Dudes, like "duh," I do not own the Star Trek Franchise.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek etc...Wish I did but I don't. Like if I did own it I would totally make that movie so Slash-a-licious! But seriously I do not claim I own Strek either. I do not own it etc...

So how are ya'll? I'm back for vacation. AND SUPER THANKS FOR THE REVIEWS. I average around 6 reviews per chapter. XD Garsh math.

Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.

"That's stupid."

"It's a brilliant idea Bones." Jim stated, completely ignoring the vicious glare of one Doctor McCoy.

"Fine, you're stupid." McCoy grit through his teeth. The regret of his earlier decision began piling. Not even three minutes passed since Jim's arrival at they Sickbay and Mccoy already wanted to throw him out.

"I'm actually considered a genius Bones." The captain smirked in his usual confident manner. Though a strain of nervousness dwindled in his eyes.

"To even stupider people!" McCoy snapped. "There's no way in hell that I'm doing that!"

"Come on Bones! It'll work! It's flawless."

"Flawless my ass! You could lose both your eyes! Worse you could die! And I did not spend all my fucking time trying to save your life to destroy it!" Mccoy thundered, his hands balled into tight fists. How dare Jim think of his life so lightly? After all the effort placed by the crew to try and save his life a countless number of times. Could he not see how important his life was not to just Bones, but to everyone, even the cold hearted Hobgoblin, in the crew?

"I'm already dying from god knows what Bones! Not knowing is killing me, and not just physically!" Jim argued back. "I need this Bones...I really need this. I'm going crazy." He couldn't hide the desperation that laced his voice, it wasn't worth it.

The idea of not being in control scared the crap out of Jim. Though Jim would never voice his fears, the loss of control of something as miniscule as himself nearly toppled the list. To most people it would seem that Jim was reckless, completely spontaneous and didn't give a damn about consequences. It seemed that he a lot of his choices held no composite thought, but in reality he did. Yes, he engaged in unpredictable behavior, but that was because he chose to. The power to control himself was apparent, and he was able to choose his actions and how he would react to them. He was able to chose to be reckless, spontaneous, and not give a damn about consequences.

Not knowing what he was doing, or what was happening put Jim out of control. He had no say into what his body was acting upon. It moved freely without his consent nor opinion. Already too many events conquered Jim's trivial life without his voice. The ability to administer himself was one of the few things that Jim could manage to his full competence, and for that to diminish persecuted him.

"Think of something else then. Because no matter what, Jim, I will not do the procedure. I am not going kill my best friend. Not now, not ever." McCoy looked directly into Jim's eyes. Even though he could see the pain and plead in them he would never do anything that could kill Jim even if the other option was already killing Jim.

"That was my best idea Bones. I can't think of anything else." Jim wanted to argue, protest and declare that he was able to live through a simple procedure like that. It would however been a complete lie. Even in this day and age the technology was not up to par to be able to implant something so inorganic upon a substance so sensitive and delicate.

"Why the hell does the camera have to be in your eye? Can't you like pin it on your shirt or something?" McCoy inquired.

"Spock'll notice." Jim curtly stated. His First Commander was probably the most observant man he has ever known in his life.

"Pfft. That green blooded bastard notices everything. It wasn't like he wouldn't have noticed it was in your eye. Make the camera like some crazy fashion statement, then everyone will notice like they always do when you're trying to impress some girl." The doctor snorted as images of Jim's past fashion endeavors floated across his mind. Like the time he temporarily bleached his hair pure platinum and had pink highlights because a certain guest on the ship loved the color combination...on hair. It did help that the certain guest had a rack that was rather...decadent.

"Bones that's the mo-" Jim blinked as it hit him. A grin marred its way onto his face relinquishing the previous worried expression.

"What?" Mccoy raised his eyes brows. He started to wonder if he should put Jim on lithium. Suddenly, McCoy found Jim up in his face clamping his hands on his arms with a stupid grin on his face.

"You're going to pierce my ear."


"What?" McCoy furrowed his brows at the pointy eared Vulcan.

"A mind meld." Spock blankly stated though he could infer that the doctor was not satisfied with his answer.

"I know what you said! Isn't that just your species touch telepathy? How the hell is that going to help Jim?" McCoy read about the Vulcans so called "mind meld", or what little he was able to read. There wasn't very much information about it other than the most vague and general, damn those secretive Vulcans. For all McCoy knew for certain was that it was for soley reading emotions, and McCoy didn't care about Jim's emotion as the moment. He just wanted his best friend out of coma and alive.

"A mind meld is far more abstruse than a simplification of mere emotion."

"And how much more abstruse is a fucking mind meld?" McCoy wasn't about to place Jim in some weird alien voodoo magic concoction without knowing more about it.

"I do not find it necessary to go into further detail as for it would seem that it is wasting our time to help the Captain." Spock tried his best to evade an explanation about something as a mind meld. It was not important to inform doctor of the full details in the configuration of a mind meld. What was important was to help Jim, and for his sake anything was necessary.

Mccoy wanted to say something, but he knew Spock was right. He was wasting valuable time, but was he really going to permit something unexplainable to help Jim?

Hell yeah.

"Fine." McCoy gritted through his teeth. "Just do whatever the hell you have to do. But you better save Jim no matter...and I mean it."

In the back of his mind, Mccoy knew it was a bad idea, that there had to be another way, but McCOy knew there wasn't. So he told himself to shut up. He wasn't going to let Jim die like that, in some stupid self induced coma. That wasn't heroic by any means, nor was it a death that Jim deserved. Jim had to be saved, even if it meant letting the pointy eared hobgobin do it. But McCoy was nervous to put faith into the Vulcan, and his feelings didn't quench what the Vulcan said,

"No matter what, I will save Jim."

McCoy did not trust Spock.

"Who are you trying to impress now?"

"Uhura I'm shocked that you'd assume that of me!" Jim said over dramatically with equally cheesy hand gestures. He gave a small chuckle at the sour look the communications officer.

Uhura rolled her eyes. The Captain was a pig, he seemed to do anything to get into someone's pants. "You look ridiculous."

"That's what Bones said. Well I think I look quite dashing." Though Jim had to admit he thought he looked like a wannabe. Both of his ears were pierced in the middle of the cartilage with a cuffed earrings. But it didn't matter if he looked funny, because his plan was working. Very well.

A few minutes prior to a meal at the mess hall Jim explained his brilliant plan to Bones.

"It's freakin' brilliant Bones. It'll be so noticeable that'll it'll not be noticeable!" Jim exclaimed.

"What're you talking about?" McCoy gave his friend a questionable look.

"Like you said everyone will think I'm trying to impress some girl, not that I'm wearing a camera! And it'll be easier to have with me at all times."

"...Well, that's better than your first idea." McCoy admitted. This idea was indeed better. Piercing someones ear was way easier and safer than trying to implant a camera into their eye. Not to mention the procedure took only a few seconds to complete, while the eye surgery would have taken hours. Jim's recovery time could have taken weeks with his long list of allergens as well as dreadfully painful. The captain would have been out of commission during recovery as well. McCoy supposed that maybe Jim finally came up with something that was capable, and not lethal.

"You'll do it right Bones? You have to do it Bones!"

"Fine, fine I'll do. But which ear do you want to pierce?"


Back at the Mess Hall Jim noticed Uhura giving him the most "I'm weirded out look" ever. He couldn't help but laugh out loud, because apparently there was some symbolism to ear piercing, and neither he nor McCoy were actually sure what it was exactly so they just pierced both.

"What's so funny Captain?"

"Ohh it's nothing. Nothing at all." Jim waved it off, and quickly tried to change subject. "Anyway what're you doing here Uhura?"

"Aren't I allowed to eat Captain?" Uhura took a bite of her food. She wasn't able to eat earlier do to circumstances.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. Gosh you're like Spock now." Jim mumbled the last part. "I mean usually people are done in the Mess Hall by now after shifts."

"I could ask you the same thing Captain, but from what I can see you were too busy to get your ears pierced. Trying to get into someone's pants?" Uhura didn't want to explain what happened earlier to the Captain. She could only assume that Spock wouldn't appreciate her blabbing. "Al-"

"Hey, Uhura."

Uhura turned her head to see one of friends beside her, with a now empty tray in her hands.

"Is Mr. Spock okay?" It was Lidia from the engineering department.

"Yeah, he's okay." She replied taking a bite of her food as she caught a glance at the curious look on Jim's face.

"You sure? Because I heard he was throwing up like crazy earlier." The red shirt, Lidia explained.

If Jim was a dog he was sure his ears would have perked up at that moment. Spock was throwing up?

"No, he's fine it's because of the-" Uhura was cut off.

"I heard about it too. It's like the talk of the ship now." Sulu chimed in as he slid next to the Captain.

"Da, ve heard it on our vay here. Is Mister Spock sick?" Chekov sat beside Uhura as he bit into his sandwich.

"It's nothing to worr-"

"What do you mean Spock's sick?" Jim interrupted ignoring the emanating from Uhura. Spock being sick was like saying it was the apocalypses. Just plain weird. Not to mention it started to make Jim feel anxious.

"Seems like it Captain, apparently a bunch of crew members saw him running to his quarters like his life depended on it or something." Sulu explained.

"And that he looked wary green." Chekov sipped on his juice.

"Really? I haven't heard that. He's probably throwing up again. Poor Mr. Spock. Wasn't he throwing up for like thirty minutes straight?"

"No, it was-" Uhura started.

"Thirty minutes?" Jim felt the anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach grow.

"Actually I heard it was longer than that, because he like stopped but then started again." Sulu said fully engrossed in the gossip.

"Awe, poor Mister Spock." Chekov expressed through sympathetic eyes. No one liked to be sick, and he assumed neither did the first commander. "He vas acting strange during ze shift."

"He was a little more stiff than usual, wasn't he Uhura?" Sulu asked the communications officer.

"I'm not s-" Uhura bit lip as once again she was interrupted.

"Oh really? What if it had to do with yesterday's away mission?" Lidia asked.

"That could be it. He was only there for like five seconds, saying something like the atmosphere wasn't suitable for Vuclans or whatever." Sulu sipped at his water.

Jim twitched a bit, he'd almost forgotten about the away mission. He'd been so caught up in all the madness that he didn't pay attention anything or anyone specific. Everything yesterday had been so chaotic and so...so...

"No, I don't think that wa-"

"Really? I have to tell Charlotte about this now." Lidia exclaimed.

"No, don't te-"

"She probably knows about it now. Everyone's talking about."

"I doub-"

"Da, it vas eweryvhere."

"I really doubt Charlotte knows, she's not really into news that's going in the ship. I wonder if the science department knows?"

"Lidia, do not te-"

"They should be notified if Spock's sick right? That's not a bad idea."

"That's not a go-"

"They should alre—eh?" Chekov jumped startled by the suddenly banging knows beside him.

"Enough! All of you! Spock is! He's fine! He's just okay you got it! Stop gossiping! We're not in high school anymore!" Uhura shouted in frustration. She couldn't stand it any longer and everyone in the Mess Hall knew it.

Lidia diverted her gaze before quickly stating her goodbye and jutting out of the Mess Hall. There was a long silence from everyone else, except for Uhura who proceeded to rant about the insanity of the crew and the disrespect they were showing for personal matters. It was ridiculous how something simple as someone being sick riled everyone up. Yes, it was someone who always seemed to impenetrable, but that did give people the right to create an uproar about. Uhura knew very well that Spock was a very private person, and clearly disliked anyone to engage within his privacy. He held it to the up most importance to keep his personal life hidden and away from the masses, even Uhura.

"So Captain you're sporting a new accessory...Captain?" Sulu commented trying to change the subject after a long strand of silence, but it wasn't working very well. He could feel the Captain beside him tense up, and it was awkward.

"I can't believe everyone! Gossiping like crazy animals! Most of them weren't even there! Why is it such a big deal if someone just throws up! It's because of the stupid replicat-!"


Uhura grit her teeth, she was being interrupted once again. She quickly snapped at whoever was invading her speech.

"Wha!-...t..." but once Uhura found her caught in the eyes of her invader, she froze.

Her captain was looking at her with something she'd never seen Jim express in his face. A seriousness she never knew anyone, especially not Jim, to possess. She wasn't the only that noticed, she was sure Sulu and Chekov did as well, because they both quickly silenced themselves. The intensity of his blue eyes felt maddening...and she felt almost scared.


"Is Spock sick?"

Uhura swallowed and cleared her throat. It felt like a command rather than a question. He made it sound like her lively hood depended on the answer. The demand and what seemed to be like anger in his voice was over powering to her. It didn't feel like the Captain anymore. It was like someone else was just in Jim's body at the moment. Because Jim wasn't this serious...was he?

"I-I...don't know..." Uhura stammered unsure exactly how she should answer.

She was being honest though. No matter how much she wanted to know what was going on with Spock, it was unlikely she'd ever know. Uhura didn't seem to ever know what was going on with Spock even though she tried, and weakly she still tried. Staying in the dark about the people she cared about hurt her, but there wasn't anything she could do. Not with someone like Spock. She wasn't going to be his "t'hy'la", and he did break her heart.

The communications officer forcibly averted her eyes downward, she couldn't look at Jim's eyes and doubted anyone could at that moment. But when she looked back up,

Jim was gone.

Author: Once again thank you for all those that have reviewed!

And about the OC, well from what I looked up apparently the Enterprise has like 400 something crew members. So I just made up one XD.

Also I've tried to find information about the mind meld and like other things but a lot of it is actually vague and general. XD

I'm still learning. Chekov is hard to write too. Hehhhh...

Oh! And remember to review please!

I'll write as long as I know people are reading it!

Anyone want to be my Beta? Leave me a note or whatever to let me know! ^_^

Thanks again!