Disclaimer: I wish I really did own digimon, but I don't

Disclaimer: I wish I really did own digimon, but I don't.

Hey! This story takes place when all the digidestined have grown up. T.K. and Kari are 22, so don't worry they are old enough to get married! This is probably going to be a Taiora, but I'm not sure yet, except that the couples will be Taiora, Takari, and Mimato! Also this is the more depressing part. The next parts are actually funnier and not as dramatic!

You are invited to the wedding between

Mr. Takeru Takashi


Ms. Hikari Kamiya

February 14, 2014

Odaiba, Japan…

Sora Takenouchi, smiled as she read the invitation, they were finally getting married! She had watched them ever since she was ten-years-old, and had watched as the love between them blossomed, and had agreed to be the maid-of-honor. She was the only one besides T.K. and Kari that still lived in Odaiba, working in her mom's old flower shop. Sighing Sora carefully folded the invitation, and tucked it into a drawer.

Sora had changed since the time that she had been in the digital world. Her hair had grown a little longer and now she always wore it in a conservative bun. Her clothes consisted of a yellow 3-quarter sleeve T-shirt, and dark blue pedal pushers. The only thing left that hadn't changed, was a small silver bracelet that had eight small charms. The charms were the eight crests, and everyone had gotten one to remind them of the time they had in the digiworld.

Then the bell on the door tinkled and Sora turned to help the customer that walked in. Once she was done Sora sat down on a stool. It just wasn't the same anymore! When she had first taken over the shop everyday was full of wonder, but now it seemed to be missing. Lately Sora had been feeling very tired, and she wondered what was wrong. It had been a long time since had seen all the other digidestined, but the two people she missed the most were Tai and Mimi.

It had been a long time since Sora had talked to Mimi. She hadn't had a best friend ever since that long ago time! Even Tai had left! She had gone out with him for awhile, but when he had gone off to play soccer professionally, they had drifted apart, but Sora knew deep down inside that she still loved him. Fiddling with her bracelet, she wished that they would all be together again!

Somewhere in Europe…

Tai grinned as he read the wedding invitation. It had been a long time since he had seen Kari, and he couldn't wait to go see her get married! He had agreed to be the ()for T.K. knowing that Matt was going to be the best man. Tai carefully tucked the invitation in a drawer with all of his most prized possessions. Smiling he took out a picture of him and Sora. He had been so young!

Tai had also changed. He still had his big hair, but he was more fit, and his face had matured. Now he wore an navy blue t-shirt and baggy brown pants. He, too, wore the same bracelet as Sora. He was now playing professional soccer, he loved playing, but now it seemed routine, and Tai felt that there was something missing.

He missed Sora and Kari. Kari had always been the sweet little sister that he had always loved, while Sora had been his closest friend! He frowned when he thought of how he had grown apart from all the other digidestined. Then Tai suddenly started to pack everything up. He was going to Odaiba, the next day!

Paris, France…

Mimi giggled as she read the invitation that she had received from T.K. and Kari. She had always thought that they would get married! She had happily agreed to being their bridesmaid, and she was delighted that all the other digidestined would also be part of the wedding! She silently put the invitation in her purse, then she turned and started to sketch a wedding gown for Kari. She was designing the wedding gown for Kari because Kari had asked, and because she was a famous clothing designer!

Mimi wasn't the same silly girl she had been years ago! Now she wore her long pink hair, in a headband and wore a delicate white shirt over a long pink skirt. On her wrist was the same bracelet that all the others had. Sighing Mimi put down her pencil. This was the first time in a long while that she had actually been happy to design something! In the beginning she had been happy, but slowly it all seemed to be boring and it started to lose it's charm.

Mimi missed Sora and Matt. She missed how she would have always had someone there to talk to, when she was down, and how she knew that Sora would always be there. She missed Matt the most though. She had always loved him, but always in secret, and when he left Odaiba it was only a year before she left. Mimi turned and grabbed her sketchpad, and headed back to her house. She would be heading back to Odaiba on the next flight!

New York, New York,

Matt laughed when he read the invitation! He couldn't believe that he was actually going to be related to Tai! Chuckling he grinned when he thought about how they had been close friends once, but they were always close to killing each other too! That had been a long time ago though, and now he could barely walk outside without being mobbed by adoring fans!

Now Matt had the same cool hair, and ice-blue eyes, but he wore a white shirt, and a dark green outer shirt. He had also traded his long blue jeans for baggy khakis, but he still wore the bracelet all the others wore! Instead of a harmonica Matt now played a guitar in a famous band, with his headquarters in New York, but the concerts had seemed to become boring and he felt that he needed a vacation.

Matt tucked the invitation into his pocket, and zoned out. How he missed Mimi! Mimi was always sweet and kind! She had been a little annoying, but she made up for it, by her sincere personality! It had been such a long time since he had seen her! Clearing his head, Matt turned around in his room, and started too pack. Odaiba here I come!

Somewhere in Canada,

Izzy looked at the invitation. He was so happy that the two were getting married! Joe now owed him 10 dollars, because he had bet that they wouldn't get married! He grinned, but then he sobered up and quickly hit a few keys on his computer, and then closed it. Turning he walked out of his office.

Izzy's hair was still the same as it had been, but now he wore a dark brown buisness suit. He also had the same bracelet as all the others, but he owned a very important computer-programming computer, but he was also well liked, and very few people hated him. Izzy was starting to feel that he was too enwrapped in his business though, he felt that he needed to stop.

Once Izzy reached his apartment he started to empty out his drawers. Izzy was heading home!

Sydney, Australia,

Joe had groaned when he saw the invitation. Not that he wasn't happy they were getting married, just that now he owed Izzy 10 dollars! Not that he couldn't pay Izzy, since Joe was now a successful doctor. He tucked his invitation in his briefcase, and turned to start packing all his stuff.

Joe had changed a lot. Now he usually wore a white dress shirt over, neat blue pants. He had also become more mature, and reliable. Unfortunately Joe hadn't seen the other Digidestined in a long time, and now being doctor wasn't the same. He felt like it all seemed the same!

He also missed Izzy (get your mind out of the gutter! I hate gay stories!). He had been the quirky computer genius, that always knew what to do, and in the digiworld they had become closer friends! Finally Joe finished packing and headed to his car. He was heading back!



"Tai! What are you doing here?! It's a month before the wedding!"

"Well I thought that I just might visit you now that I hear you're engaged!"

"That's sweet!"

"Besides where else can I stay?"

"Actually Tai I'm heading over to Sora's right now, why don't you come along?"

"Okay, been a long time since I've seen her!"

"Tai, I have to warn you that Sora's changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Well didn't you know that her mother died 2 years ago, seems that she had cancer in the final stage, so there was no way that she could have lived. She left Sora a lot of money, and a big house."

"Her mom died?"

"She tried to contact all of you guys but you guys were all to busy."


"Well we're here!"

Kari had pulled up to a nice house that seemed like it had at least 4 bedrooms! Climbing out of the car Kari opened the door and stepped in. "SORA!!! I'm here!"

Tai waited but there was no answer, "That's weird! She said she'd be here!"

Then there was a sound of a car pulling up in the driveway behind them. Turning they spotted T.K. and Matt!

"Matt! What are you doing here?" (Tai)

"I thought I might visit. What about you?" (Matt)

"Same reason. Hey T.K. better take good care of my sister!" (Tai)

Kari rolled her eyes and gave T.K. a quick peck on the cheek. "Come on you guys we've got to find Sora, she has to be here somewhere!" Nodding the group started to drift through the house.

"How many rooms are there?" (Tai)

"Only about 6." (T.K.)

"WHAT!" (Matt)

"This was her mother's dream house, but she waited until a month before she died to buy it." (Kari)


Silently they walked around the house until they reached the dining room. The Kari turned and said, "SSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!"

There was Sora. She was sitting at the table with her head on her arm, surrounded by sketches of flower arrangements, and some flowers scattered on the table.

"She must have been tired!" (Tai)

At the sound of Tai's voice Sora jumped up. Tai knew what Kari meant when she said that Sora had changed. Now he saw a serious girl who looked tired all the time. Her clothes had changed to, now they were incredibly too neat, and sophisticated! Sora rubbed her eyes and said, "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know I was so tired, I- TAI!!! MATT!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"


Sora launched herself at the two boys, it had been so long since she'd seen them! She felt tears sliding down her cheeks as she gave them a huge hug. "I've missed you guys so much!"

"We've missed you too." (Matt)

"I'm sorry I'm crying, but it's been 4 years since I last saw you!" (Sora)

"Don't worry about it." (Tai)

"Oh Tai! You don't know how hard it's been for me, especially with you guys being all distant!" (Sora)

Sora slowly broke the embrace and turned away from the boys. She knew that she looked like a baby but she didn't care. Kari quickly came and gave her a hug and whispered, "We'll be in the living room. I think I'll take the sketches and look them over with everyone." Sora just nodded and headed upstairs to her room. It had been so long, and she hadn't meant to meet Tai in that way! Groaning she cleaned up, and started to mop up her face.


Tai looked around the living room. There were a lot of pictures of Sora and her mother over the chimney, but there was one that stood out. It was of Sora and all the other digidestined when they were 10. It had been so long ago! Turning he started to look at the sketches that Sora had drawn.

"Wow! I didn't know that she could draw so good!" (Tai)

"Mimi taught her before she left." (Kari)

Tai noticed that when Matt heard Mimi he blushed. Then he looked up as Sora entered the room. She seemed more awake, and she was carrying some drinks on a tray, "I thought you guys might be a little thirsty." She smiled and put the drinks on the table, then turning to Kari and T.K. she started to talk to them about the sketches. All of a sudden the doorbell rang. Sora got up and disappeared into the hallway, then they all heard, "Sora!!!!" :kerthunk:

"OOOOOWWWW!!!!!!" (Sora)

"Oh my god Sora I'm so sorry!" (?)

"Who cares I've missed you so much!" (Sora)

"Me too!!" :thunk:

"OOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!" (Sora)


Matt and Tai glanced at each other, then they raced to the hallway, with Kari and T.K. close behind. When they reached the hallway they saw two suitcases on Sora's feet and a girl with pink hair.

"Mimi!" (Matt)

"Matt! Tai!" (Mimi)

Mimi ran to give Matt a hug while Tai helped Sora pull the suitcases of her feet.

"What are you doing here?" (Tai)

"I thought I'd visit." (Mimi)

"Do you need a place to stay?" (Sora)

"Actually I was hoping that I could stay with you!" (Mimi)

"That's all right with me!" (Sora)

"Sora, could Tai stay here too?" (Kari)

"Matt too?" (T.k.)

Sora nodded and said, "Get your suitcases and follow me."

Tai and Matt quickly got there suitcases, and met Sora on the staircase. There she led them up the stairs into a long hall. First she went down the left side of it and reached the end room (You know, like in seventh heaven they have that end room and then two doors on either side horizontally), where she opened the door, "Mimi I thought you might like this room."

Mimi just gasped in delight and raced in. The room was all pink! The carpet was a white tinged with pink while the walls were a pale rose pink, and there was even carnation pink! The bed was a four-poster, and there was an elegant table and chair! There was also a vase on the table that contained pink lilies. "Oh Sora it's perfect!"

"I'll let you unpack while I show the others their rooms." (Sora)

Next Sora opened the door to Mimi's left. "Matt I think you'll like this room."

Matt silently went in and looked around. It was all green and blue. It was very simple though with denim blankets, and no frills or ruffles. There was also a little spot for a guitar and speakers in the corner! "Sora it's just right!"

Sora quietly left the room, and headed down to the other end of the hall. There she opened the door to the left of the end room. "Tai, this is your room."

Tai walked in and his jaw dropped. The room was full of bright colors, (orange and blue) and there were beanbags on the floor. The room was made to be very comfortable and Tai loved it! When he turned around to thank Sora, she was gone. Tai shrugged and started to unpack all his stuff.


Once Sora finished showing them their rooms she headed down stairs to finish talking with Kari and T.K. But when she reached the living room there were two other people standing there. "Hi Sora! Kari and T.K. had to leave, but they told us that you could give us a place to stay! They said that they would be back in 10 minutes."

"Is that alright with you?"

"Of course you can stay! What kind of friend would I be, get your suitcases and follow me!" (Sora)

Sora climbed the stairs yet again followed closely by Izzy and Joe. She headed toward the room across from Matt's and and opened the door, "Joe I'm sure you'll like this one."

Joe just stared in awe. The room was decorated in white and blue. The whole room was painted so that it looked like you were deep under the ocean! And one whole side of the room contained an aquarium full of tropical fish! Joe turned and said, "I love it!"

Sora turned and led Izzy to the room across from Tai's and opened the door, "What do you think?" The room was contemporary. It had steel all over and was all black and green. Izzy felt as if he belonged here, "It's perfect!"

Sora smiled and left the room. All the doors in the hallway were closed so Sora quietly walked into her room, and slid out a drawer full of signs. She and Kari had bought them a few weeks ago, but they hadn't known why at the time. Now she picked up 5 of the six signs and headed back to the hallway. She stopped at Mimi's room and hung up a pink sign. It said in silvery green letters, "Mimi's castle." It had a little castle surrounded by pink clouds, and in the lower right hand corner was a small crest of Sincerity.

Then Sora turned to Joe's room and hung up a sign of white and blue waves. In the middle there was a white writing that read "Joe's Ocean". In the lower right hand corner of his sign their was a crest of Reliability. Next Sora turned to Matt's and hung up a sign that read "Matt's forest" in ice blue. It was on a background of dark green evergreens, and in the lower right hand corner there was the crest of friendship.

After she finished hanging up those signs she moved down to Tai's room and hung up a sign that said, "Tai's den" in bold orange letters. It was on a background of blue that contained bold swipes of color, and in the lower right hand corner of the sign there was the crest of courage. Finally she turned and hung another sign on Izzy's door. It was all green, and looked like it was a chip from a computer. In the middle there were black letters that read, "Izzy's domain." In the lower corner of his sign there was the crest of knowledge.

Smiling in satisfaction Sora turned and head downstairs. There she headed for the kitchen and started to cook dinner. After a couple minutes Kari and T.K. walked in to help her with her cooking. After a straight hour of cooking they finally finished and Kari and T.K. went to set the table while Sora headed out to the garden behind the house. Once there she carefully picked out some flowers and arranged them in a vase. Setting them on the table she smiled, and grinned. Turning to Kari and T.K. she said, "I think it's time to call them down to dinner!"


Tai finished unpacking and fell onto the bed, "Kari was right Sora has changed!" He remembered leaving a girl who loved life, and was always there for people. A girl who was ready to laugh and always ready to help whoever needed it! Now she was quiet and Tai could barely recognize her! It seemed like she had aged ten years! Tai sighed, despite all the changes he still loved her, and he regretted not being there for her when her mother died.

A smell wafted into Tai's room, and his nostrils twitched. His stomach growled and Tai knew that it was dinner! DINNER!! Tai raced out his door and slammed into another person, Izzy!

"Izzy! What are you doing here? And why are there signs on our door?" (Tai)

"Nice to see you Tai, and I think Sora put up those signs. The craftsmanship is really remarkable!" (Izzy)

"Huh?" (Tai)

"Never mind." (Izzy)

The two boys raced down the hallway and crashed into two other boys.

"JOE?!" (Tai)

"IZZY?!" (Matt)

"Hi!" (Joe and Izzy)

"JOE! IZZY!" A pink blur ran and gave them a huge hug.

"Mimi?" (Joe and Izzy)

"Did you see the signs on the doors?" (Matt)

"Yup." (Tai)

"It was my hypothesis that Sora put them up." (Izzy)

"Okay, but let's eat!" (Tai)

"Ditto." (Joe)

"Second that!" (Izzy)

"Cool!" (Matt)

The boys started to race down the stairs, but they tripped down the stairs and all that could be heard was, thunk, crash, boom, splat. Mimi slowly walked down after them looking very regal, and slowly walked into the dining room.

"OW! Watch out for the glasses!"

"Sheesh! How much do you weigh?"

"Watch the hair!"


(Guess who said what!)

The boys got up and raced into the dining room in a single file line, unfortunately Joe was in front, and he stopped stock still causing everyone to crash into each other. Mimi was already sitting down next to Sora, Kari and T.k.

"What took you so long?" (Sora)

"Is everyone okay?" (Kari)

"Yeah it sounded as if four elephants were stampeding!" (T.K.)

The boys meekly got up and sat down at the table. When Tai looked up his jaw dropped! The table was full of dishes and in the middle was a vase full of flowers! It must of taken Sora a long time! But then Tai's thoughts fled when he started to eat, for awhile all that could be heard was the sounds of nosy eating, then disaster struck. They started a conversation. Or rather Izzy and Joe started one, Matt and Mimi started talking, T.K. and Kari started talking, and Tai tried to talk to Sora.

Izzy and Joe's conversation…

"Wow! This food is great!" (Joe)

"Isn't it? Now you owe me 10 dollars!" (Izzy)

"What were you saying again?" (Joe)

"My money?" (Izzy)

"Oh that! I don't have it right now." (Joe)

"WHAT!" (Izzy)

"Didn't you know? I'm broke!" (Joe)


"Why do you need the money anyway? You're the one who is filthy rich?!" (Joe)




"Oooh! YOU'VE GONE TO FAR!" (Joe)


At that Joe tackled Izzy knocking back their chairs and wrestling on the floor, but everyone else was going through their own traumas.

Matt and Mimi…

"So Mimi, long time no see!" (Matt)

"Duh! Did you miss me?" (Mimi)

"Why would I miss you? Did you miss me?" (Matt)

"Why would someone like me miss you?" (Mimi)

"What's that supposed to mean?" (Matt)

"Nothing except that you are still a spoiled brat." (Mimi)

"Huh! Look who's talking Miss-I-love-pink!" (Matt)

"SHUT UP MATT!" (Mimi)

"WHY SHOULD I?" (Matt)



"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH AND THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO IS INSULT ME!" At that Mimi slapped Matt and stormed out of the room leaving Matt to stare angrily after her.

Kari and T.K…

"T.K. is it just me, or is this dinner going a little bad?" (Kari)

"What do you mean, honey?" (T.K.)

"Well, Mimi just slapped Matt." (Kari)

"Is Matt okay?" (T.K.)

"HONEY, please pay attention." (Kari)

"I am, dear." (T.K.)

"No you're not." (Kari)

"Well I'm sorry if I don't like to stick my nose in other people's business DEAR." (T.K.)

"I'm not I'm just worried about how Sora's going to take it, HONEY." (Kari)

"Well you worry too much DEAR." (T.K.)

"Well I'm sorry, SWEETIE PIE." (Kari)

"Are you sure, HONEY?" (T.K.)




"FINE!" (T.K.)


"GO AHEAD!" (T.K.)

With that Kari stormed out followed by T.K. and then Matt.

Tai and Sora…

"How have you been doing Sora?" (Tai)

"Okay." (Sora)

"Have you played soccer recently?" (Tai)

"No." (Sora)

"How's work?" (Tai)

"Fine." (Sora)

"Sora can't you talk to me?" (Tai)

"Tai, you don't understand." (Sora)

"Try me." (Tai)

"You said you'd always be there for me, but when I needed you the most, you were gone! Do you know how horrible it was for me to watch my mother fade away! No one was there to comfort me! Kari and T.K. helped, but it wasn't the same." (Sora)

"Sora, I'm sorry." (Tai)


"Sora, I was too busy! I tried, but my coach didn't give me enough time."


"If I had known I would've come." (Tai)

By now Sora was sobbing. "Tai I tried to contact you. I tried for 3 months! But you were never there. Tai do you know what happened?"

"Sh. Sora, you don't have to tell me." (Tai)

"That's right! I try to tell someone how I'm feeling and all you can do is tell me that you don't wanna hear it!" (Sora)

"Sora that's not what I meant…" (Tai)

"Tai, just go! You don't need to know, just go!" (Sora)

"But…!" (Tai)

Sora turned and looked Tai in the face. "For two years I haven't told anyone how I was feeling, for two years I held in all the pain. Tai I thought you were better then everyone else. Leave me Tai." (Sora)

"Sora…" (Tai)

"Tai, you've never cared for me! Leave!" (Sora)

Tai was shocked. He realized what she had just said. He fell back and slowly left.

Sora stared at Tai, and watched as he left. Turning she quietly started to clean up, and once that was done, she wearily climbed the stairs. The hall was quiet, and as she passed Tai's room she whispered, "I'm sorry, Tai." Then she reached her room and got ready for bed, and fell asleep.

Um, this part was a little depressing, okay it was very depressing, but hey! This just starts to explain everything. The next couple chapters are a little funnier. Pleez R&R, flames are welcome.