Egads! I honestly have no idea where this came from. I don't know.

For the time being, I'll be blaming the NFA Random Pairing Generator, along with the fact that I wrote all of this at one in the morning.

Gah. I am at a loss for words. Erm… I don't own NCIS? And… enjoy? Gah.

Jenny Shepard/Trent Kort - Stuck

"No, Trent, I am stuck." Jennifer Shepard groaned trying in vain to get her left foot out of the terribly awkward position it had wound up in. How the couch in her office had seemingly shrunk 3 inches, the redhead had yet to figure out.

"If you'd just hold on for one-" Her flustered lover began.

"No. We will finish after you get up and lift this godforsaken couch off of my foot!" Jenny sighed, she sometimes wondered why she ever started this relationship in the first place, her stubbornness combined with Trent's sure did not work out at times.

Then again, this wasn't the first time she'd been with a man as stubborn as her. However, a main difference was that her previous lover would have been kind enough to let the damn sex-on-the-floor wait a few minutes to save her poor foot from losing circulation because of an office couch that she didn't even like.

"Alright, alright," Trent whined, climbing up from the floor, stark naked. He clambered over to her couch, bending and lifting the offending piece of furniture off of Jenny's foot. She pulled her foot out from under the couch, before rolling a good three feet away from it.

Trent haphazardly let the couch fall out of his hands and onto the floor before returning to his redheaded lover/ the Director of NCIS, who was currently sprawled out on the rough carpeting of her office floor. She beckoned to him with a single finger, and he happily complied to her wish. He joined her on the floor, ravishing every part of her body with his lips before returning to where they were before things had become a little too reckless.

They didn't even hear someone entering Cynthia's office. Nor did they notice the Director's already abused door being thrown open. In fact, her visitor would have remained an unknown voyeur to their very un-professional meeting had Jenny not looked up the exact right moment and seen those burning blue eyes.

