My Family: Bring It On

Chapter One: Butch?


She stood at the back door smiling out at her son and husband. They were playing some sort of hide and seek game but it turned into Severus being Jazon's horse. She could watch them all day but knew that if she didn't move now she would have a fight on her hands. After all Jazon always wanted his dinner on time and if it wasn't then for some reason he decided that the plates looked better in little broken pieces. Sighed a happy sigh she turned and made her way back inside to start dinner.

The one think she was thankful for was that now she didn't have to go and leave Jazon when she had to go to work. Her mother was great but she wanted to look after him herself. Severus was the one to help her out with that and now she was doing what she had always wanted to. Writing books. Each one so far was about how to do spell's easier or helped students with potions. But right now she was working on a book that told everyone what had happened in the war and all the thinks Voldemort had thrown at them while still in school. Of course she had asked Harry and Ron first but they seemed to just want her happy and said yes right away.

She smiled when she heard a yell from the door and turned to see Severus had Jazon on his shoulders and that the yell had come from him when Jazon had pulled his hair to hard. It didn't seem to upset him all that much as when Jazon started to giggle he just couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face. "Dinner's almost done so go and wash up. And no buts young man." She added when she saw Jazon about to moan. He closed his mouth again but huffed and turned his head away. Severus winked at her before going into the wash room that had been put in when Jazon started to complain about the walk being to long back to the kitchen.

As they were coming out she was putting their plates down on the table and Jazon cheered before running around to his chair and waiting to be put in the buster seat. Severus came around knowing that Hermione wouldn't be able to pick him up right now. As he was making his way back to his seat he let his hands move around her waist and stroke her inflated stomach that held their twins. It had been a surprise when they had found out a year after being married that they were going to have another baby(s) but a happy one. It had taken Hermione a week to finally believe it but after that she had been the happiest he had seen her in a long time. He was happy because he got to be with her through all of it this time. The ministry had let Hermione off on the having to marry and have a baby but she had married him as they had finally told each other how much they loved each other and that it wasn't just for Jazon.

The spell Ginny had thrown at her had been so bad that she had only just started to walk without a walking stick before they had been married last year. She had been grateful that she could walk down the aisle without having to hold onto something. Remus and Harry may have given her away but they had let her walk on her own and were there just in case she started to feel unsteady. Now all she had to worry about was having two more Severus's running around.

Severus watched as his wife worked on her book the next day and saw that she looked lost in thought. Her eyes were clouded and she was tapping her fingers on the table top. He knew that something was wrong so went ask what was up-setting her. Softly he said her name and watched her jump, shake her head and turn to him with a surprised look on her face. She smiled at him while showing her love for him in her eyes.

"Is everything ok? You looked out of it for a minute there." He asked walking up behind her and massaging her shoulders to take the kinks she had in them. She gave a moan while closing her eyes and letting her head fall forward so he could get to her neck better.

"I don't know what to do about writing the bits about Ginny. I mean I don't want her to look to bad in-case it up-sets Ron. I know I should tell the truth but…" She trailed off but he understood.

"Well, how about you write what you were going to put and let Ron read through it before changing anything that he doesn't like?" She stood up and went into his arms. Smiling up at him she gave him a kiss before telling him she would do that.

As she walked along the wood line she sighed, wondering when this war would really end. Sure Voldemort was gone but it seemed there was always someone to take his place. She was just thankful that her family weren't on the wrong side now. Severus had been acting strange for a couple of weeks now, since he had gone and talk to his uncle. It hurt to know that he was shutting her out but she didn't dare say anything in-case he walked away. She knew that when he was ready he would talk to her, or hoped was a better word. Sighing again she made her way back up to their home but stopped when she heard a growl from behind her. Frozen for a second she just stared wide-eyed in front of her, but soon she came back to herself when another growl sounded and slowly reached for her wand. Cursing when she didn't find it, she remembered leaving it on the bedside table after finishing cleaning.

She began to turn around and would stop every time she heard a growl but as she got turned all the way around she saw that it was a wolf not much older then a toddler of 3. Looking closer she saw that it was a boy. She smiled before putting her hand out in front of her. He growled again but he sniffed before giving a whine and lying down before crawling towards her. She whispered softly to it and soon it was rubbing its head on her hand. He was so soft she used her other hand to stroke him as well. He got up and rubbed his head on her stomach. She giggled when the babies kicked at this.

"Hermione come away from that wolf now!" She turned around with her hand still on the wolfs head. He had his wand out and had it pointed at the wolf. He growled at Severus and moved to stand in front of Hermione like he was protecting her.

"Severus don't be silly. He hasn't hurt me and isn't about to. Isn't that right Butch?" She said the last bit in a sort of baby voice while stroking his head. He stopped growling and had his eyes closed and had his tongue hanging out.

"Butch?" Severus frowned at her while putting his wand down. He saw the look in her eyes and groaned. "No. No Hermione. We are not having a wolf living with us." She gave the puppy dog eyes and he knew that he couldn't look away. "Fine but one wrong move and he's gone understand?" She broke out in the biggest grin and went and hugged him.

"Thank you, thank you. I love you soooo much." He shook his head and watched as Butch made his way towards them. He look at Hermione again and saw that she was frowning. He asked her what was wrong. "Where's Jazon?" He snorted before telling her that Clara had come over and taken him for the rest of the day. "Really?" She said as her arms started to rap around his neck. He smirked at this before bending down to her and bringing his lips to hers. She gave a yelp and laughed as he took her up in his arms and started back to the house. She saw Butch following but he didn't follow them any more then the living room and went to lay down in front of the fire place. She smiled at him before letting her full attention go back to her husband.



