Title: End Factor

Author: Dark Angel Kaos

Fandom: -Man

Pairings: Allen x Kanda, Lavi x Tyki, hints of other pairings

Rating: MA

Warnings: (none for this chapter) yaoi, shounen ai, mpreg

Genre: romance, sci-fi, angst

Disclaimer: Don't own…-Man

Summery: Allen grew up being scorned due to his lineage. But on his sixty sixth birthday things start to get weird after he bought the 'Queen's Egg' at a pet auction. Now he joins 'Black Noah' a group that sets out to free the Amyl race from the earth's stigma. Love and freedom goes hand in hand!

A/N: Ok I found this in one of my school books – stories that I write when I'm bored in class. When I read it over I was like: "way cool! I was writing a -Man sci-fi fic?" So I decided why not post it. I hope you all like it! And OMG it's my Bday today! Yay!


Prologue – Amyl

During the year 2130 the earth was as prosperous as ever. Technology had reached an all time high, incorporating the use o time and intergalactic travel. It was due to this advanced stage that the discovery of ET became a norm. Persons dubbed as 'aliens' freely explored the galaxies and have been in constant contact with the earth. One race however was on the brink of destruction and the earth felt the need to offer their help.

The race was the Amyl race. They were a race of purely men from planet Crizon. There was no such thing as females on planet Crizon and male/male relationship were the norm. One might wonder how they are able to reproduce. We will look at the biological composition of the Amyls in a later chapter. But basically the men on planet Crizon are separated into two groups: the 'Tachi'/top and the 'Neko'/bottom. The Tachi are the most dominant males whose sole existence is to pleasure and be pleasured. While the Neko are seen as the submissive type whose purpose is to pleasure their mate and bear their children.

The Amyl race has no use for females as they are able to reproduce on their own. Another question one might ask is: if all Amyls are able to reproduce? That would be a no. As the Neko's internal anatomy differs to the Tachi's. Only the Neko can reproduce, just like only earth females can bear children. Amyl Tachi are characterized by their short spiky hair and the Neko by their longs flowing hair. The hair differences are what determine the different types of Amyls.

Amyls also have similar characteristics to that of humans, but thought they take the form of humans the Amyls possess the gift of longevity. They age five times slower than normal humans and due to this they are hated. To distinguish humans and Amyls one must look at the Amyl's physique. All Amyls possess a small tattoo over their heart. These tattoos come in various designs and are formed on their skin from birth. It is also very easy to spot an Amyl as Amyls are very—

"Hey give that back!" small grubby hands tried to snatch the book that was over his pale head. "That's mine jerk!"

The boy who held the book in his grasp laughed. He held it up further from the younger looking boy and dangled it in the air.

"What's this?" he chuckled. "Reading about your freak friends, eh freak?"

The young boy wanted to snap the guy's neck…too bad his small hands were way out of reach. He silently cursed his ill fate as he glared at the tall boy before him. 'Stupid idiots, they're just jealous of me.'

"That's none of your business moron!" the young boy – who looked no older than six – yelled. He tried again to snatch the book but he was just too short. "Give me back my book or else!"

The tall boy chuckled. "Or else what freak?" he snarled and then pushed the young boy to the metal ground. "You're all talk aren't you freak?"

"Mark come on let's leave the brat alone," one of the tall boy's friends spoke up.

Mark glared at the boy and he shut his mouth. "When I ask for an opinion you give it, when I don't shut up!"

During the little distraction Mark's hand lowered a bit and the young boy used it as an opportunity to jump and grab his book from Mark's grasp. His slightly spiky white hair bounced a little from the jump. Once his feet touched the ground he made a dash for it, not bothering to look back.

"Oi! Get back here you freak!" Mark yelled chasing after him.

The boy ignored him and continued running, not paying attention to where he was going. His grip tightened on the book in his hands. 'Damn it, I gotta get away!'

"Kid get out the road!"

His eyes widened when he saw that there was a large transport hover vehicle headed his way. One hit from that would surely be instant death. His body froze up and he closed his eyes, waiting for the impact, pain and numbness that would come with death…but there was nothing. He didn't feel anything; there was no pain at all. The cold numb feeling he was expecting was erased by a warm and calm sensation.

He automatically calmed down from the strong sweet scent that instantly flooded his senses. It was an infectious smell that left him feeling warm and protected. When the pounding sound of the vehicle passed he risked opening his eyes, silently hoping that the illusion – if it was one – wouldn't disappear. But what he saw took his breath away. Raven hair, bright gold eyes, ivory skin…He felt his heart rate increased in speed and he was pretty sure his face matched the blood red shirt he wore.

The stranger before him looked to be nine in earth years but he knew better, that was not his real age. Even he – who looked to be about six in earth years – was actually eighteen.

"Are you alright?"

The white haired boy blinked, gray eyes hazed over in confusion. 'Oh, he spoke!' He nodded, not trusting his voice to say anything smart. The blush on his cheeks already spoke volumes.

"Your eyes…" he found himself whispering in awe. Never in his life had he seen eyes as gold and beautiful as the person before him. It was breathtaking. "…are pretty." He blushed when he realized the boy heard him.

The raven blushed in reply and then closed his eyes. When it opened his eyes dimmed, the gold disappeared and was replaced by a deep cobalt colour. The white hair boy found that he loved the raven's current eyes colour better.

Amyls are—

The words from the book he was reading echoed in his mind. His eyes locked to the being before him, taking in his entire features so that he could burn them to memory. Short flowing raven hair that framed his oval face perfectly, once gold eyes now a pool of navy, pale ivory skin so rich and milky. This boy was absolutely gorgeous.

Amyls are very—

He found himself lost in a trans. His book long discarded as he focused all his attention on the raven haired boy before him.

"Watch out next time…" the boy paused in thought before a slight smirk tugged his lips, "moyashi." He turned to leave and in a flash he disappeared in a blur of blue.

The insult barely registered in the young boy's mind. He got up off the hard metal sidewalk and stared off into space. It was as if he had just saw an angel, perhaps he did. After all he just saw the most beautiful person in the world.

Amyls are very beautiful.


A/N: Ah I just wanted to post this. I have no idea when I'll type the next chapter though, after all I did just find this in a book. The next chapter was partially typed in the book I found but just three pages back and front. So it's not much of a chapter. Well let's see what the future brings for this fic. Review and let me know what you think! Till next time!

Ja na
