Spike stood up slowly, his head spinning and everything was black. He didn't remember anything except a demon and a flashing light.

"Bloody hell, what did that demon do?" He grabbed his head to try and steady himself. His head pounding.

Slowly everything became more clear. It was bright outside, and he figured he was in the shade or something because he wasn't in flames. It appeared he was in the middle of a forest near a clearing. He turned around to look at everything. No... He wasn't NEAR a clearing. He was right in the middle. He quickly felt around himself. He wasn't on fire. But there was no shade around him.

But his hands caught his eyes.

"What the...?" His skin was paper white and... Glittery. He was sparkling like his skin was made of diamonds.

"Spike!... Whoa."

Angel was on the opposite side of the clearing. He was in the shadows.

"... Why are you sparkling?"

"So you see it, too?" Spike scowled "Were the hell is m' duster?"

"I don't know... You look so gay..." Angel was laughing. His golden eyes staring, paper white hand covering his mouth.

Wait. Golden eyes?

"...Your eyes changed color, mate."

"So did yours, but I'm not SPARKLING," Angel grinned, hands on his hips "but we really should figure out where we are."

"Come out here, see if you burn," Spike frowned, backing into the shadows. Hoping that would make his sparkling not as noticeable.

"You aren't sparkling anymore," Angel commented, stepping out into the sunlight. Not burning, to his relief. But he looked down. He was now sparkling, too.

"... I knew you were gay, mate. But really?" Spike began laughing at Angel.

Angel growled, clenching his fists tightly. Moving towards Spike as quick as he could. He was there within a split second. He did wonder how he got there so quickly, but put it in the back of his mind.

"Bloody hell, Angel, you got faster."

"Is that so?" Angel reached up, grabbing Spike by the neck. As he squeezed harder he lifted slightly. Spike seemed to be completely fine. His skin started to crack and Angel quickly dropped him.

"WHAT the hell are we?" Angel asked, deep in thought. His arms crossed and a hand on his head facing down.

"... Do you smell that?"

"Smell what?" Angel looked up, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"I don't know but it smells TERRIBLE," Spike scrunched his nose in distaste.

"Oh... Kind of smells like wet dog..." Angel looked around, and over his shorter his companion.

"Angel... There is a horse-sized wolf behind you."

Angel quickly spun around to face a horse-sized black wolf. The wolf shifted in position to attack, barring his teeth in a deep snarl. Soon the black wolf was joined by a chocolate brown one and another one of a russet color.

Angel backed up slowly, bumping into Spike.


"... Yeah?"

"... I want to pet one."

"... Angel..."


"You are so gay."

(This was RANDOM. And I am not making fun of the gays. I AM gay. I just thought that would be funny.)