Hi everyone! So yesterday I was sitting with no power and the inspiration for this story hit me. I'm a HUGE King Henry the eighth fan (minus the fact that he executed all his wives) and I love the whole chivalry and courting thing. I figured I would give it a go and now I have a ton to add! I originally wrote it in word so the format may be a little screwed up, but if you review it I'll go back and fix any mess ups. Also just in case I missed some changes, if it says Emmett or Em, its supposed to be Carlisle. I originally wrote it as Emmett being Bella's brother, but I changed it for reasons you will see later.

I hope you like it and please review!


DISCLAIMER: I don't own Twilight or any of S.M.'s characters. (This is the only disclaimer I'm doing for this story.)

King Edward of England requests the Swan family comes to court.

I stared at the note again and watched my maid pack my clothes.

"Are you ready Bella?" I turned and gave my mother a smile.

"As ready as a young woman will ever be. You're sure you won't come with me?" She nodded her head and placed her hands on either side of my face.

"We both know this invitation is for you and you only. The king is looking for a wife, and you are the most beautiful girl in all the country. Do what he says and make sure to please him. Don't favor any of his gentlemen over him, and most importantly… no matter what he commands, you are not to sleep with him like a poor girl from the country." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I love you mother." She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Make sure to pack your jewelry too. We don't want you looking plain." I laughed and turned to my maid.

"Take your time Victoria. I'll be there to help you in just a moment." She smiled and turned back to my gowns.

"Alice will be waiting for you with Jasper." I nodded and kissed my mother again.

"Your father would be so proud if he could see you today." I smiled as she left. I packed a few more things and looked around my room. It was amazing how easy it was to pack up seventeen years of life.

"Thank you Victoria, I'll miss you." I stepped forward and hugged her.

"So will I." I pulled back to look at her.

"You keep James in line now, and I'll send for you two to join me as soon as I can." She smiled and patted my cheek.

"You will make a great addition to the court." I grinned and hugged her again. She left me to get ready and I pulled out my deep blue gown. We had it made just for the trip tonight. My things were being put into my carriage as I washed and fixed my hair. I had long dark curls that fell half way down my back, and my dress was pulled so tight I could barely breathe. I pulled out a plain diamond necklace my father had given me and clasped it behind my neck.

"Stunning." I smiled at my brother and hugged him.

"Ready?" He nodded and led me outside. I demanded that I ride the final distance to court, wanting to look elegant. Carlisle helped me into the carriage and walked my horse along with his.

She was all creamy white, and was bought because she almost matched my pale skin.

"Carl, what if he doesn't like me?" I leaned out the opening to speak with him. He laughed and shook his head.

"Isabella, you are absolutely gorgeous, every man will die to have you as their wife." I grinned and called for the carriage to stop.

"You're really riding into court?" I nodded as he helped me into my saddle.

"He likes to hunt; therefore I will show him I can ride." I straightened my reigns and clucked Jade forward.

"She was a great purchase." I nodded and patted her neck.

"Yes, I just hope his highness doesn't take a fancy to her. She doesn't let anyone else ride her." Carlisle laughed and moved his horse next to mine. I looked up at the castle before us and took a deep breath.

"Ready for this?" I nodded and pulled my horse behind the carriage.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Carlisle and I waited until the carriage entered the gates and then we cantered up. I made sure to sit up straight and hold on with my legs. It would be more then embarrassing to be thrown on my first day at court. People gathered in the courtyard to see me and I smiled kindly at them.

"Isabella!" I heard Alice shout my name and Jade reared. I held on to her mane and stayed straight. I had taught her to do this, but only when I commanded it. She reared again and then settled down. I patted her neck gently and looked around at the people. My eyes locked with his for only a second, and then I dropped them quickly. Carlisle reached out and grabbed the reigns before she could rear again and a servant came to take them. Carlisle quickly dismounted and helped me down.

"Well you certainly got his attention." I smiled and patted Jade's side.

"Yes well it would be more impressive if it was planned out." Carlisle laughed and led me forward.

"Be careful with her, she doesn't take well to strangers." I smiled at the boy and he nodded before quickly leading the horses to the stable.

"Announcing his royal highness Kind Edward." We turned to see the king before us and I quickly dropped into a curtsey. Carlisle bowed and I saw his shoes before me. I rose slowly and met his eyes for a moment.

"Isabella Swan, it's a great pleasure to have you join us at court." I curtsied again and kissed his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine your highness." He gave me a dazzling smile and then turned to Carlisle.

"Carlisle." He grinned and clapped my brothers' shoulder.

"It has been too long your highness." The king laughed and shook his head.

"I was not always King when I was with you. You may still call me Edward." Carlisle laughed and fell into step beside him.

"Miss Swan your sister will show you to your rooms." I thanked him and Alice ran up and grabbed me.

"Hi Ali." She beamed and quickly led me down the hall. My things were already being set up when I walked in and she shut the door behind us.

"You have caught the king's eye." I blushed and looked down.

"Don't say such things Ali…" She shook her head and pulled me to face her.

"You have, I have been here for a few years now, and no one has ever made an entrance such as yours." I grinned and shrugged.

"It wasn't my intention." She laughed and then ordered the maids to finish unpacking my things.

"You must come; we are going for a hunt soon. The king will be there." I nodded and then followed her out to the stables. Alice grinned at me and whispered something and then ran off.

"Ah, Miss Swan. Will you be able to handle that wild mare of yours? Or would you prefer one of my horses?" I was shocked to see the king before me. I smiled and then curtsied.

"Thank you your highness, but I do believe I will be just fine on my mare. She was just excited by the crowd." He grinned and stepped closer to me.

"You do not have to curtsy every time I address you. You will find that I am quiet the opposite from my father." I smiled and then met his eyes.

"Of course your majesty." He laughed and then walked with me to the stables. Alice had disappeared to find Jasper and I was left alone with the king.

"Do you think you'll like it here?" I was surprised at the turn of the conversation but I nodded.

"Yes it's too beautiful not to love." He seemed pleased by my answer and then stopped outside a stall. I glanced in and saw Jade tethered. I smiled and slid in quickly and rubbed a hand down her neck.

"She is quiet beautiful." I turned and saw he was in the stall with me.

"Yes, but she can be quiet the handful." He smiled and ran a hand down her neck. Her ears flicked up and she turned to look at him.

"She is such a rare color." I nodded and felt him step closer to me.

"Yes that's why I wanted her." He grinned and turned to face me.

"You like rarities?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Not exactly, she is just so pale, she matches me." I saw him study me for a moment before he nodded in agreement.

"Your majesty?" A stable boy poked his head in the stall and Edward turned to face him.

"Yes?" The boy glanced at me and then back to Edward.

"I'm afraid that mare is lame and won't be able to go for the hunt." I frowned and glanced down at her leg.

"What is wrong with her?" Edward followed my gaze and then the boy stepped forward.

"She must have hit the stall door when she was kicking, her front leg is warm." Edward reached down and felt it and then nodded.

"Very well, prepare one of my horses for Miss Swan." The boy nodded and ran off.

"Thank you your majesty." He smiled and turned to face me.

"You may call me Edward if you like." I blushed and looked down.

"Thank you… but I feel it may give others the wrong impression." He smiled and stepped closer to me.

"And what impression would that be?" I looked up and my breath caught.

"Bella!" I heard Alice coming down the aisle and I stepped away from the king.

"It seems we will have to continue this conversation another time your highness." He laughed as I curtsied and hurried out of the stall.

"Here Alice!" She turned and grinned when she saw Edward behind me.

"Your majesty." She curtsied and he nodded.

"Lady Whitlock." She grinned and then turned to me.

"My husband has just informed me that we will be unable to join you for the hunt today." Edward nodded and then turned to me.

"You will still be joining me won't you?" I smiled and nodded and Alice beamed.

"Well I must be going. Your majesty." She bowed and then hurried from the stables.

"Well, it seems you will be the only lady to join us then." I turned in shock.

"I'm sorry?" He laughed and started walking.

"Well unfortunately everyone else has cancelled. I believe it will just be us and a few of my gentlemen." I blushed and turned to face him.

"I'm sorry; I wish I was more interesting." He laughed and shook his head.

"You are the most interesting woman I have met in my life." I grinned at him and we walked out to the courtyard. His men were waiting- including Carlisle- and there were two matching horses being held by stable boys. Edward mounted his quickly and then I was helped into my saddle. I felt the horses unease to my foreign hands and I ran a soothing hand down its neck. Edward was watching me and I walked the horse in a few circles.

"Is he alright?" I glanced up and smiled.

"I think so. I'm not sure he likes me." No sooner than I had finished my statement did the horse start rearing. I held on to his mane as he screamed out under me. Everyone gasped as I held on and I sunk my hands into his mane. I saw the stable boys try to grab the reigns but the horse bit at him.

"Grab him!" I could hear the alarm in the king's voice as he shouted and so could my mount. He wheeled and screamed and then bolted through the courtyard. I let out a scream as the horse flew through the gates and down through a garden.

"I'll go!" Edward was flying behind me and I heard him call off his men. I held on and sunk into the saddle as the horse flew through the path. My hair blew against my face and I tried to stay on the horse. I saw a river and panicked when I realized he would try to cross it. I held on tightly as we ran into the water and heard the king still following me. At the other side the horse slowed and then stopped running after a few minutes. I was still clinging to the horse when I heard him come in behind us. I dismounted quickly and stepped away from the crazed mount. Edward grabbed his reigns quickly and tied the horses to a tree. I leaned back against another one and tried to catch my breath.

"Are you alright?" He stepped towards me and put a hand on my cheek.

"I-I think so." He smiled and pulled me to sit next to him.

"I'm sorry about that, he's a newer mount. I haven't had the chance to ride him myself yet." I let out a shaky laugh and he looked at me curiously.

"Do you do that with all the new ladies in court? Set them on a crazed mount and then run off to save them?" He laughed and shook his head.

"It appears I have been caught." I laughed with him and felt my heart slowing to its normal pace.

"I would just like to suggest, next time you do it… do it earlier in the day." He glanced up and groaned when he saw it was getting dark.

"That sounds like a good suggestion." He stood quickly and held a hand out to me.

"Come, we should go back." He helped me up but I froze. "What?" I stared at the horse and then looked at him.

"Can I ride with you?" He beamed and nodded. He jumped up on his horse quickly and pulled me in front of him. I sighed and leaned back into his arms as he held the reigns. He reached out and tied the other horse to his saddle and we started walking back.

"What do you think of my court so far?" I shrugged and relished the feeling of his warm arms around me.

"It's a lot to take in. But besides the crazy ride, it was fun. I'm sorry you missed your hunt because of me." He laughed and leaned down next to my ear.

"I wouldn't say I missed the hunt. I was just hunting something other than deer." I gave out a small laugh and heard him sigh.

"Did you catch anything worth keeping?" I was surprised at how easy it was to flirt with the king.

"I would say yes." I smiled as his one arm tightened around my waist.

"You sound tired. Go to sleep, I'll get us back." I sighed.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother." He laughed in my ear again and pulled me back against his chest.

"Sleep Bella. You've had a long day." I sighed and sank into his arms. The slow pace from the horse rocked me to sleep and I drifted into the sweetest dreams of my king.

Okay I hope you all liked it! Sorry if the format was messed up, just review and I'll go back and fix it!