I have no words to express the total amount of fail I am feeling right now. I apologize profusely for my lack of update. Here's the next chapter, as we interject a little drama that will become a full-blown fuckfest.

It had been a few months since Sakura broke up with Toshio. In that time, the friendship between Sakura and Shaoran grew like a weed, but it was more beautiful than a rose. They complimented each other perfectly; what with Sakura's innocent, clumsy, and sweet personality and Shaoran with his nonchalant, confident attitude and strong athletic ability.

Lunches at Pomme had greatly increased the speed at which their friendship grew. Since Tomoyo and Eriol were dating, they preferred to eat lunch with each other and lunches with their friends became a twice-a-work-week thing. Now that winter was fast approaching Sakura and Shaoran were discussing their holiday plans.

"Normally I'd go home and spend them with Dad and Touya, but with the shop I don't know if I'll be able to." Sakura sighed, taking a bite of her croissant.

"You should go back home! Work never beats family for first priority." Shaoran advised.

"I guess so. What do you do for the holidays?"

"I go home, get tackled by all my sisters, get lectured by my mother, enjoy a tense dinner, ask Wei how things have been going at home, play with my niece, have a go with Fanren's husband, console Fanren, then buy tickets to the earliest flight home and leave as soon as possible." Shaoran sipped his coffee calmly.

Sakura stared, croissant having been dropped into her plate during the middle of his explanation.

"All that?"

"To the letter."

"Hey, what does you niece look like?"

Shaoran pulled a picture out of his wallet. It was of a 5-year-old girl with black hair in small pigtails and amber eyes playing in a sandbox. Sakura smiled warmly.

"She's so cute."

"Yeah. It's a shame she's his daughter though."

"Who, Fanren's husband? What's so bad about him?"

"He's a total ass-hat who believes that the Li family assets should be his. Even the company. I'll bet he only married Fanren for the money."

Sakura put her hand on Shaoran's clenched fist to try and calm him down. He sighed, and it loosened. She patted it twice before reaching for her wallet and taking out the money for her share. As she was doing so, she caught sight of her watch and her eyes widened.

"Late again?" Shaoran asked.

Sakura smiled sheepishly at him. He rolled his eyes and set down his coffee, which he had just finished.

"You're the boss of this place, why don't you just set the rules for time? Besides, your big crowd doesn't get out until much later."

"I know, but I also have to schedule around times that I know business people with kids get off on break. Especially around this time when everybody's shopping for Christmas. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Bye, don't trip again!"

Sakura stuck her tongue out at him as she left. A few minutes after she was gone, Shaoran began rooting around in his pockets for money to pay the bill. The waitress came up, smiling brightly.

"Hi. I was just watching you two. Your girlfriend is lovely, you must be so happy with her."

"Wha- oh no. No no no no no no no no. We're not dating, she's just a friend of mine." He stuttered, blushing.

"Oh, really? You two seemed very close, I'm sorry for jumping to such conclusions."

"Er, no problem..."

"Bunko." The waitress smiled.

"Bunko." Shaoran repeated, smiling.

He paid his bill and left. Once he reached the bookstore, he took out his receipt so he could subtract the amount from his weekly budget. He flipped it over and smirked. Written was 'Bunko 649-8236'. He thought back to her platinum blonde hair, which curled around her face, framing it nicely. And her slight figure, definitely a 0 or maybe even 00. Even though he did rather like Sakura's curves and the way her hair brightened her eyes and...

"What am I thinking? We're just friends. Back to Bunko." He muttered to himself.

Sakura sighed and thought back to her lunch with Shaoran that day. Why had she felt such a spark when she touched his hand? It had scared her so much she left as soon as she possibly could, even though she could have really stayed for 10 more minutes and still have arrived on time. She didn't like it. She also felt uncomfortable with how much information he felt okay with giving her about his family.

No doubt, she loved the feeling of intimacy that she got from it. And she also loved the feeling of his skin. It was rough from working, but still not so rough that it was chapped you know? It still retained some of its natural softness. What would it feel like to have those hands on her and-

"Oh God." She blushed, "Stop it, Sakura. That's inapropo."

The bell tingled and she looked up, and who should enter but Shaoran himself? Sakura turned even redder and looked down, suddenly very interested in sorting out the money in the cash register.

Shaoran stared at her for a while, analyzing. What was it about her that had caught his attention when they first met? As she glanced up at him, he realized it was the eyes. Those giant emerald orbs could make you throw yourself into a lion's den. She fidgeted, uncomfortable under his stare. She blushed, remembering her thoughts from before as his hand went up to flick her forehead lightly. She gave him her full attention.

"So rude. I come in and you don't even acknowledge me. It's a wonder you don't have more customers with those manners." He teased dryly.

"You're one to talk! Flirting with every girl who walks your way. Or just aggravating them until they swear at you." She sighed.

"No, I only aggravate you."

She glared at him, but couldn't keep a straight face for long before it broke into a smile like it always did. Shaoran hopped up and seated himself on the counter until she was done with sorting everything out.

"So, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing much."

She looked at him, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"You're lying," she glared, "You say nothing happened, but you look just about ready to shit a rainbow. Did your brother-in-law kick the bucket or something?"

He chuckled.

"Nah, but a cute waitress at Pomme gave me her number."

"What the one whose been ogling you for a month?"

"Has she? I didn't notice."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't let it get to your head, it'll get bigger than it already is."

"I thought girls liked guys with a big head."

He winked at her. She stared at him quizzically for a minute or two before realization dawned on her face.

"Ew! Omigod, ew! You know what, get out you perv. Out. Right now." She laughed, hitting him lightly with her purse.

Shaoran laughed along with her. He walked with her to her apartment. He gave her a hug before he left for his place.

"Call the poor girl and put her out of her misery!" She called after him.

She walked into her apartment and sat on the couch. Putting her head in her hands, she felt a pang in her heart. Why was it hurting so much to think of him with another woman? Especially that dark-haired waitress?

By the way, that above was intentional. Bunko still has light hair. Sakura's just confusing whose who. I'll see you next update ;)