Wake Up Call: New Friends

By Wolfa Moon


Not sure if this is going to become a permanent fixture to this storyline. Just an idea that came into my mind. But if you like I can keep or start a whole other line when I have time.



McCoy jumped back form the patient as the man grasped for him. Picking up on the sensory overload. Feeling the sentinel inside the man waking. And him the closet guide. Reaching for him as a lifeline. But he was claimed. He has a sentinel. His is James T. Kirk. The man didn't relent. He tried to pull and pull. Other's people came around. Chapel he saw stepped forward. Then she stepped back. Moving quickly. Closing his eyes McCoy called for his sentinel. Needing help. The man too strong. Pulling him closer. The other hand raising. Jim where the hell are you, he screamed mentally.


Strong arms wrapped around him. A low growl in his ear. Opening his eyes he saw a crowd of people. Keeping a safe distance. Then the chorus of growls.

"He's mine," a voice growled by his ear. Kirk eyed the other sentinel who harmed his guide. Hugging Bones closer to him

"He is also now mine." The recently online sentinel spoke. "I apologize for my action. But it is done." Pressure in his hands began to make itself known.

"Let go," McCoy began to pull his hand from the other sentinel. One who he now felt through the lines of bonds. "Jim," he cried. Leaning back into his sentinel.

"I'm hear Bones. I am so sorry. God I'm sorry." McCoy felt the empathy running off Kirk. The concern and war of emotions at failure of not protecting his guide.

"Jim, can we go home." Jim nodded. Sniffing into his friend's hair. Kirk got them up. The new sentinel not letting go. He wouldn't let them go.


Jim maneuvered McCoy into his side. The new sentinel following behind like a lost puppy. The puppy stiffened when they entered their territory to their nest. Giving Len the chance to have his hand retuned to him. McCoy keeps walking right to bed. Removing his cloths he lifted the covers. Jim removed his cloths as well. Cloths off he looked to the puppy.

"I know you know you did a bad thing. But you are in this pack now. So get use to it. I'm the alpha you're the beta." The puppy nodded. "Now take your cloths off." The puppy began to do so.

McCoy sat in bed watching his new sentinel. How the hell had this happened?

"Hey hobgoblin, what's your name?"

"My name is Spock."

"Spock," McCoy testing the name on his tongue. "Welcome to the circus." McCoy laid back on his pillow. Kirk forming himself into his side. Licking up McCoy's chest to his neck. Biting down on the pulse point. Kirk growled as Spock got under the covers. "Easy Jim." Jim bit down a little harder. Spock growled at Jim causing the injury to their guide.

"You are mine." Jim ground himself visibly into Bones. Spock sat back watching the alpha. Yet jumped when his guide touched him.

"Spock," looking over into his eyes. Spock began to search them. Jim is particularly frazzled. Lifting Bones' leg up and getting ready. "Whoa Jim." Then Jim really did go whoa. Spock had shoved Kirk off of McCoy. Spock moved like a cat hunched guarding his guide. Jim flapped his wings in aggravation. McCoy just shakes his head. They have been intimate before. But to do it so early in a new person's presence. Rolling out of bed, McCoy made his way to the refresher. The two sentinels staring each other down. This is disconcerting. Under the showers he applied perfumed cleanser to him. Perfumed to mask himself. Especially made for guides who needed time to themselves. But also drove Sentinels into a frenzy. When he is done they are in the same position. Shaking his head he looks at both of them. Sliding on a freshly washed outfit he puts in on. Hanging his towel he leaves the sentinels to go at it.


Stepping out into the promenade eyes are on him. Guess word got around about the guide with two sentinels. McCoy just needed time alone. If the two destroyed the room they better not hurt anything of his. Smiling he knew Jim would avoid particular items. Sitting it the chill of night he looks to the stars. Feeling as small as he should. But a guide with two sentinels. That is just bizarre. Resting his head back against the bench he pondered on what he was to do. He was lucky and proud to have Jim as his sentinel. But now another. Why him, why them? They had just gotten use to each other. Just bonded. Now there is another presence inside him. Another who calls to him.

Of course he is a caregiver. A saver of lives. But this. He didn't understand. A year ago if you told him he was going to be a guide he would have scoffed. No he wouldn't have it any other way. But this way, a three way. Laughing at the revelation. This would be interesting.

There are only a handful of guides who have had two sentinels. Such a rare thing. A pair walked by nodding to him. Tilting his head. Realizing they were bowing. Bowing, to him. So rare that the pairs could be counted on one hand. The last time a pairing of this magnitude was a law enforcement agency employees. ATF, if he recalls correctly. Guide Ezra Standish to Alpha Sentinel Chris Larabee. His second guide. And first guide ever to a feral sentinel named Vin Tanner. Amazing things they had accomplished. Opening so many doors. Realizing the greater potential of guides. Guides so rare and valued. Prized in the past. Now… McCoy sighed into the night. What is he going to do?

Archer and Pike had heard the news. News of what happened. Pike knew of Spock. Never suspecting him a sentinel. The major surprise when he bonded immediately with a guide. A claimed guide. To Pike's selected two. They wandered the campus. Going through the territories. Then they spotted him.

McCoy sat by himself. They wondered what the guide was doing by himself. He should be with his sentinels. They approached.

"McCoy," Archer spoke. Eyes snapped open. Turning to face him.

"Admiral Archer."

"Why aren't you with your sentinels?"

"Because they are behaving like…" how could he define them? Children. Two lions claiming their turf. A scuffle of power. He didn't want part of that.

"You should be with them." McCoy glared at him.

"I am not a piece of meat to be claimed at fought over." Now they see the light. His side of things. Seeing that McCoy had not accepted that this would happen. But..

"You are the mediator. You can calm them and show them who is the alpha."

"Yeah well sir. Having Jim about to claim me so he can just prove who's alpha. No thank you." Rubbing at the bite mark that Kirk left. He had done it before. But the blood on his hands as he took it away shocked him.

"Kirk?" Pike guessed as they noticed the blood on his hands.

"Yeah." Kirk in insecure. This talk had come over and over again. Kirk needed McCoy more than anybody. To be grounded. To be accepted. To be more than a fallen hero's son.

"Are you alright?" Archer ask. McCoy nodded.

"I should get back to the circus." Getting up he felt the stiffness of the night. The cold that had seeped into him. The bruises from the confrontation in medical. The returned circulation. "Any suggestions?" he asked the alphas. They smiled.

"Show them who boss." Archer spoke. Pike smiled wider.

"That's us." It is true. Sentinels may be the guardians but in the end they are unhinged without their guides. "Good luck."

"I'm gonna need it."


He made his way back to his territory. Wondering what trouble his sentinels had gotten into. Approaching the door he froze. No loud noises came from within. But that gave nothing away. The room is soundproofed.

Entering the room he came upon the sight.

The room had been half turned over. Both sentinels going at it. Not in fight but in. McCoy didn't know what to do. He felt lost. Guess they didn't need him. Guess he wasn't the boss. Cause Kirk is giving it to Spock. And Spock is growling. They both are. Stepping back in the hall. His heart pounding. He could feel them. So close he could feel them pull on his strings. But there was no need for his string. Stepping further back he hit the wall. Slumping down. He had been respected a moment ago. To come home. Home…

McCoy crashed in on himself. Everyone had heard of sentinel sense overload. But can a guide overload. Apparently. Crashing into the ocean. The waves crashing around him. So hard to breath. No eagle in sight. His sentinel not there to protect him. He's drowning.


Kirk is showing Spock who is boss. First he made sure that McCoy's prizes are safe. Informing Spock of this. Then they go at it. Fighting, tearing at each other like the powerful sentinels they are. Both proud. Yet Kirk is the alpha. Proving his place. Spock put up a good fight on his end. Holding back. He had already given in to being the beta of this pack. Kirk needed that defined with action. So Spock submitted. Kirk claimed his right.

Spock joined him in mind to see what he saw. Overloading his senses in the alpha. Seeing the bobcat that is his guide. Comforted by the warmth of their union. Seeing that all shines. Then the cord that had been identified as McCoy's. Shinning bright. Dimmed almost completely from sight. He tried to reach it. No longer focusing on what the alpha is doing. Something is wrong.

Never thinking himself a sentinel. Sentinel is more a human thing. His father is a guardian of his realm. His mother a guide. Or in Vulcan a mediator. Different planets same meaning. The twang hit again.

"Jim," saying the name that was requested to be spoken of the alpha. Then he realized. Jim had already paused and backs away. He had felt the wrongness. The lost. Spock made an attempt to move toward him. Kirk whimpered.

"Bones." Kirk rocked for a moment. Closed eyes breathed deeply. Spock watched as they flashed open. Moving with agility unseen he moved to the door.

Kirk stared down at the man who is curled up on the floor in the hallway. What has he done? Naked, he didn't care who saw. He moved to grab his guide. What had happened? Reaching out he grabbed for McCoy. McCoy cringed from his touch. This is wrong. Spock came out too. Wanted to keep their business private. Especially if something is wrong that needed fixing. Gathering they didn't want to post to everyone their problems.

Kirk moved around to get the bed in order. Lifting the covers as Spock laid McCoy down. Both sentinels moving in to cocoon their distraught guide. His guide. "What did you see?" Kirk had read up on Vulcan's learning about their telepathy and what they called their sentinels, guardians. Part of their course.

"He saw us. Thought we had moved on from him." Kirk wide eyed grabbed McCoy closer to him.

"Bones, I need you." Still new to all this. Kirk reached for the cord that is McCoy and tugged with all his strength. Another cord appeared and tangled with. Help to pull the fading cord to light.


The rough seas began to calm. McCoy could reach the surface. And then he saw it. Strong arms around him. Emotions of need for him. They need him. McCoy sighed. He is tired. He falls asleep in the welcome of their strong pull of him. He is there. Kirk sighed in content. Spock could only watch. He had created a rift. And in such short hours had built a bridge to adjoin both sides. Spock snuggled in on the pair. Fingers webbing through McCoy's. Sighing he rested to the peace of the final calm ocean of McCoy's mind. So many landscapes. Spock couldn't wait to explore them all. And is really lucky he learned to swim.



This AU is Open.

I am trying to finish up stories I have been working on and post them out. Some may be Unfinished and remain that way for a while.

Have permission to expand but just inform me.