Ilana: Well, here's the first chapter of the first fanfic I've ever written! ^_^

Loralei: YAYZ! We're all really proud of you!

Ilana: "All"? Who's "all"? There's only me and you…-_-;;

Loralei: True….but still, I'm proud *glomps Ilana*

Ilana: *glomped by Loralei* In any case give the warnings and disclaimer!

Loralei: Oh, Yeah! Ilana (I-Heart-Yami-Yugi) does not in any way shape or form own Yugioh or any of it's characters. WARNING: This is a Yaoi fanfiction! The first chapter starts in the middle of a lemon. No like-y, no read-y. Capiesch?

"Ah…ah…Pharaoh…oh…hng…" Heba moaned as his lover continuously pounded into him. He was in such a pleasant state of euphoria, in the throes of passion, his prostate being hit again and again.

"That's right my Little One, call for me" Atemu panted. "Scream my name for the gods to hear"

He gave a particularly hard thrust, and then it was all over for Heba. He came with a scream "A-A-Atemu!" The Pharaoh felt Heba's walls contract around his member and came soon after, filling his lover with his seed.

Atemu let his arms fall out from under him, lying down next to his small look-a-like. They wrapped their arms around one another, simply enjoying their closeness.

Heba was the first one to stir from their embrace. "Um, Pharaoh?" The ruler looked down to him questioningly. "Am I mistaken in my assumption that tonight you were a bit more passionate than usual?" Heba fidgeted under the now loving gaze of his partner.

The Pharaoh chuckled and began to sit up a little, leaning back on his elbows. "Oh, my Little One, how perceptive you are. Or perhaps it was your body that was so very perceptive" he mused, making Heba blush deeply. "I was in fact putting more into our lovemaking. This entire week I will have an excessive amount of meetings and trials to attend to. There is also an ambassador from a nearby kingdom coming to visit and I will be busy with assuring the peace of our own kingdom. I will have little to no energy left for our more intimate 'night-time rituals'."

Heba sighed and gave Atemu and incredulous look. "So basically you're trying to get enough fucking done to last you for a few days?" Atemu smile and hugged his little lover, who snuggle in close to his chest. "Precisely my little love, which is exactly why I am not nearly done with you for tonight."

Heba giggled and snuggled in closer and nuzzled Atemu's neck affectionately. "And I would never deny my Pharaoh." Atemu was about to recommence ravishing his love, when the Heba added "But I'm getting a day off tomorrow! The last time you made this excuse I couldn't walk straight the next day!"

~~~The following day, around noon~~~

"Pharaoh, Pegasus the ambassador from Shiba has just arrived" the guard announced. Atemu straightened in his throne and set down the papyrus with a law he had been analyzing. His six priests looked up from their work and awaited their ruler's words.

"Send him into the throne room." Atemu finally announced. Well, here we go again he thought as he recalled the last time the ambassador "graced" the court with his presence.

The doors to the room opened wide, revealing a tall man with below-the-shoulder length silver hair. He wore extravagant red robes, bedecked with multicolored jewels and stones. He held himself with an air of arrogance. Behind him followed a sturdy looking youth of about 19. The teen had long dark hair that was kept together in a ponytail. His garb was in the same general style as his master Pegasus; however it was a simple cream color with no added jewels.

With a voice that dripped with mock-reverence, he presented himself "Ah~! Pharaoh-Boy~! What an honor it is to humble myself with your presence~! I hope you have been well~!"

"It is good to see you as well Pegasus. I have been well, thank you." Atemu answered politely. What he wanted to say was Get the fuck out of my throne room you old pedophile. I was certainly well until you came here!

"Good, good, it is wonderful to hear well of the Pharaoh's health" There was that mocking tone again. "Isn't that right, Duke?" Pegasus addressed the youth who had accompanied him in.

A silent moment passed before that young man, now known as Duke, answered "Yes, it is splendid to hear of the Pharaoh's well-being."

An almost unnoticeable look passed between the two visitors before Pegasus addressed Atemu again. "Oh, by the way Pharaoh, out of curiosity, would you happen to still have that delicious looking amethyst-eyed slave that I had met on my last visit?"

Calm down Atemu, don't let him provoke you "Why, yes, Heba is still a servant under our care. Why does his presence concern you so?"

"I was hoping you would consider selling him to me. I would gladly trade him for twenty of my finest concubines."

LIKE HELL I'M GONNA GIVE YOU MY HEBA! I would not trade him to your sorry ass for a-thousand of your Shiban sluts! The Pharaoh's thoughts continued to rage on, but he did not allow his face to show his despise for the other man. He maintained his pleasant façade and replied "My apologies, but he is not for sale. We have grown quite fond of him and would not bear to give him away." Something in Atemu's voice must have been off, because Pegasus snickered as he finished speaking.

"Well, that is just too bad~! I suppose we should begin our meeting now~!"

Ilana: Well that turned out better than I had originally anticipated.

Loralei: …..

Ilana: What? What's wrong?

Loralei: …be glad this is your own computer, 'cause is your siblings read this you would be the walking dead. YOU'RE FRIGGIN 16! HOW THE HELL CAN YOU WRITE A LEMON ANYWAY?

Ilana: I'm awesome, that's how!

Loralei: *sweatdrop* ugh, whatever….Review please people!

Ilana: Yeah, I won't update again until I get at least…6 reviews!