Author's note

I am soooooo sorry I haven't updated in forever. I got a fulltime job and am in demand as a weekend babysitter that writing sort of got forgotten but I am now making writing more of a priority.

I hate authors notes when they say that they have lost inspiration or are experiencing writers block and especially when it is a good story.

I'm usually like NOOOO when an author updates and says they are stopping writing.

But I am afraid I am now one of those writers.

I am not happy how I have written ray of sunshine into the shadows. I am having writers block regarding the story. I don't know how the story should go on and the POV of different characters is not helping with my flow.

So to continue writing I am going to completely rewrite ray of sunshine into the shadows. I hope that is ok.

Some of the chapters will be the same, others will completely be rewritten and some will be deleted. Please let me know if there any scenes you'd like me to keep.

I've already posted the first chapter of the new story. I've retitled it A ray of sunshine in the darkness. Two reasons really. One so it is different from the first story and two because I never really liked Ray of sunshine into the shadows.

One of the first changes I've made is that I've switched the surnames of Logan and Addison as I like Addison Cooper better. I hope this does not confuse anyone. I've also made Logan more controlling before, if that was even possible.

Thanks so much for your support and I hope you continue to read my stories. Please let know what you think.

3 Skywalker xoxo