Revenge never tasted so sweet

Disclaimers: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown or any of its characters nor make a profit from this story. What I do own is this story plot and Youko.

Warning: Cursing, Sexual Content, Blood

Morning had just begun to peek over an open field. The grass was still wet, soaked by the morning dew and the animals were just starting their day. The only sound that could be heard was something that was swiftly cutting through the air continuously. As the sun's rays brought light to the field, a figure was identified. A young man who was training with a grace and deadly force of snake, he moved fluidly from one move to another as he fought against an imaginary enemy. This young man was Jack Spicer but not the one the world once knew. The old Jack did not have a lithe muscular built nor did was his hair at his shoulders and seemed so shiny and slick. The old Jack also didn't have such femininely shaped face with full pale lips. His eyes were sharper and were defiantly a darker red than ever before. Even his once sickly pale skin seemed like a more vibrant China white. But then again five years can do that to a person. Jack released another punch as his mind wandered. It had been five very long years. It had been five year since he suffered another pathetic defeat at the hands of the monks, since he stayed up locked in his room from self pity, and five long years since he last saw him. Anger drifted into his heart but he force it away, at the current moment he needed to focus on his training, he refused to let memories of the past to get in the way of all the blood, sweat and tears that he shed for the last five year.

"Jack…" A voice purred.

Jack froze mid-attack at the voice and turned. Out of the shadows of a nearby tree came a man unlike any other. His beauty was like that of a god. A tall, muscular built and an elegantly sculpted face. He had long silver hair that fell to his waist and shining amber eyes that could trap anyone in an inescapable trance. A devious fox like smirk pulled to his lips as he spoke again, still in that purred husky voice.

"Training so early?" He teased.

Jack smiled softly at the man.

"I want to be prepared for when I go back into battle since you said that I would be ready soon." Jack answered honestly.

"Of course, don't worry Jack. That time is quickly approaching; soon you will be ready Jack. Soon."

~Sholin Temple~

The temple grounds were pleasantly quiet, most likely due to the fact that morning had just come. The young monks were currently in the kitchen doing their daily duty as Master Fung assigned them. Naturally as teenagers go, they had to make the chore a little more entertaining.

"Over here Omi!" Cried Kimiko.

Omi gracefully threw her a dish. Just as Kimiko was about to grab for the dish, Raimundo suddenly jumped in front of her and grabbed it.

"Oh yeah! Point for me!" Raimundo said as he tosses the plate over to Clay who caught it and place it away.

"Hey that was for me!" Kimiko yelled, irritated that her point had been taken.

"Ya snooze, ya lose baby!" Raimundo replied mocking.

Kimiko growled. Omi then pulled another clean dish and tossed it over to them. Kimiko and Raimundo both jumped for it but unfortunately, they both missed. All four of them flinched at the sound of the china plate crashing loudly onto the floor, shattering into a million little pieces.

"Crap!" Raimundo grumbled as he quickly went to pick up the scattered pieces.

"Master Fung is not going to be happy." Kimiko commented.

"And why is that Kimiko?"

The monks all froze at the sudden appearance of their master, Fung. He took one look at the broken China and sighed.

"That is the third one this month, young ones." Master Fung scolded.

"Sorry Master Fung…" They all said apologetic, heads bowed.

Master Fung sighed again; it was obvious that the recent decline in Shen Gong Wu have had a very negative impact on the monks. Their once razor sharp sense have dulled to a shameful state, normally entertaining chores had become difficult. Teenagers as they are, it was understandable that they would grow bored with nothing new to do even with Master Fung trying to keep them training. Even Omi, the most disciplined of the group had become lax. Master Fung had been growing steadily worried for the young monk's future if this continued epically at the risk of a new enemy. Suddenly Dojo came scurrying down the halls towards them.

"Big new guys!"

"What's up Dojo?" Kimiko asked as everyone crowded around.

"Three new Shen Gong Wu are going to reveal themselves soon!" He said with a smile knowing that the monks would be happy to hear that.

Smiles all came to the monk's faces as they cheered. It had been quite a while since they had been waiting for this opportunity for quite a while.

"Finally!" Kimiko cheered, pumping her fist.

"This is as you say very low in temperature!" Omi said with a smile.

"Omi, I'm too happy to even bother to correct that statement!" Rai said with an amused smile.

Master Fung chuckled at the monks' enthusiasm, he too was happy to hear of that new Shen Gong Wu. It would give the monks a chance to fight again and hopefully refuel their want to train. With that thought in mind, Master Fung walked off; this also gave him some time alone so he could tend to his own training in peace.

Jack was in a deep meditation, so deep that he didn't sense or hear the arrival of his teacher. It wasn't until his teacher was standing right over him that he opened his eyes. But he didn't react in the normal Jack way by failing around like a frighten child. His reaction was quite the opposite, he was calm even with though he didn't know that it was his teacher, he remain calm.

"Yes, Master?" Jack asked

"It's time Jack."

Was all the man said, which brought a wicker smile to Jack's lips. His heart pounded in his chest, not with fear but excitement! He was ready to show his improvement and to prove o anyone who thought he was weak that they were seriously mistaken. As Jack stood his teacher suddenly pulled out a short-handed katana. It was a very strange weapon, the blade was clear like glass; it even shined in the sun's ray. The handle was golden and had strange writing inscribed on it.

"What's that sensei?"

"It's for you, Jack. Consider it a gift for completing your basic training." His teacher replied placing the katana in Jack's hands. "Keep it close to you Jack, it will be your greatest ally."

Jack looked from the katana to his teacher, slightly confused on exactly what he was trying to say but nodded nonetheless.

"Good, let's go."

With that said, a rifted suddenly appeared before them. Jack and his teacher stepped in and disappeared from the training grounds.

Next Time: Sweet Revenge