Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Twilight!

8 months later-

"What sound does a car make?" I asked my now eighth month old daughter Niri as I sat with her on the floor while she played with some blocks. She looked to be about two and half years old. Her aging was slower than Nessie's had been, but faster than any normal human child. She was extremely bright as well. "Tell daddy what sounds a car makes."

Her now green eyes squinted as she thought about what I was saying. She understood me without a problem, but saying words was sometimes still difficult for her. "Vroom! Vroom!"

My wife who was sitting next to our daughter helping her pile the blocks laughed. "What about a kitty Niri? What sound does a kitty make?"

Niri bit her bottom lip as she thought about it for a moment. "Meow! Meow!"

"Woof! Woof!" My other daughter made a barking sound as she came down the stairs and picked up her baby sister. "What makes that sound Ni-Ni?"

"Doggy!" Niri cried happily pointing to her uncle Seth who now lived with us. "Sethy go woof!"

This time I laughed even though I knew it annoyed Seth when she called him Sethy, but he allowed it because she was adorable and nobody could say no to her. Niri loved dogs and so she thought it was great that her favorite uncle could actually turn in to one. Seth had tried explaining to her that he was a wolf and not a dog, but she still thought he was a big dog. Eventually she would understand the different, but right now she was young so that is why he let it slide.

"Shiny!" Niri cried and for a second I did not understand what she was talking about until I saw her grabbing at Renesmee's hand a trying to pull off a ring from her wedding ring finger.

"What is that?" I half choked out knowing the answer already, but not sure if I was ready to accept it or not. "Tell me that is not an engagement ring Renesmee Carlie Cullen!"

My oldest child blushed and used her sister as a shield which was rather clever of her. "Dad you had to know it was coming Seth asked your permission!"

My wife turned to glare at me as she stood and set her hands on her hips. "He asked your permission and you didn't tell me?"

I shrunk back in fear at the all the glares I was receiving from the women in my life. My baby girl was glaring too though not because she was angry with me, but rather because she was trying to mimic her mother and older sister whom she idolized. "I didn't think he would ask her for a few more years! I thought he was just you know being prepared! How was I supposed to know he was going to ask her so soon? If you are going to glare at someone it should be your brother for getting engaged to your step daughter!"

"Gaged!" Our youngest laughed as she tried to say engaged not even knowing what it meant. "Niri get gaged too!"

"Oh no you don't little one." I scolded taking her from Renesmee's arms and holding her close. "You are never going to get married as long as I have anything to say about it."

My Quilette wife shook her head at my behavior before looking at Ness and Seth. "I would take this chance to run if I were the two of you because he is going to go in to a rant if you stick around and probably give you the sex talk."

The two ran off in the opposite direction as fast as their bodies would let them. I narrowed my eyes vowing I would find them later to continue on with this talk. "This discussion is not over!"

"Gaged! Gaged! Niri want gaged!" The littlest Cullen now had eyes full of tears as her bottom lip quivered. Oh no, she was going to use the pout she had inherited from her mother. I could never handle the pout and I probably never would be able to. It was one of my few weaknesses. "Daddy, get Niri gaged!"

I started to bounce her up and down in an effort to calm her. "Sweetie you are too young to be engaged. What if I get you that puppy you wanted instead? We can go right now and get that cute little spotted Jack Russell terrier you saw at the pet shop when we took you to get a gold fish, but they were all sold out."

My daughter stopped crying right away as soon as she heard the word 'puppy' and a smile appeared soon after. "Puppy! Niri get puppy! Puppy now! Puppy now!"

Leah kissed the top of Niri's head. "You are way too easily pacified and your daddy is a big softie, but he loves you just like mom loves you and because I love you I am going to let daddy get you that puppy because he is going to be the one who cleans up after it when it makes messes in the house. Mommy won't be cleaning up after another little poop monster because I have you to handle and right now you are enough."

"I love you too honey." I stated with a laugh brushing my lips against hers before getting a devious idea. "Hey Niri, you should tell mommy that you want a little brother or sister. Wouldn't you like to have a baby brother or a baby sister to play with?"

"Niri want brother baby! Niri want sister baby!" She babbled looking at her mother with the teary eyes she had been giving me not too long again.

My wife clucked her tongue as she narrowed her eyes in my direction. "Oh you are truly evil Edward Cullen to use our daughter to get what you want."

I shrugged with a smirk firmly on my lips. "Yeah I am, but you are two and that is one of the reasons you love me."


AN: This story is officially over and I think it ended on a good note. I love Niri don't you guys? I know I did not mention the Volturi or what happened, but that is because I am not sure if I will do a sequel in the future about Niri when she is older and what goes on with Aro and all of that. Let me know your thoughts on that. Oh and I need you all to tell me in a review what other story besides 'Be Mine Little Sister' you would like to see finished next. Let me know and let me know if you all liked this or not.

Please R&R like always!