Your Love Is My Drug Pt. 2 - Love Is The Drug


M Rating

Paul's P.O.V

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought 'It'll be better soon, the pain will go away' before i threw the tablets into my mouth and swallowed them with some water.

I splashed some water in my face, trying to get rid of the red rings around my eyes. I switched off the tap and walked through to see Seth, looking a little concerned yet smiling at me from the couch.

"Here, I'm out of the stuff for my leg. Got this outta my mom's medicine" I handed him the bottle, ruffling his hair before grabbing two cokes out the fridge and sitting next to him. He smiled back at me, but something seemed off... I opened the coke's, handing him his and taking a sip of mine. The T.V was turned to some music show, but i didn't really notice it. I was too preoccupied with stroking Seth's hair as he lent into me, head resting on my chest. Then i heard him take a breath, knowing he was gonna ask something he didn't want too. He sat up a bit and turned to look me in the eye's

"Paul?" He asked quietly. I smiled at him a little, and he continued. "Where's your mom?" Way to kill the mood.

"She's... Out..." I said, looking back to the screen. I didn't want to talk about her, it opened to many scars. "I'm gonna go shower, came straight outta training so i don't think you really want to sit next to me for too long if you appreciate your nose" I attempted to say light-heartedly, but it came out with a little acid. I got up and walked back to the bathroom, leaving him there on the couch alone.

I closed and locked the door, then turned on the faucet to the shower. I got undressed then stepped into the warm stream of water, and my thoughts seemed easier to handle. Seth and I had been friends.. Well, since he was born practically, he knows more about me than anyone. He's my best friend. I mean, most people have that one person in their lives, the one you trust more than anyone, the one you talk to when you don't think anyone else will listen. Seth and I are practically blood related, and I'd like to say i tell him everything, that I don't have any secrets kept away from even him. But I do, and its a big one. I got out the shower and dried myself, getting a pair of boxers, jeans and a shirt from the drawer. I threw them on then walked back to the living room. I noticed the room was tidy, like really tidy. I looked at Seth again, who had a sheepish grin on his face.

"O.C.D, can't help myself sometimes" he giggled, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thanks" I sit next to him.

"Heh, no problem..." He pauses for a moment, then "Paul? Your mom..." Here we go again, I'm gonna need another shower... "How longs she in for this time?" I look down, feeling ashamed. She wasn't my mom any more, she may well of been my mother, but not my mom. He put his arms round me, then grabbed the button off the coffee table. "Look, don't worry 'bout it, k? Let's just watch some T.V" He smiled his perfect smile, then lay his head on my chest again.

"It's getting late, you just wanna stay here?" I asked, but it seemed he was already out for the count. I smiled, then proceeded to stoking his hair again.

How is it that through all these years, even though I've always been bigger and stronger, your always the one who takes care of me? I started to doze off, my mind slipping back a few years.

We had just finished baseball practice, and we were sat on the bleachers waiting for my mom to pick me up. We sat for hours, talking and playing, until it started to get dark. I didn't want Seth walking home on his own at night, so i tried to get him to go...

"It's getting pretty late Seth, you should just go..." I looked down, kicking my shoes into the ground.

"Fat chance! I'm not leaving you here by your self." He pulled my chin up gently.

"You can walk home, I don't mind."

"Not unless you come with me." He gave me a serious look, "My parents wont mind, just come on" He asked again

"No... It's okay, my mom's coming to get me, she'll be here soon..." I hoped... We sat for about 15 minuets more, Seth refusing to leave until I did, when we heard a car pulling up.

"Is.. That a police car?" I looked up then. I knew at that moment why my mom wasn't here, that she wouldn't be here for a long time. A female police officer walked up to us, then turned to me.

"Paul Meraz?" She asked in a deep yet calm voice. I didn't reply, hoping i had just fallen asleep and this was all a bad dream. She asked again. "Paul? I'm here to take you to your cousins."

"B-but... I'm waiting for my mom..." I tried to stay calm, knowing it was going to bubble over soon...

"Well you can see her in a while dear." She tried to smile warmly, but i could see it was fake.

"I want to speak to my mom." I said firmly, holding on to my emotions the best i could. I felt Seth's warm, gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Well, we can't do that right now son. You can later, but right now I've.."

"Where's my mom?" I cut her off. Seth rubbed my shoulder which helped me think. "She told me not to go with strangers..."

"But I'm a police officer Paul... It's okay" She paused, "Would you like me to get your Cousin on the phone? You could talk..."

"WHERES MY MOM?" I screamed at her, tears rolling down my cheeks. Seth hugged me, trying to calm me again, but it was too much. The officer seemed taken aback by my outburst, the sighed.

"I'm sorry Paul, I'm afraid your mother was arrested earlier this afternoon..."

"No! No, no... Not again..." I cried, hugging Seth back, who tried to hush me. "Why? Why does this keep happening..."

"Shh buddy, it's gonna be okay..." He tried to rock me, to calm me.

"I want my mom back! They keep taking her..." I cried into his shoulder. Eventually the police officer called Seth's parents, who were more than willing to take me in. I lived with them until my mom got out again, and by that time i had a job.

I blinked a few times, trying to get the tears out of my eyes. I yawned quietly, then looked down a Seth, lying on his back, legs over the end of the couch and head resting on my lap. I couldn't help but smile as i tucked a stray lock of his chin length hair behind his ear. He stirred, rolling onto his back and looking up at me.

"Hey sleeping beauty," I smirked at him, "It's kinda late." He yawned a little as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Shit, sorry man. Didn't drool on ya did i?" I giggled at that

"Nah, your good, but that stuff i gave you does have a habit of makin' ya drowsy" He gave me a funny look.

"Er, I didn't take any of it to be honest..."

"How come?" I asked, a little confused.

"'Cause Paul, it's got Hydrocodone in it, that's some heavy stuff man." He gave me a dead serious look. "Please tell me your not taking that for your pinched nerve"

"Er..."I couldn't lie to him, I just looked down, mildly ashamed.

"Paul! Wha-"

"I found it in my moms stuff, okay?" i snarled

"Great idea man, just go pick up where she left off. How's that workin' out for her?'"

"Don't bring my mother into this Seth, please..." I felt my eyes burn a little, and i tried to hold it together.

"Paul..." He held my chin, making me look at him, "I'm not saying this shit to hurt you, I wouldn't do that, okay? I'm just... Worried" He looked at me, and i could see it in his eyes.

"I only take one... now and then, when its bad..."

"And that's how it starts.." He lent into my chest again, "I know you miss her, Paulie. I cant say I even understand what it must feel like. My parents have always been there..." He looked up at me, tears in his eyes. I didn't know he cared that much. "But this isn't the way to cope! It's gonna ruin your life just like it did hers..." He looked away, wiping the tears away the best he could, "And then... Then they'll take you away... I-I don't know what i would do... Your the only real friend i have..." He lent into my chest again, tears building in his eyes, "Please... Don't" I couldn't help but start to cry, it had been so long since i knew anyone cared this much about me. I put my hand on his back, rubbing it gently. He nuzzles into me, making my lay back with him on my chest.

"Hey, come on now..." I should tell you to stop... I know you don't mean anything by this, but... This is too hard, what could i say? I don't know what to do, Seth... Why the hell did you have to be so perfect for me? I couldn't loose this. It's not worth it... if I didn't have you, Seth, I'd have nothing. So for now, this would be enough...