I still do not own Bleach the awesome characters belong to the great Tite Kubo; I am merely borrowing them and am making no profit from this story. Please enjoy ^^ This contains yaoi, and MPREG you have been warned please do not read this if you do not like this sort of thing.

I'm really sorry it's taken so long to update. My internet stopped working and we didn't know what was wrong with it, stupid thing. And we changed service provider and my internet dongle didn't work and I have started college.

Thanks to cdracofor adding this story to their alert/subscriptions.

Italics mean thoughts.

Please enjoy this chapter ^^

A few minutes later Rangiku walked in, she spotted Toshiro and ran over and hugged him. "Taicho!" He playfully pushed her away. "Matsumoto, would you be godmother to Akio?" Rangiku squealed, 'Just like Isane.' He thought to himself. She then hugged him tightly. "I'd love to taicho."

He smiled a little. "Thank you Matsumoto." She smiled back. "Taicho, how far along are you now?" Toshiro thought about it. "I'm about 6 and a half months along." Rangiku squealed again. "Ne taicho, not much longer now." Toshiro nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to lie down for a bit, let Byakuya in if he comes here." Rangiku nodded. "Okay taicho." Toshiro walked into his office and lay down. He moved to get comfy and closed his eyes.

In the 6th Division Byakuya was talking to Renji. "Abarai, I wish to ask you something." Renji looked at him. "What is it taicho?" Byakuya thought about what he was going to say. "Toshiro and I have been talking and I wanted to ask you if you would be an uncle to Kureno and Akio." Renji was speechless. After a minute he managed to speak. "Sure, of course I will." Byakuya gave a small bow. "Thank you." Renji bowed back. Byakuya stood and walked to the door. He then walked to the 10th Division to see Toshiro.

Rangiku smiled at him when he walked in. "Taicho's resting in his office. You can go in." Byakuya walked over to Toshiro's office door. "Thank you Matsumoto-fuku-taicho." He turned back and walked into the office. He smiled when he saw Toshiro sleeping on the couch. He walked over and crouched down beside Toshiro.

He gently brushed strands of hair out Toshiro's face and brushed his hand across his cheek. Toshiro smiled in his sleep. Byakuya leaned down and kissed him lightly. Toshiro's eyes opened slowly. Byakuya noticed this. "Hey sleepy head." Toshiro smiled at him. "Hey." He slowly sat up and cuddled Byakuya when he sat down beside him.

"I spoke to Renji, he agreed to be an uncle." Toshiro smiled again. "That's great, Matsumoto agreed to be Akio's godmother." Byakuya cuddled him more. "That's good." Toshiro gave a cute little yawn. He looked up at Byakuya. "We still have to ask Kenpachi and Rukia here in Soul Society and Ichigo, Uryu and Tatsuki in the World of the Living." Byakuya nodded. "We can go and ask Kenpachi right now and then go and find Rukia. After that, if you feel up to it, we can go to the World of the Living and ask Ichigo, Uryu and Tatsuki." Toshiro smiled. "That's a good idea."

Byakuya slowly let go of Toshiro and stood up, the he pulled Toshiro to his feet. They walked to the door and headed towards the 11th Division. They were almost there when they bumped into Rukia, literally. Byakuya quickly caught Toshiro before he fell on the floor. Rukia caught her balance and bowed. "I'm very sorry Nii-sama, Hitsugaya-taicho." Toshiro smiled at her from Byakuya's arms. "It's fine Rukia-san, we needed to talk to you anyway."

She looked up. "Thank you. What do you need to talk to me about?" Byakuya gently let go of Toshiro. "We want you to be an auntie to Kureno and Akio." Rukia stared in shock for a minute before she managed to answer. "Yes, I'd love to. I'm honoured you asked me." Byakuya walked over and gave her a small hug and Toshiro did the same. They stood there in a hug for a few minutes before they broke apart.

Toshiro and Byakuya were about to leave when Toshiro gasped and held his stomach. Byakuya immediately turned to him. "Toshiro! What's wrong?" Toshiro gasped again before smiling. He looked at Byakuya. "I'm fine Byakuya, I just forgot that Kureno and Akio kick now and then." Byakuya sighed a little before giving Toshiro a questioning look. "When did they start kicking? You never told me." A sad look came across Toshiro's face before he bowed. "I'm sorry Byakuya, I guess I forgot with asking everyone to be aunties and uncles and that. I think they started kicking a few months back." Byakuya put his hand under Toshiro's chin and lifted his head up. "Please look at me Toshiro, I'm not angry or upset. It's fine, I understand that there's been a lot going on in the past few months."

Toshiro looked up at him and gave a small smile. Byakuya leaned down and kissed him. "Can I feel Toshiro?" Toshiro giggled a little. "Of course you can, I don't know if you'll feel anything though." Byakuya smiled and placed his hand on Toshiro's stomach. After a few minutes Byakuya felt a hard kick to Toshiro's stomach followed by a soft one. Toshiro laughed. "The hard kick is from Kureno, I think." Byakuya laughed. "He's going to be a fighter then." Toshiro turned to Rukia, who was standing there looking confused. "Would you like to feel Rukia-san?" Rukia smiled and nodded. She walked over to them. Toshiro placed her hand on his stomach after she stood there hesitantly. After a few minutes Kureno and Akio kicked again. Rukia smiled more.

"Are you alright Rukia-san? You looked confused earlier." Rukia looked up and nodded. "I'm fine, I was just a little confused about what was going on but I know now so it's fine." Toshiro smiled at her. "I'm glad." Rukia took her hand off his stomach. "I should really be going, I was running an errand for Ukitake-taicho." She bowed and walked off in the direction of the 4th Division.

Toshiro and Byakuya continued their walk to the 11th Division. When they got there Ikkaku Madarame and Ayasegawa Yumichika met them and escorted them to Kenpachi when they requested to see him. They found him to be in the mood for a battle. He tried to fight Byakuya since he couldn't fight Toshiro. Byakuya declined and told him they needed to speak to him about something, Kenpachi grumbled about wimps and not getting to fight but sat down and waited for them to speak.

Byakuya decided to ask him. "Zaraki-taicho, we wondered if you would be an uncle to Kureno and Akio." Kenpachi grinned. "Sure but I wanna train them. Byakuya looked at Toshiro, who nodded, and nodded at Kenpachi. "Fine, thank you." They left the 11th Division and went to the Kuchiki residence, where they had dinner and a shower before going to sleep.

The next morning they got up and did the paperwork for their Divisions before going to the World of the Living to speak to Ichigo and that. They stopped at Ichigo's house but he wasn't there so they took a walk to Karakura High. They waited until it was lunch time and Ichigo came out. Ichigo noticed them and called them over. "Yo, Toshiro, Byakuya!" They walked over to him. Ichigo smiled at them. "What's up? I haven't sensed any hollows lately, especially any that would require two taicho's." Toshiro smiled back. "That's because we're not here on official business, I have something to ask you Ichigo." Ichigo nodded and waited for him to continue. "Byakuya and I were wondering if you would be godfather to Kureno."

Ichigo blinked. "Who's Kureno?" Toshiro and Byakuya mentally hit themselves. They forgot that they hadn't told Ichigo and friends about them being in a relationship and that Toshiro was pregnant. Byakuya answered. "You see Kurosaki, Toshiro and I are together and Toshiro's pregnant with twin boys who we name Kureno and Akio." Ichigo stood there looking stunned for a minute before smiling and hugging them both. "Wow, that's great news. Congratulations. Yeah, sure. I'm honoured you want me to be to be godfather. And it's Ichigo Byakuya, not Kurosaki, that's old goat face." Toshiro laughed. "Thank you Ichigo."

They sat and talked for a few minutes before Uryu, Keigo, Mizuiro, Chad and some of the girls came out. They smiled when they saw Byakuya and Toshiro sitting there. Toshiro stood up and walked over to Uryu, while Byakuya stood up and walked over to Tatsuki. Uryu bowed a little. "It's nice to see you again Toshiro. How are you?" Toshiro bowed back a little, he couldn't bend down very far because of his stomach. "I'm fine thank you Uryu. Yourself? It's nice to see you again too. I have something to ask you if that's alright?" Uryu nodded. "I'm fine as well. Of course you can ask me something." Toshiro paused for a second. "Well you see Byakuya and I got together a while back and now I'm pregnant. I was wondering if you would be an uncle." Uryu smiled. "Congratulations. I'd be honoured. So how far along are you ?" Toshiro put his hand on his stomach. "I'm just passed 6 and a half months gone." Uryu smiled again. "You look great." Toshiro smiled back. "Thank you."

Uryu pulled some juice out his bag and handed one to Toshiro. "Thanks." Uryu smiled as he opened his. "So is it a boy or a girl do you know? Have you thought of any names yet?" Toshiro opened his juice and took a drink. "It's twins I'm having, they're both boys and we've decided to name them Kureno and Akio." Uryu gave a small gasp. "Twins? Wow." Toshiro laughed.

Meanwhile Byakuya was explaining to Tatsuki about him and Toshiro being together and Toshiro being pregnant. "So we were wondering if you would be an auntie." Tatsuki blushed and nodded. Byakuya smiled. "Thank you, it means a lot to us." They all sat and talked until the bell went and Ichigo and the others had to go back inside. Byakuya and Toshiro took a walk by the river before heading back to Soul Society.

They stopped by the 10th Division to see how much paperwork there was and were surprised to find Rangiku sitting behind her desk doing the last few sheets. She looked up and smiled. "Hello taicho, how did it go in the World of the Living?" Toshiro smiled back. "It went fine, they all agreed. Thank you for doing the paperwork Matsumoto." She smiled again. "That's good. And you're welcome taicho." They sat and had some tea before going home so Toshiro could have a relaxing bath. After the bath they cuddled into each other on the bed. Byakuya put his hand on Toshiro's stomach and smiled every time Kureno and Akio kicked. Eventually they fell asleep.

The next few weeks were almost a blur to Toshiro with him constantly in the 4th Division so Unohana could keep an eye on him as he was so far along. He was also preparing for the birth, planning how everything was going to happen.

A few weeks after that Toshiro was walking to the 4th Division when he fell over and hit the ground, hard. Luckily the 3rd Division taicho Ichimaru Gin was passing and helped him up. "Toshiro" Ya okay?" Toshiro shook his head. "I don't think so Gin, my stomach really hurts." Gin picked Toshiro up. "Hold on Toshiro, I'm takin' ya ta see Unohana-taicho." He took Toshiro straight to the 4th Division where Unohana immediately took a look at him. "Hitsugaya-taicho, your fall has stressed the twins. I think it's best to take them out now." Toshiro looked ready to cry. 'How could I have been so stupid as to let myself fall over.' He nodded. "Okay, if it's best for them." Unohana nodded. "Hanataro, can you get everything ready?" Hanataro, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, nodded. "Of course Unohana-taicho." He bowed and hurriedly left the room. A few minutes later Unohana took Toshiro through to another room. He desperately reached for Gin, as Byakuya wasn't there. Gin stepped closer and took Toshiro's hand and squeezed it gently. "Everything's gonna be fine Toshiro." Toshiro squeezed Gin's hand back. "I wish Byakuya was here. Luckily you're here nii-san. Thank you." Gin smiled. "I'm sure he's on his way already and yer welcome, what are big brothers for?" Toshiro gave a small smile.

When they got in the room Unohana asked Toshiro to change and lie on the bed. She left the room for him to do this but Gin stayed to help. Unohana-taicho then came back in the room with Hanataro behind her carrying towels and a bowl of warm water. Unohana then explained what she was going to do, cut open his stomach and remove the twins before using her healing abilities to close the wound. Toshiro nodded to show he understood. Gin held Toshiro's hand as Unohana started the procedure.

Byakuya turned up outside just after she started so he had to wait outside. He paced the floor waiting to hear news. An hour later Unohana let Byakuya in to see Toshiro, who was sleeping with Gin sitting next to him. Byakuya smiled and gave a small bow to Gin. "Thank you for helping him." Gin looked at Toshiro before looking back at Byakuya. "He's my little brother, it's wha' I'm here for." Byakuya smiled and thought of a question. "Are you really brothers?" Gin's smiled lessened a bit. "Nah, but we've known each other for years and he's like a brother ta me so he's ma little brother. We're just as close if not closer than blood related brothers." Byakuya smiled again. "I'm glad he has a brother like you." Gin's smile widened again. "Thanks, I'm glad he has someone tha' loves im' like you do." Byakuya looked at Toshiro before leaning down and kissing his lips gently.

A few minutes later Toshiro slowly opened his eyes and smiled. Byakuya sat down on the edge of the bed and held Toshiro's hand. He stroked Toshiro's hair with his other hand and he took a quick look at Toshiro's now flat stomach and admitted to himself that he had gotten used to his bump. Toshiro snuggled against the hand in his hair. They sat in comfortable silence for a while before Unohana and Hanataro walked in with a bundle each. Toshiro sat up. Unohana walked over to him and placed the baby in his arms. "This is the first born." Toshiro looked down and smiled. "Hello Kureno. You don't half look like Byakuya do you?" He added after seeing tufts of black hair. He cuddled Kureno for a while before handing him to Byakuya who cuddled him.

Hanataro walked over and placed Akio in his arms. "Hello Akio." He cuddled Akio, moving the blankets slightly. He gave a small gasp when he saw tufts of white hair. Byakuya and Gin looked over and laughed. Byakuya smiled. "Kureno looks like me and Akio looks like you." Toshiro smiled. "Yeah." Byakuya smiled again. He cradled Kureno in one arm and put his other arm around Toshiro. They cuddled for a bit. Then Toshiro sat up again. "Gin, would you like to hold them? You are their uncle after all." Gin smiled and nodded. "I'd love ta." Toshiro handed him Akio first. "Gin smiled at him. "Hello cutie, ya really do look like Toshiro don't ya?" Toshiro smiled, he was glad Gin was getting on well with them. Akio gave a little yawn which Gin thought was adorable. Gin rocked him and Akio cuddled into him and went to sleep. After lots of cuddles Gin handed a sleeping Akio back to Toshiro and Byakuya handed him Kureno. Gin smiled at Kureno. "Aww you're a cutie too ain't ya? It's no wonder you're parents are so happy you're here." Kureno then yawned and went to sleep. Gin smiled again and handed him gently back to Byakuya. Gin then leaned over and kissed Toshiro's forehead. "They're beautiful Toshiro, like you." Toshiro blushed and gave Gin a cuddle.

Unohana came in a few hours later to tell Toshiro that he could go home as long as he was careful. Toshiro got off the bed and stood up. He gave Akio back to Gin and went and got changed back into his Shihakusho. They then left the 4th Division with Byakuya holding Kureno and Gin still holding Akio, who were both still asleep. They walked to the Kuchiki house. Gin gave Akio back to Toshiro when they got to the front door. He leaned down kissed Toshiro's head again. "I'll see ya later Toshiro, you too Byakuya." He then left to walk back to his Division and Toshiro and Byakuya walked inside.

Rukia, who was waiting for them when they got in, rushed over to see them. "Aww they're so adorable." Toshiro smiled at her. "Thank you Rukia-san." She giggled. "You're welcome." Byakuya smiled and let her hold Kureno, while helped Toshiro settle back into the house. They spent the next few days settling into a routine with the twins. Kureno and Akio were as good as gold, they rarely cried and slept through the night. They were sitting in their living room feeding the twins when a hell butterfly came through the window. They were to go to the 1st Division as the sou-taicho had ordered a taicho meeting.

They finished feeding the twins and took them to the meeting with them. When they arrived the other taichos walked over to have a look at Kureno and Akio as this was the first time they had seen them as Toshiro and Byakuya had wanted to get used to caring for them before they took them out. Even the sou-taicho had a look at them before starting the meeting. When the meeting finished Byakuya and Toshiro took Kureno and Akio to the 13th Division after being invited to tea by Jushiro.

They sat and had tea and Jushiro held Kureno and Akio. They stayed there for a while and left when it started to get dark. When they got home they put Kureno and Akio in their cot. They then sat and cuddled each other until Toshiro fell asleep. Byakuya picked him up gently and laid him on their bed. He leaned over him and kissed him before turning the light out and getting into bed next him. He closed his eyes and fell asleep in minutes. They both dreamed of the future they hoped to have together with Kureno and Akio.


This is the end of this story but I have a sequel in the works so please look out for that if you liked this story, the sequel is called White Petals and Baby Flowers – The Flowers have Blossomed.

Thank you for reading this far, please read and review. Please tell me your views on my story any comments are appreciated. Until next time.
