I walked into class and glared at the evil three at the back of the class. Naruto, Gaara, and Sasuke; they are the group that makes up most of our annoyances in class. Gaara and Sasuke came together and started the bullying, no one knows for sure who started the bullying but I don't care. They dragged Naruto into it soon after.

Apparently the blond used to be innocent and kind but now he's just their lackey who can be almost as mean as them. Sasuke looked over and saw me just as I sat down next to Kiba. He smirked and turned to Gaara and said something. The redhead looked at me with his cold eyes and then nodded to Naruto who stood up with a sly smile.

I watched him come up to Kiba and lean down before him. The brunette's eyes widened but he said nothing. "I think you're missing something important to you." Naruto said softly as a dog's whine came from somewhere behind us. I turned to see Sasuke and Gaara pretending like they're too cool with nothing going on around them.

Stupid jerks.

Kiba began to go through his bag and then whistle looking desperate. "Akamaru!" He shouted standing up. I patted his shoulder making the teary eyed boy look at me bitterly. I smiled kindly at him before walking over to the evil three. Sasuke gave me a look that asked if this was a challenge. I just reached forward and grabbed his bag.

The black haired guy glared at me angrily but said nothing with Gaara's hand on his chest, holding him back from me. I pulled the puppy out and then dumped all of Sasuke's stuff from his bag on the floor. When I was done I turned around and handed the dog back to his master. Naruto lunged forward and put everything back for Sasuke like the dog he's become.

"Why don't you all settle down for a moment?" Iruka growled entering the room. I looked at him in amusement knowing this private school doesn't know the meaning of settle down. Not with them letting people like the evil three lurk around. Luckily they don't mess with the younger kids on campus. They tend to stick to their own size.

"Thank you Sakura." Kiba said from beside me with a grin. I looked at him for a moment then nodded with a slight smile. This private school is for the country's elite. For students who weren't picked by the school, it costs money. I was picked otherwise I would never be able to go here. A girl with nothing gets nothing. Luckily I'm part of the specialized group which means the school pays me to stay.

I don't know why they would bother since they should know that if I don't go here I have nothing. No money, no home, and no family. I'm not a pity case though since I do go to this school. There are probably kids all over the world like me who weren't able to get such a lucky break.

"Sakura Haruno?" A voice asked from the doorway. I looked up to see a tall boy with red hair and amber eyes looking bored. I smiled at him. He and a few others are in a specialized class with me. Each student goes to one of the six specialized classes once a week.

Official Class is for students who have a good eye for political issues or government strategy. This class is probably the biggest here. They get to learn how to hone their skills and become the best they can while still keeping sight of their own goals. The school does their best to keep a creative freedom atmosphere with a strict hand over it blocking unnecessary behavior.

Business Class is for students who have great ideas and can help or build companies one day with their talents. This is the second largest class in the school but almost tied with the Official Class. They are trained to help build their keen eyes and strong senses in the business field. It's a tough class.

Society Class is a place for students with charisma or famous ideals. Anyone who wants to be a celebrity or a high class would join here. Of course the high class part is only for students born into it. They learn proper etiquette and how to make strong impressions on people as fast as possible with their natural abilities.

Athletic Class is a place for students who are natural talented in sports, so much so that they could break records and enter the world cup! This class is a very popular one with quite a few students. The coaches on the school grounds are famous athletes who have graduated. Most of them are retired but some are still going.

Technology Class is a laboratory for the nerds of the school. Students with top grades and amazingly talented minds join this class. The kids here can start selling their inventions and ideas to companies when several teachers know for sure that the product works. Most of the students in this class are quite rich with their talents.

The last class is the Special Ability Class which is a home. It's for students who have special abilities that don't fit the other classes. These abilities tend to be very specific so it's hard for teachers to help this class but everyone in it helps each other. It's a class full of freaks who enjoy each other's company while working on their future. This safe haven is where I am along with the man at the door.

"What is this about Sasori?" Iruka asked harshly. The teachers here aren't fond of this class since we rarely discuss what we do when we meet. With no teachers to help us the faculty find it difficult to figure out what to do. For some reason the Principal is fine with our class though which makes it safe for now.

"Tsunade wants to see her. A student was just injured and she would like Sakura to be on hand." He informed us courtly then left. I got up swiftly and hurried after him. My specialty is healing. I've always had a quick mind and was naturally talented in the medicine department. Somehow the school found out about me. It was probably my old school nurses who blabbed.

I guess it's hard when a student can do your job better than you.

I could feel some gazes at my back but slowly the students here have been getting used to me doing this with the nurse. I've only been here for two weeks but I've made a home in places where they are rejected. The nurse is considered a drunk with a temper while the Special Ability Class is classified as a waste of space for rejects.

"Hello Sakura." Tsunade said as she was placing a towel on an elementary student's gash. His leg had a deep cut in it. The gash was about two inches around and probably three or four deep. The poor kid will have to heal that muscle up before he plans on walking again. "Don't worry… it just barely missed the muscle." She informed me.

I helped her clean up the wound and stop the bleeding. "What did you really need me for?" I asked with no emotion as Sasori sat down at an empty waiting chair with Itachi beside him. The redhead smirked but I ignored him. Itachi's black hair and dark eyes help show that he's Sasuke's older brother, but the difference between the two is that he's nice, albeit in a quiet way.

"Have those three boys messed with you at all?" She asked and helped the child sit up. He grinned at us and then winced in pain but before I could speak to him a woman ran into the room and hugged the boy tightly. I smiled at the sweet sight of the mother and son hugging while the father stood in the doorway looking worried. When they left Tsunade turned to me.

"No. I've been doing my best to stop as many of their tricks as possible but none of them have messed with me." I informed her honestly while Sasori and Itachi remained silent. Sure I like these people but I haven't been here long enough to think it's okay for them to worry. I'm not that kind of girl.

"Sasuke will be punished if he does." Itachi informed me but I shook my head. I don't want them to bug into my problem. I have them in my class so I should be the one to deal with them. Sasori looked me over for a moment and nodded before getting up and ruffling my hair.

"We should head out." He informed Itachi then walked out of the room. I watched them go and turned to the annoyed Tsunade. She glared at me for a moment longer then sighed in anger.

"Just let someone watch your back every once in a while otherwise it'll get burned." She glowered but I just smirked at her and turned around. When my back was to her I lifted my shirt and showed her the burn mark there. A sober silence entered the room but I just put my shirt back down and turned to her with a small smile.

"I'll be fine. The same pain twice won't hurt me as much." I said with a sigh and left the room. Right before I was out of earshot she said something that hurt but I ignored it. I needed to hear this anyway so I don't get overconfident. She probably knows this.

'When your old wound isn't healed yet it will hurt even worse than before.' What a lonely thing to say. I walked through the hall looking at the black floor and ceiling while the walls and window panes were white. The colors here are black, grey, and white. You can definitely tell with the grey tinted windows and the look of the hallways.

I entered the class in time for homeroom then sat down at my seat. Once I was seated the three stood around me. Looking up at them I just gave the boys a kind smile, might as well pretend to be helpless until they attack.

"Your name is Sakura right?" Sasuke asked with a smirk as he leaned in close to my face. He batted his eyelashes in an attempt at flirting. It didn't work out too well obviously, I mean the guy is good looking sure but that never stopped me from wanting to hit a bully.

"You got it, Sasgay!" I grinned making his face turn red as he glared at me. Naruto's face turned red as well but with his hands covering his mouth I knew it was him trying to keep back his laughter.

"Clever." Gaara said with no emotion like normal. I looked at his love tattoo on his forehead and blinked a couple times. Sure I've seen it several times but this close… the letters look like it was written in blood. Did he do that on purpose?

"Wow well aren't you three the cutest three musketeers I've ever seen? Why don't you three go away and give me some space before I embarrass you handsome boys?" I asked and leaned back in my seat. The pain in my back stung, letting me know I accidently opened the burn again. I ignored the pain since I've felt it so many times before. Last year I would have winced… this year not so much.

Gaara and Sasuke exchanged glances but Naruto looked at me with an odd look in his eyes. "What happened?" He asked me causing both boys to look at him. I glared at the blond knowing he somehow noticed my pain when the other two didn't.

"Shut up and leave me alone before I force you to." I growled but he just continued to look at me with some concern. It was surprising since he's one of the evil three but the part I'm really angry about is that he noticed my pain. Gaara started to leave with crossed arms.

"She's boring. Ino would scream." The redhead said simply making my eyes narrow. Ino is a cheerleader three seats down from me. She has long blond hair and laughs a lot with the boys but… why would these guys want to hurt her? No. I could ask that question about any of their victims. Right now I just need to stop them.

"Aw do you doubt your talents?" I asked with a smirk. Gaara glared at me but said nothing while Sasuke rolled his eyes and slapped the back of Naruto's back with an incredibly hard smack. Naruto winced but continued to look at me.

"We should go. Naruto isn't helping us. He thinks she's badly hurt for some stupid reason." Sasuke said with an apathetic shrug. The blond continued to look at me then his eyes widened.

"Your back is wet." He informed me making my eyes widen. I've had this 2nd degree burn for a very long time. It could have gone away in three weeks but every time it gets close I tear it completely. I don't want to lose this scar. I want to keep the pain and the suffering it causes me for as long as possible.

I stood up immediately and walked quickly to Kakashi. He allowed me to go to the nurse's office, but before I left I looked back at the evil three. They looked at me with blank eyes except for Naruto's concerned one. They don't know and will never know what is going on. I don't care all that much. This school is good for me.

I walked along the hall hoping I still had an extra shirt in her office. This happens all the time. Interstitial fluid gets on my clothes too much for the only amount of money I have. It's going to cost so much this time… I barely have any clean clothes now…

When I entered the office I was surprised to see Deidara there. His blond hair and dark eyes made him look gorgeous but as part of the Special Abilities Class his looks mean nothing. "Hey Sakura! Ew… you got that ooze on you again didn't you?" He asked looking disgusted. I glared at him and stuck my tongue out making the guy laugh before walking forward. I'm used to his getting up close and personal with me but I'll never understand his fascination with the disgusting.

"Of course you would cut yourself again. That was rude you know." Tsunade said referring to earlier when I showed her my burn. I know how disgusting she finds it and how hard it is for her to deal. She's the one who's making sure I don't get infected though.

"Yeah well you're the one who said burn." I retorted with no emotion. I love my sensei but right now I'm just not in the mood. I could see the sympathy in Naruto's eyes. Stupid brat. He doesn't know what I'm going through or even who I am.

I don't want anyone to know who I am… because if they know….

I'll lose him completely.