Hey guys! First, of all, I want to thank you for all of the wonderful reviews. You guys are AWESOME! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I have been so busy lately. This has been a really active summer for me. Hope this chapter made up for it. I just went and saw Eclipse today, so the storyline for the original story is fresh in my mind, and maybe that will give me some inspiration for this. Enjoy!

Bella's POV:

I went to school all week, just as usual. I tried my best to get a hold of myself and not freak out. It worked. I actually had a good week for once in the last three months. I was able to enjoy myself at lunch, and because Paul had a talk with those girls that were picking on me, I had no trouble with them. Embry and I spent a lot of our time together.

Friday was quite eventful, though. The pack was having a bonfire at La Push that night to retell all of the legends and stories. It was for the new imprints and new pack members. But something funny happened that day.


That day at school:

I was walking with Jared on the way to our next class. He was my walking buddy for in between periods six and seven. We were discussing how gross it was to have to watch Emily and Sam fall all over each other.

"I mean, come on! Can't you find some other time and place to do that stuff?" he said.

"I know, right? I like them both, and I'm glad they're happy, but I could do without all the mushiness." I replied.

We laughed and turned when we came to the gymnasium doors. We started to turn off to go to the separate dressing rooms, when Jared froze. I stopped, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Hey, Jared? Earth to Jared! Jared!" he would not answer me. I don't think he ouwl've noticed if a bomb went off in the school. He was determined to stay right where he was. I tried to see what he had reacted so strongly to. All I saw was a girl that was in my Biology class. I couldn't remember what her name was.

I turned around to look at his face. He was totally off in his own little world. He looked kind of like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. That was the exact look that... that Sam gave Emily!

"Oh. My. God." I said slowly. Jared nodded his head, with his mouth hanging wide open and his eyes popping out of his head.

I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the other side of the room as the girl walked out the door.

"Jared, did you just imprint on her?" I asked, worried.

"I think so. Well, I don't think, I guess I know." he replied, dumbstruck. Oh man, was that ironic.

"Are you going to tell her? Maybe you should take her to the bonfire tonight." I suggested.

"That's a great idea, Bella! I'll be back." Jared ran after his imprint. As Jake would say, another one bites the dust.

*End Flashback*

He told her and found out that her name was Kim. She took it surprisingly well. Jared told me that we had a lot in common. She was good with wierd, too.

So, Jared had a date for the bonfire. So did I, sort of. Embry and I were planning on hanging out together. Jake would be tagging along with us, just in case something happened. I wholeheartedly hoped nothing would go wrong. I wanted to end this week on a happy note.

Embry picked me up in his mom's car Friday night. He opened my door for me and helped me into the car like a gentleman. I remember thinking, "Wow, I could get used to this."

We discussed Jared and Kim. Once we finished with that, we talked about the Cullen's. It was getting easier and easier to talk about them. He wanted to know about my life before they left. He told me he wanted every detail, and hung on every word. Even when I revealed how much I loved Edward. I said he was my life before he left, but I was getting over him. Embry couldn't hold back the triumphant smile when I said that.

We finally arrived at La Push. I frowned. I didn't want the ride to end.

Embry walked close by my side. I saw his hand twitch toward my fingers and extended my hand and grabbed his. I gave his hand a light squeeze to reassure him that I was okay. He squeezed back.

As we were walking towards the beach, Jake joined us. I was so used to not hearing him approach that I didn't even jump that time. His eyes darted down to my hand wrapped up in Embry's and smiled. Good. I was glad that he was happy for me instead of sad that he couldn't have me for himself.

We took our seats at the site of the bonfire. We sat next to Jared and Kim. They looked like they had already warmed up to each other. If only it had been that easy for me.

"Hey, Bella. Jake, Embry. This is Kim. Kim, This is Bella, Embry and Jacob." Jared said, pointing to each of us as he introduced us. Kim and Embry switched seats and Jake walked away so Kim an I could talk. Apparently everyone thought we would be good friends.

"Hi, Bella." she said.

"Hey. So, Jared told you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got all of the details. He even phased. I've always kind of liked him. I'm so glad he imprinted on me!" she said, almost squealing with excitement. That explained why they had seemed so comfortable with each other earlier that night. She had feelings for him before the imprint.

"So, what's your story?" she asked me.

I told her about my life before, during, and after the Cullen's. She seemed captivated by the thought of vampires existing. Boy, was I off. She was intrigued for a totally different reason.

"You knew vampires?" she said with a gasp.

"Um, yeah. So?"

"I was friends with a couple of vampires a couple of years ago. I found out what they were and they had to leave. I didn't think anyone else knew about them! And you were dating one!" she practically yelled.

"Oh my goodness. We have a lot more in common than I thought we did." We talked for an hour or so before the stories started. Then she returned to her seats next to Jared and Embry came to sit by me. I saw Jake sitting next to his father and Sam. I guessed that it had something to do with pack ranking.

I'd heard all the stories before, but they still gave me chills. I could picture all of the details in my head like it was happening right in front of me. At one point, I think I dosed off, my head rested on Embry's shoulder. Yet, I could still hear ever thing Billy said. I woke up to Embry tapping my shoulder.

"Bells, I have to get you home before Charlie kills me. Come on, you don't want me dead, do you?" he giggled. I opened my eyes reluctantly and followed him to his car. I fought to stay awake. I wanted to enjoy the ride with Embry, not sleep all the way through it.

"So, how did you like it. Before you fell asleep, I mean." he said laughing. I gave him a playful slap onthe knee.

"I love hearing those stories, no matter how many times I listen to them."

"Good. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. You approve of Kim?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. He knew exactly what we had in common.

"You knew, you jerk!" I said jokingly. "No, I really did have a good time. I hope we can get together again sometime. His look said, "Don't tease me." I gave him one that said I was serious. His ear to ear grin got even bigger, if that was even possible.

"Maybe we can." Embry said.

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride home. I fell asleep again, and Embry carried me up to my room. He sat me gently on my bed. I smiled as he kissed my forehead. I reached up and kissed him on the cheek. His face lit up like a little boy's on Christmas day.

I lied back down and fell asleep. I had a dream about the stories. But the dream that stood out from all the rest was the one where I was kissing Embry. I wanted that to happen, but I wasn't ready yet. I was getting close, though.

The next day was my first therapist apointment. I was nervous. I wanted this to help. If it didn't, I had no clue what I was going to do next.

Charlie drove me to the hospital and sat in the waiting room. I walked hesitantly down the hall to the room I was supposed to be in. Doctor Stevens asked me to sit down and he started evaluating.

*A few hours later*

I walked out of the hospital feeling fresh and assured of myself. Charlie noticed the change and seemed proud of me. I couldn't wait for school the next day. Wow, that was a first.

I couldn't wait to see Embry.

Wow, that was long! I hope you guys liked it, cause it took me forever! But, I enjoy it. I'll try to update more often. Review, please! Have a good weekend!