying I think Kannas lying, she only wants to watch out for me. But I think what happened to her might have just been misfortune.

I removed her hands from my shoulders and looked into her eyes reassuringly. "Look Kanna, I know you're just trying to help me, but I need to live and make my own mistakes. If what you said about Sesshomaru is true than I'll find out and deal with the consequences myself, but right now I just wanna have some fun. Can you understand that?" I pleaded.

She nodded. "Fine. Let me know when you're done having your fun, then maybe we can be friends again. Until then I'll just wait for you to come to your senses." She said, turning away.

I sighed. Kanna was my first ever girl friend, all my friends in the past had been boys. Now I didn't even have her. I turned away from her to the seat next to me with a boy scribbling something on a piece of paper. He looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Hi, I'm Sota." He greeted, putting out a hand.

"I'm Rin." I replied, shaking his hand. Great. Another guy friend.

Me and Sota talked quietly before class started. He actually turned out to be pretty cool. He reminded me of my friends from America.

As the second bell rang Mr. Hagami stepped to the front of the room.

"Hello class. I'm Mr. Hagami. Most of you know me from 7th grade Math. I'm going to be your math teacher this year…again." He introduced. Some of the students in the front of the classroom laughed.

Mr. Hagami did a quick scan over the students as we each stood up and said our names. As soon as we finished that we dove into the first lesson of the year. He had a way of making Math fun. I was lucky to be in his class.

The period went by quickly. I glanced over to Kanna occasionally to see her staring intently, or at least pretending to stare intently, at the board. I assumed she was faking it, however, considering nothing was written on it.

The bell rang and I heard all the backpacks in the room zip up. I followed suit and got up to see that Kanna had already left. It was going to take a while to get things sorted out with her.

I turned back to Sota only to find him looking back at me. "Wanna walk to class together?" He asked.

I laughed to myself at his eagerness. "Ummm…sure, what do you have next?" I asked, pulling out my schedule.

"Grammar." He told me.

I smiled. "Me too. Let's go than." I said as he began to follow me out of the class.

As soon as I got out of the doorway I saw Haku and his friends standing there waiting for me.

Sesshomaru POV:

I walked through the hallway with Inuyasha and Miroku by my sides. Did I forget to mention that every year we pull some strings in order to get us in the same classes?

"Were you planning on walking Rin to her next class?" Asked Miroku.

"Probably. I just gotta find her first…" I told them. And as if on cue, there she was.

With…boys? Jealousy ran through me. She already had a group of little fanboys following her? One of them being Haku. Why in hell would she hang out with him. I got the idea that she wasn't the one who wanted them following her.

She saw me and waved with a smile. I waved back. Haku looked to see who she's been waving at and saw me. He glared attempting to intimidate me. I growled. He turned away from me and began talking to Rin. He was obviously doing that just to annoy me. Even worse, Rin didn't know Haku's ulterior motive. She thought that all she'd done was make another friend, she had no idea how the male mind worked.

I wanted to protect her from guys like him. What a weird thing to think of. No matter who the girl had been, I'd never felt the need to protect them. Was it her extreme amount of innocence to the world that made me that way?

Inuyasha nugged me, obviously trying to persuade me to go talk to Rin. I shook my head.

"There are too many guys with her right now." I explained.

He laughed. "Yeah! Rin's a little player. She might be better than you." Inuyasha commented.

I glared at him. "They're her friends." I replied.

He chuckled. "Suuuure they are."

I turned away before letting what he said get to me. I would get another chance to talk to her during lunch.

Rin POV:

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. I liked all of my teachers except for my Science teacher: Ms. Kawari. She never smiled and decided to give a pop quiz over everything from last year which I was sure I would fail because I wasn't here. What was it with me and girls? It seemed like we could never get along.

After third period it was time for lunch and I was starving. As I walked in with several other boys I'd met throughout the day I sat down at an empty table and they sat around me. I was normally someone that could be surrounded by seas of people and not feel a bit out of place but these boys were beginning to make me feel claustrophobic.

After I got my tray of food I sat back down. I saw Sesshomaru walk in with his friends. My mood brightened immediately. He came from behind me.

"What's up?" He asked from over my shoulder.

I looked up to see his head over mine. I blushed before looking down quickly.

"Nothing. Where have you been all day?" I asked, happy to finally have someone I wanted with me.

He laughed. "I could say the same for you. You were practically lost in your crowds of fanboys."

I looked up, embarrassed again. Fanboys? What was he talking about?

"Anyways, I came over to ask if you wanna come sit with me at lunch?" He offered.

I was eager to get away from the full table and get somewhere where there's room to breath. I smiled and got up to follow him.

"Where ever Rin goes, I'm going." Haku spoke up.

I groaned inwardly. "Ummm…Could you guys stay here for lunch today? I think I wanna go eat with Sesshomaru." I told them.

From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Sesshomaru smirk. Haku sat back down. "Fine." He said, crossing his arms like a child.

I smiled before following Sesshomaru. When I got to his table I noticed that it was almost as crowded as mine. All well.

I took a seat and sat down my tray before Sesshomaru introduced everyone to me.

"Rin, this is Kagome, Sango, Koga, Ayame, Jaken and you already know Inuyasha and Miroku." He told me, pointing to each person individually. I waved shyly before taking a bite of the greasy pizza that sat on my plate.

Me and Sesshomaru talked, continuing our conversation from the hallway. It was odd talking with several different people making out at our table. 'When do they have time to eat their lunch?' I asked myself.

I got an understanding of who were the couples at the table. Kagome was with Inuyasha, Sango was with Miroku, and Ayame was with Koga. Jaken was alone but by the looks of it, it seemed like Jaken was merely someone who tagged along with Sesshomaru. Me and Sesshomaru were talking but we were the only pair that wasn't attacking each other with our tounges at the whole table.

Looking around, seeming to feel as awkward as me with the situation, or perhaps not, Sesshomaru asked me something that I hoped would never come up.

"So when was your first kiss?" He asked with a friendly smile.

I choked on the strawberry milk I'd been drinking. Everyone at our table looked at me seeming worried, great, now I had to answer while people were staring at me. Kagome patted me on the back with a giggle. I blushed.

After I recomposed myself I looked down at my lap. "Ummm…I actually haven't had my first kiss yet." I replied.

Everyone at the table looked shocked. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping to be able to pretend that I was somewhere else where people weren't looking at me like I was insane. The well-meant laughs coming from Ayame made that harder to do that. This was my personal Hell.

Sesshomaru POV:

The idea that she hadn't even had her first kiss made her seem even more childish than I thought. The idea wasn't a bad thing, on the contrary, I actually thought it was quiet adorable that she was completely and utterly untainted.

I heard Ayame laugh at the idea. I picked my head up from Rin to glare at her, she stopped immediately. After a moment of silence Rin looked up from her lap which she had previously been staring at so intently.

"Ummm…you can all go back to kissing now." She said, possibly trying to bring the focus away from herself. I couldn't contain the laughter that was building up after she said that. Everyone else joined in as soon as they knew it was okay to laugh at her.

I patted her on her shoulder as soon as everyone went back to what they were doing. She looked up at me with innocent eyes.

"Why are you embarrassed by that, Rin? It's not a bad thing." I reassured her.

"Yes, it is." She told me. "It's embarrassing because it means I'm inexperienced. I don't know anything about that stuff."

I chuckled lightly. "So what? You can learn." I mused.

She smiled shyly. The lunch bell rang and I got out of my seat.

"Next period is Sex Ed. You can get your experience there." I told her, partially joking.

She looked at me confused. "You have it next, I don't know what I have yet." She told me.

I smiled. "Yes, but I teach 8th grade Sex Ed. It's one of my extras as a Senior and you're one of my students."

Rin POV:

My face was horror stricken! 'No, anyone but him!' I pleaded to myself. I prepared for the awkwardness coming up.