
I made it to the Soul Society and I was in the fiftieth district for a while. Then some hollows made it past the Shinigami assigned to the district, I was consumed, in darkness.

I fought to survive, less I become like the others, pushed back into the darkness.

Then, one day I could see. I was in a fortress surrounded by sand under an endless night sky.

That man stood before me and told me that he had made me an Arrancar, I followed him blindly and that led to my death.

I was killed a third time during that war.

The next thing I remember was seeing HER face, hovering over me calling my Arrancar name, and I remembered everything…including my sister' last words,

"Have a nice day."


We met before we joined the order, before the incident, before I was forgotten. We lived in a suburb in Japan; our parents were co-workers who often went abroad. I remember how he would smile and laugh. We were happy. Then the incident occurred.

Our parents were talking downstairs while we played in my room. An explosion rocked the house and my world crumbled. I was returned to consciousness by my friend's scream.

My house was in ruins, our parents reduced to a mess of bloody limbs. My neighbors had called the ambulance and we were taken to the hospital and questioned. We told the police everything.

Well almost everything.

To this day that still haunts me. We were the only ones who could see it, the monstrous forms and that evil white mask. But most of all I will never forget that horrible blood curling Howl.

The next time I saw my friend was nearly two years later, when I joined the Order. I was recruited because of my ability.

My orphanage was attacked by a monster. It was certainly different than the one that had killed my parents. For one it didn't really have any limbs minus the giant gun it was shooting. It was shouting something about innocence. It used the word Innocence as a noun not a state of being.

Then I heard my friends voice, he called it an Akuma and attacked it. The cries of the frightened children around me probably affected what I did next. I picked up a rock and chucked it at the monster.

I don't know why I did it, the bullets that the police had shot had had no effect on it so what could a small rock possibly do? Imagine my surprise when it affected the monster.

I can't remember much after that the rest of the battle is a blur. The next coherent thing I remember was being told that I had a parasitic type of Innocence and that I was to join the Order.

I spent about four years in the Order, and always made an extra effort to be considered something like a friend to my friend who had forgotten me. Then I was given a mission in a familiar country, I was going back to Japan, back home.

Along the way the finder that accompanied me was killed. Instead of waiting for another finder to contact me I sent a message to Headquarters and went on ahead. Looking back, things would have been very different had I waited for another finder, but I wanted to reach Japan quickly.

I reached my destination in time to meet a figure similar to the one that had haunted my dreams since I was ten. The figure that was similar to my parent's killer was attacking two children. I reacted putting myself between the children and the monster. I don' know how long we fought, but at the end the monster retreated and I was lying on the ground bleeding... then nothing.

A man in green greeted me when I regained consciousness. He thanked me for saving his two charges and asked if he could do anything for me. I remember saying that I was going to die. A statement, not a question. It was confirmed. I asked the man to write a few letters that I would dictate and if he could bring my uniform and glasses back to the Order and cremate my body after I died. He assented and only asked for directions saying he would go himself. I remember finishing the letters, and giving directions. Then some time later, I don' know how long, my body no longer hurt and the light in the room faded to darkness.

At the age of ten my parents were brutally murdered. At twelve I was recruited as an Exorcist for the Black Order. Somewhere in between I was forgotten by my oldest friend. At the age of fourteen I was killed by my parent' killer defending two children in Karakura Town, Japan.


I despised Aizen. I never joined up with his gang of followers. I sent no peace offerings to him when he took over Las Noches and the kingdom of Baigon. I made no attempt to aid the war against the Shinigami. Instead of helping our brethren my people and I stayed in our lands. At his death Aizen's grand force broke into fragments and fought over the throne of Las Noches. I defeated them all and claimed the throne. I held that position for about 5 years, and then I abdicated when he came.


A rotund figure sat triumphantly on a throne in a fortress. Before him knelt beings dressed in white with fragments of a white substance on various points of their bodies. Behind the throne stood thirteen golden eyed figures with seven cross shaped scars stretching across their foreheads. The fourteen figures had taken over the sand world of endless night.


The Island of Orb has been inaccessible for nearly two hundred years. Those who were sent to investigate never came back. Only one organization knows the reason why. The Black Order knows that the Millennium Earl has taken control of the country. Just as the Millennium Earl knows that the Fourteenth will reappear. Just as Hat & Clogs knows that the world hasn't seen the last of Yutaka Rai.


Nine months. Less than three hundred days. That was the amount of time it took for him to get through the Academy. Most of the divisions requested him. He turned them all down.

Instead he chose one that had the least amount of recruits, the one that the other students avoided. The division led by a Fuku-taicho that was called degrading names behind her back. He didn't choose it to spite all the other divisions. Nor did he choose it out of pity or insanity.

No he chose it because of the potential others failed to see. This division had been betrayed by their captain, was spited by their comrades, and slandered by students. Yet they still moved on. They picked themselves up and fought against a man whom they had all looked up to. This single fact was enough for him to submit his application to them. The Shinigami I submitted it to was surprised. He said that their pay was lower due to their social status and asked if I was sure. I nodded. He still looked unsure but put it into the mostly empty folder reserved for signing by the Fuku-Taicho.

I walked out content with my choice. The next day I received my uniform and attended orientation. Towards the end the Fuku-Taicho gave a small speech of welcome to the forty or so recruits. Seeing her in person I noticed that my classmates had gotten one thing right. Hinamori Fuku-taicho was hardly intimidating. Though she did have a small aura of authority. I smiled, I had made it.

Yutaka Rai had joined the Gotei Thirteen.

AN: review please