I'm a badass, everyone knows that. Sure there was a moment there when my badass-nes was challenged, but mohawk or no mohawk, I'm still awesome. Just look at my guns! So yeah everyone knows that I'm not to be messed with. But what they don't know is that I've got secrets. One major one, and that is that Noah "Puck" Puckerman likes dudes. I know its crazy, but its true, believe me, I tried for a long time it ignore it. Problem is, when you play sports in school, well, locker rooms, ya know? Any way I found a way to deal with my… issue and still maintain my badass status at School. See my Aunt Isa lives in Dayton and during spring break I went out to visit her. While I was there I ended up going out one night and I found the gay bars. I was nervous, which is weird cause I don't get nervous. When I finally worked up the nerve to go into a bar, I was stopped just outside. Someone grabbed me by the shoulder.

"What the-" I was saying as I spun around, fist ready to clock someone. I almost immediately put my fist down when I saw the gorgeous guy standing there. He was thin but didn't look weak. He had short spiky blond hair, crystal blue eyes and pale skin. Last he had a perfect- what does my mom call it? Oh yeah, cupids bow mouth with a ring through the bottom right side. I don't remember his name, we didn't waste much time on that sort of a thing. That was the night that three things happened. I found a solution to my "problem," I lost my dude virginity and my aunt found out my secret. My solution being that I got a long awaited fake id. Then I would just make up an excuse to go see aunt Isa when ever I started getting too horny for dudes. I would then call her and make plans to go out to Dayton so I could pick up tricks at the bars. Isa and I have a routine, I just have to help her around the house and promise to always be safe (duh) and as long as I check in with her or get back to her place by 2 then she's cool with my little visits. She is an awesome aunt, she told me she wouldn't tell mom and I know she won't. When I asked her not to she went on about how its something that I should tell her anyway. It's great, I get to deal with my… whatever and stay a stud as far as anyone knows. I thought it was the perfect set up, that was until this summer.

A few weeks after school let out I was getting that feeling. Quinn and I were trying to be together but it just wasn't working out. Now my secret aside, I wasn't lying when I told her that I loved her. I did, I do, its just confusing and it doesn't help that she doesn't fully trust me. I guess you can't blame her, but whatever, she dumped me after just a couple of weeks. So without her to distract me I started thinking about guys again. I made a slight effort to distract myself with Santana, but her and Brittany were constantly together and she started getting weird with me so I ended up giving in to temptation. I set things up with my aunt and my mom and told Terri at work that I had to go out to Dayton because of a family emergency. At first she didn't want to let me go but I got Finn to back me up and she gave in. Its not like was lying really. I am going to visit family and its because of a kind of emergency so… yeah. Then I packed up enough stuff for a week and off I went.

The drive was too long, not that it was longer than usual, but I couldn't help but get anxious and excited. It's Friday so the bars will be poppin, I was getting hard just thinking about it. Not a great state to be in during a long drive, so I spent most of the time trying to think of things that are not hot. Yeah, that's easier said than done, so yeah, long drive. Finally I got to Isa's place, she was still at work so I let myself in using the key she gave me just for this kind of occasion. Her apartment was nice and funky, just like her. Isa is my mom's youngest sister, she is 28 and pretty cool. Her place is decorated with movie and band posters and none of her furniture matches. I headed off to the second room to put my stuff down. When I got to the bed I noticed that there was a magazine with a not on it on the nightstand. I picked up the note and read it.


I found this the other day and thought you might like it. I'll be home at about 7 so make yourself at home!


I looked down then at the magazine. It was called XY and there was a picture of a hot guy in the front. It didn't take long for two things to happen. First for me to realize that it was a young men's gay mag and second for me to rub out the tension (heh) that built up during the drive over here.

When Isa got back I had showered and was watching TV.

"Hey Noah, you hungry?" She asked as she shut the door behind her using her foot. Her hands were full of groceries and her black hair had fallen in her face.

"Here, lemme get that." I hopped off the couch to help her.

"Thanks," she said, now bag less. She brushed her hair out of her face and smiled at me. Its kinda weird sometimes looking at my aunt. She is like the chick version of me besides the darker hair and lack of gunns. "Well your looking good Noah, how's my sister and yours?"

"Good, and yes, I am hungry."

She headed off toward the kitchen and I followed, carrying the bags. We made dinner (pasta with sauce and meat balls with bread and salad), ate and cleaned up. Then we sat down to watch the new zombie movie Isa had just bought, Black Sheep. It was bloody and awesome. By the time the movie was over it was almost 10 so I decided I should get going. I went to "my room" and changed into a pair of dark wash jeans and a black beater and brushed my teeth and I was ready to go.

As I headed out the door Isa stopped me, "Here," she said while holding her hand out to me. I looked down and saw soe condoms in her hand.

"Thanks Isa, but I have some," I said to her while trying to stop myself from laughing. She pressed them into my hand.

"Well take em anyway, maybe you'll get really lucky!" As she said that last part she wagged her eyebrows at me. I did laugh then, then I thanked her again as I headed out to my truck.

I decided to go to Masque, in my short lived experience I have found that there seems to be a better mix of guys that go there. Also it's a club and not just a bar so its easy to stay anonymous if I want to. As I walked in and felt the bass pulsing through my body I was overcome with a strange calm. It was nice being here cause I didn't have to hide, here I could be a stud AND into guys. It didn't take long for me to find a good spot on the upper level where I could watch the dance floor. I got offer after offer, but I wasn't interested in any of them, then I saw who I wanted. He was standing alone, his back to me and that didn't matter, I wasn't all that interested in his face at the moment. He had a fantastic ass that was shown off nicely by the tight black jeans he wore. As I walked toward my prey I looked at his back, slim and lightly muscled that was painted black by the tight T he wore. Just before I got to him I noticed how amazing his skin looked in contrast to his dark clothes and brown hair. The black light made it look luminescent (hey I know some big words). Just as I took all of him from this view in I found myself standing just behind him. I put my hands on his hips and leaned in so that my lips brushed against his ear as I spoke.

"I need you to come with me. Now." I put on my sexiest smirk as he turned around only to loose it as soon as I saw his face. "Hummel?"

"Puck?" He said at the same time I said his name.

"Shit," I said, not knowing what to do. My secret is out, fuck. He looked just as shocked as I did, though his expression held something else I that I couldn't place.

"Yeah, well you better go," he said while looking off over my shoulder. "Mercedes and Tina are on there way back.."

Shit. "Thanks," I said before turning to leave while giving him a look that I hope he understood as saying "please don't tell anyone about this." then I was outa there so fast.