A/N: HERE'S THE FINAL CHAPTER OF THIS STORY ): I know it isn't all that great, but I've always wanted to write a Christmas story with a crowd of people in it. And of course, it has to include many silly things. I had to cram all of my ideas into one story... so... it didn't really turn out that good. Maybe I'd write another Christmas one-shot when December nears, but I can't be sure. For now, I hope you'll be contented with this chapter!

Thank you for supporting this story all this time; enjoy the very last chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice.

Genre: Friendship/Family/Humor
Characters: Mikan, Natsume, Koko, Ruka, Hotaru, Persona, Narumi (and many others)
Suggested pairings: N/M, R/H (and... Persona x Narumi, maybe? HAHA JK!)

Of Links and Collections

Written by Rock-n-Round

XXX: Of Christmas Dinners and Heartwarming Reunions

Christmas, the best season ever.

Who doesn't love Christmas? It's the season of joy with children and adults sharing the gift of giving, the season of snow where everyone can go out and have fun, the season where couples get to do romantic stuff like sharing the same scarf, and mostly importantly, the season where families of all shapes, sizes, skin tone, hair colour… of all assortment , can get together and have a simple heartwarming dinner.

"Aw, come on Nat, it's not that embarrassing," Mikan teased, patting Natsume's fat belly.

"I don't even know why I agreed to this," he hissed, stroking his white moustache and beard.

Yowls of agreement came from the living room. "Yeah, Natsume! Just come out, will ya?" The two of them heard Koko shouting from afar, his voice taunting. Fuming, Natsume stormed out from his hiding place behind the couch, and sat down next to Koko with a huff. The sandy blonde could not suppress his laughter any longer, and let out a loud "pfft" before bursting out completely, rolling around the floor in satisfied glee. Kitsuneme, Yuu, Sumire, Anna and Nonoko joined in soon after.

"Y-you look absolutely epic as S-Santa Claus!" Koko had managed to say between giggles.

The raven-haired boy grunted in annoyance, folding his arms. Mikan, who had been suppressing her giggles, walked over to Natsume and settled down next to him. "Come on, don't be such a sulky boy, Nat! Santa won't give you any gifts if you do."

The lad merely rolled his eyes. "If you haven't noticed, I'm Santa Claus today." He kept silent for a moment, before a small glint appeared in his eyes. "And hohoho, you've been put on the naughty list, Mikan Sakura."

At that, the group burst out into even more laughter. "Natsume, my man," Koko started after their giggling had died down, "you suck as Santa Claus! You can't even do the hohoho thing right; and it's the most important thing. Like, ever!"

"Yeah man," came a voice from behind them. The group turned to look Ruka and Hotaru, who had just arrived. Their hands where intertwined together, as Ruka led Hotaru into Natsume's special-star living room. "You can't be Santa if you can't say hohoho right, Natsume." Ruka continued, sitting down on the floor before the three.

Natsume grunted. "Whatever," he scratched the area around his irritating beard, "so where're our teachers, anyway? They shouldn't be late."

As if his question had been answered, a deep voice sounded from the door. "We're here already." Persona emmerged from the door, carrying a plate of… chocolate cookies with pink heart-shaped frosting. (Wow, very badass, Persona.) He was followed by Narumi, who was dressed in a…. fairy's dress. (Why are we not surprised?)

Oh the holy horror.

As soon as they the two teachers settled down beside their students, Hotaru pulled out a little album from her bag. Flipping through the pages, she spoke. "Since it's Christmas today, I thought we could do some sharing."

Mikan gasped as she saw the pictures. "Hotaru, those are pictures of me and Natsume on our first date!" She blushed when she flipped to the next page. It was filled with pictures of the two of them making out at their Sakura tree—no wonder she had that eerie feeling that someone had been watching them; it had been Hotaru all along! "I should've known better, ne, Hotaru?" Mikan smiled.

Her best friend smirked back. "You know, you could keep the album if you want—consider it as a Christmas present, ne?" Mikan could only nod, face beaming.

"Okay kids," Narumi started as soon as Mikan kept the album away, "it's time for dinner! Let's all sit around the table and hold hands to say our prayers!"

Everyone did so, and Narumi took the honour of saying Grace. "Dear Lord, thank you for the time we have together, and blessing us with this happy occasion. Thank you for my frilly fairy dress, Natsume's Santa suit, all the happy cute cookies Persona personally made, and…" Narumi ranted on and on about the happy, gay things in life, while everyone could only gape at the amount of things Narumi covered. Soon, Natsume could not hold back his anger any longer and ended the prayer himself. With an "Amen", the lot of them raised their forks, ready to stab at the food on the table.

But Narumi just had to stop them.

"Wait, we still have guests. Don't be rude now, children!"

Natsume's eyes narrowed, as his temper skyrocketed even more. "WHAT GUESTS! I DON'T SEE ANY—" His eyes widened as they flickered to the door. "Dad? Aoi? Is that you?"

"Why, hello, son." The man at the door smiled. Beside him, was a raven-haired girl with crimson eyes. Natsume's eyes glittered with unspoken happiness, as he walked over to greet his father and sister. "Who's this behind you, Dad?"

Everyone gave confused looks at that statement, necks craning to get a better view. Mikan gasped when she saw an old man emerge from behind Natsume's father. "G-Grandpa?"

"The one and only!" the old man opened his arms, and Mikan soon went running into it. "But, how is this possible?" Mikan asked, head buried into her grandpa's shoulders.

"The academy started allowing visits." Persona folded his arms, speaking. "Narumi took the liberty of inviting them over yesterday."

Mikan's and Natsume's eyes glazed over with gratitude. Narumi smiled. "No need to thank me, eh?" He invited everyone to sit down, "after all, that's what Christmas is for, ne?"

On that day, they enjoyed a dinner filled with jokes, joy and Persona's gay cookies. Narumi supposed that Christmas was indeed the best season ever.

Because in a world where superpowers, bad dudes and gays exist, people rarely stop to think about how heartwarming a simple Christmas dinner could be—and Narumi was glad that he did.

A/N: Don't you just love Christmas? I'm very sorry if this chapter isn't what you anticipated, but I had fun writing about Natsume in a Santa suit and Person with his gay cookies; so I really hope you had fun reading it too! I regret letting this story go, but I have to. Thank you to all my reviewers, all the readers who've stayed throughout the series. I'm happy to announce that this story has over 14,000 hits, more than 150 reviews, and is in a community called "The Best, Funny and Romantic Fanfiction". I love all you people :D

So now, how about a review for old time's sake, eh? It's not mandatory, but it does make me happy ^^

Here's a list of the chapters in order:

1. Of Gays and Perverts
2. Of Acorns and Black Belts on the Second Encounter
3. Of Math and Pencils
4. Of Boredom and Tutoring
5. Of Elmo and Cookie Monster
6. Of Staring and Ice-Cream
7. Of Zombies and Sasquatches
8. Of Rooftop Talks and Confessions
9. Of Giving Up and Being Alone
10. Of Young Love and Old Men
11. Of Birthday Presents and New Year's Surprises
12. Of Stalkers and Romantics
13. Of Spying and Understanding
14. Of Appetites and Feeling Special
15. Of Cats and Dogs
16. Of Truths and Dares
17. Of Shocks and Miracles
18. Of Cherry and Strawberry Twizzlers
19. Of Roses and Violets
20. Of Leprechauns, Rainbows and A Pot of Gold
21. Of Animal Seducers and Complaining
22. Of Inventions and Animals
23. Of Sakura Trees and Body Language
24. Of Coffee and Cup Holders
25. Of Chopsticks and Global Warming
26. Of Facebook Fights and Misfortunes
27. Of Bimbo Talks and Zits
28. Of Christmas Dinners and Heartwarming Reunions
29. Of 'X's and 'O's
30. Of Fire and Water

(Thanks to KidTantei for pointing out my mistakes!)