Permanent :- Twilight- Jasper Hale.

Chapter one- Prologue

Summary: "This is reality now. This is my life." She pulled Jasper towards her, stroking gentle fingers over his cheek, jaw line, red eyes meeting golden, "You're my life now. You are all there is." JASPER/OC


Everything ached, burned, seared. Pain rippled down every muscle, bone, every fibre and molecule in her body. The thoughts in her head were jumbled, fragmented, nothing made sense, she couldn't remember anything, how had she gotten here? Why did everything hurt so much? What the hell was happening? There was nothing normal about this situation, she wasn't burning, no, fire would cause the skin to break, blister and rip. Instead, this pain boiled from the inside, seemingly originated in the blood and bone and spread outwards. If she could stop writhing, grappling in agony for long enough to really think about it she could probably say that the pain was moving, travelling from her limbs and gathering around her chest, her heart and lungs. Two sides, one normality, life, and the other the gut wrenching pain and the promise of something bigger to come, something she could quite put her finger on, good or bad she couldn't tell. Two sides, enemies, readying themselves for the final battle, one that could essentially break her, or mend her for the better. She didn't know how she even knew this or if she knew it at all, for all she knew she could have been imagining the whole thing, the unimaginable pain frying her thought process.

She could barely remember who she was. My name is Emma, was the only coherent thought that she could intercept from the confusing whirlpool of words and emotions.

Emma, Emma, Emma. For reasons she couldn't guess in a million years she felt it impervious to remember this information, like the words, I am Emma, would prove to be more helpful than any instructions or orders, would prove to be the most important memory she would ever possess. Her breath hitched, as the fire deep in her chest burned hotter and brighter than she could ever imagined, hotter than the bluest flame, blistering more than the strongest acid. She could only imagine what was happening to her and somehow none of it seemed to ring true in her mind. No torture, conceived by even the sickest minds could lead to so much pain, agony, and overall terror. Surely no one, not even the craziest and most broken of men could sit by and watch another human suffer in this way, deal with agony, the feeling of a thousand knives penetrating worn and broken skin. Cleaving deep inside, ripping at bones and organs. She knew this wasn't what was really happening, yet no other words could be used to describe what she was feeling right now. She didn't know how long she had been here for, wherever here was, or if she was even anywhere at all. Maybe she had entered some nameless, merciless hell dimension and though she could think of nothing that she had done in her life to warrant such a fate, it seemed like a more plausible explanation. That, or this was one horribly painful, horribly real nightmare that she would wake from any moment now, and as she woke the dream would slip from her consciousness and be lost to the back of her mind forever. As pleasing as this explanation seemed she knew that it was wrong and her mind drew back to the hell dimension theory. It took her a while before she realised that she was now thinking clearly, for her mind to create these theories and explanations in the first place was nothing short of a miracle. Then another realisation came to her, her bones, limbs, muscles no longer hurt, all that remained was a subtle throbbing, the kind you felt when a tight bandage was removed from a healed injury. Now, the pain was different, centred around her heart, like a strong hand gripping her very life in its palm, like a bacteria headed for one focal point, her very lifeline, the thing that pumped blood and oxygen around her boy. Breath. Breath. Life sustaining oxygen. It seemed funny, wrong even, like she didn't even need to do something that had been vital before. Before what? She wondered.

Something happened then, something she could not describe if she had all the time in the world and infinite sheets of paper and ink filled pens. Something she could not put into words even if she were the smartest person alive, the modern day Einstein. It was like her heart stopped, yet at the same time it began to beat anew, in a way it never had, while the heart subsided, ceased to beat physically, her body felt energised, more alive than it had ever been in her twenty years of life, like she had been born again, better, stronger than she had ever been. Slowly, so slowly, the pain began to subside, drop away bit by bit and free her heart. She became uncomfortably aware of the fact that she could no longer fee it beating against her rob cage and that her chest o longer rose and fell with breath and yet here she was, alive, unless of course she was in this strange hell then it was a whole other story. Though she knew somehow that she was alive, she could hear things, a ruffling, movement, and while she couldn't see she figured it was because her eyes were closed though she couldn't bring herself to open them just yet. Then there was a voice, silky, smooth and somehow she knew, inhuman.

"Emma. My name in Carlisle Cullen. I'm here to help you. You've been through many changes. Let me help you."

At the sound of the friendly, hospitable voice, she, impossibly so a far as she was concerned, opened her eyes.

So this will be Jasper/OC, should I continue? Let me know! =]