A/N: Okay, so this is my first Toy Story fanfic, so go easy on me. I always loved the couple of Buzz/Jessie, so I decided to write a story about them! This is mostly fluff, and the other characters won't be in it much. I read some other Toy Story fics, and there seemed to be some differences in whether they had hearts/blood or not. In my story, they have hearts and can cry. Disclaimer: I do not own any recognizable characters. All rights go to Disney/Pixar.

Bad Dreams: Chapter 1

Jessie woke up in the middle of the night, panting, until she realized she would wake Andy and clapped her hand over her mouth. She then remembered that Andy was gone camping with the family for a week.

Jessie eased out of the bed and climbed onto the windowsill, and began sobbing. Buzz heard her crying and climbed up next to her.

"Oh, did I wake you?" Jessie asked "I'm sorry."

"No, no miss Jessie. I couldn't sleep anyway." He bit his lip before going on. "Miss Jessie, were you crying?"

"No," She said defensively "What makes you say that?"

Buzz reached out and touched one long, plastic finger to the tear tracks staining her face. "You weren't?" Buzz asked

Jessie's eyes glassed over and her bottom lip began to quiver. She leaned over and rested her head on Buzz's shoulder. Buzz, surprised, awkwardly wrapped his arms around her.

"I was crying." She admitted.

"Why? Don't you like Andy?"

"Of course I like Andy! I just keep having this awful dream that I'm still in storage and I can't get out. I can't stop it!"

"How can I help?" Buzz immediately wanted to stop whatever it was that made this beautiful redheaded cowgirl cry.

"I-I don't know…" Jessie sniffed

"Well, try to sleep now, and I'll think of something." Buzz replied, smoothing her hair. Jessie smiled and closed her eyes. She fell asleep and didn't dream about being in storage. She dreamed about Buzz.

A/N: So how was that? Tell me! Drop a review! ~RandomPurpleBook