It's oddly remarkable how things in life work. Like coincidences, for example.

A mind-boggling example of a coincidence would be that two brothers from the exact same clan and exact same town were outside on the exact same night at the exact same time looking at the exact same shooting star and wishing the exact same thing and the exact same time.

I wish I didn't have to live with myself.

The oldest, Itachi, had had a difficult fact to live with. He had been ordered by the Hokage to kill his clan, since his father was plotting to take over Konoha with the rest of the Uchiha clan. Itachi was hated by everyone, and was tired of it. He couldn't bring himself to kill his one brother, Sasuke, and every day, he waited for the moment that Sasuke would find him and avenge the clan.

Was Sasuke ready to face Itachi? Or was he strong enough? Itachi was clueless of these facts, and was tired of waiting to die. He was just simply tired of everything in his depressing life. He was very overcome by sadness and despair

The youngest, Sasuke, on the other hand, was simply angry with his life. Why Itachi had killed their clan, he had no idea. Why he had been left alive, he also had no idea. He wanted nothing but to avenge his clan and kill Itachi. But where was he? It seemed like every time he got closer to his older brother, he would just disappear, and Sasuke would have to track him down all over again.

Sasuke hated everything and everyone. He hated Konoha, his best friends, Sakura and Naruto, his sensei, Kakashi, and, most of all, Itachi. Sasuke was tired of everything in his life as well. And would he ever find and kill Itachi? Would he ever be strong enough? His future held nothing but questions, and he was just plain tired of it. He was very overcome by anger and regret. Regret that he wasn't able to stop Itachi.

At the exact same time, they thought about how stupid this all was. Wishing on a shooting star? Two brothers, complete enemies, thought of as evil criminals, wishing on a star. They couldn't help but smirk as they both thought this.

It's very amazing how it all worked. They had done everything at the same time. Not one second off. Not one half second off. Not anything off.

Little did they know that that night, that moment, would change their lives forever.