This is the LAST chapter, and you may be able to tell from the ending that I have serious trouble ending a story. I just can't seem to convince myself that it's OVER, and I add more and more to it until I've overdone it and it's complete crap. Anyways, I believe this is the longest chapter of all.

Thank you all so much for reviewing chapter 9! I got more feedback for it than any other chapter. Needless to say, I was super stoked. Thanks to KatQ66, RandomGhostie, xXDoodlyDooXx, Bialy, TinyAnglerFish, Sillybunfun, AllzStar, fadefade, and smoof. I was seriously ecstatic, you guys.

I don't own South Park. Read and review.

When You Have Everything to Lose

Chapter 10: Good News Travels Fast

"Can't you just give me a hint?" Clyde asked. He had removed himself from Bebe's seat, and now, to Kyle's displeasure, seemed to be attempting to scoot his way into Kyle's.

"No, dude. It's none of your business. Or mine." Kyle shoved Clyde's thigh away from his. "And what the hell makes you think that this is okay?"

"Craig's my best friend. His business is my business."

"And my personal space is your personal space?"

A shit-eating grin spread across the brunette's face. "I'm sorry," he responded, placing a hand on Kyle's leg. "Does this make you uncomfortable?"


"How about now?" Clyde asked, moving his palm further and further up Kyle's thigh as the redhead squirmed uneasily.

"Knock it off, Clyde."

"Tell me what Craig's hiding."


"Come on. It can't be that big a deal. Just tell me, and I promise I won't grope you." The brunette gave a yelp of surprise when Kyle finally responded by socking him hard on the shoulder. "Ow!" he cried, as he landed on the floor between Kyle's and Stan's desks.

Stan shook his head at the scene before going back to his homework, only to be distracted once again by the soft buzzing of his phone from his pocket. He slipped the device out, flipping it open to read the glowing screen. His heart stopped.

"Uh, Kyle?" he said, staring at the text message. "I just got a really weird message from Cartman."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "What's new?"

"It's about Kenny and Craig."

"What?" Clyde asked, snapping his head in Stan's direction. Jumping up from his awkward position on the floor, he snatched Stan's cell phone from his hands, earning a cry of protest from the black-haired boy. He ignored Stan, staring down at the stolen cell phone to read the message from Cartman.

Betcha 20 bucks kennys fucking craig into the bathroom wall right now.

"Huh?" Stan's cell phone fell from Clyde's limp hands and snapped closed as it landed on the floor.

"Break my phone, douchebag," Stan muttered, bending over to pick it up.

"That's what Craig's been hiding?"

"What?" asked the ever curious Bebe from behind the three boys. But her own phone vibrated seconds later, and from the look on her face as she read the text message that popped up, she'd gotten her answer. "Oh my god, Wendy. You'll never guess what just happened in Red's bio class…"

The room was soon filled with the sound of cell phones vibrating and surprised gasps as students read their text messages. An excited buzz of conversation filled the room, and the three boys looked around curiously, feeling as if they suddenly knew less than everyone else about what was going on.

"We definitely missed something," Kyle observed.

Stan turned around in his seat to better hear Bebe and Wendy's conversation.

"Craig and Kenny really made out in the middle of science class?" Wendy was asking Bebe, staring over her friend's shoulder at her cell phone screen. "Are you sure Red's not exaggerating? She does have that tendency."

"She wouldn't make this up."

"Fuck," Wendy muttered. "Are all of the guys in this school gay?" She glanced up at Stan, who glared at her. Wendy blushed, looking down at her desk. "I mean…not that I know any other gay guys."


Craig rubbed his arms as he trudged through the snow, kicking himself for not grabbing a jacket before he ran out. It was too late to go back and get it. He couldn't just go back to the classroom after storming out like that and say, "I forgot my jacket." It would completely cancel out how incredible telling off Cartman had felt. It was the greatest feeling he'd experienced since…well, since that morning with Kenny in Denver. Those last few hours with Kenny before everything went to shit.


He stopped in his tracks as the muffled cry grew louder. He turned around to see Kenny jogging after him, the hood of his orange parka drawn tightly around his face. He finally caught up to Craig, holding his chest and panting.

"Mreg, wad meh helm?" Kenny asked, pulling down his hood. "I've been calling your name for like, five minutes."

"Sorry," Craig mumbled. "I was just thinking."

"Oh really?" Kenny said. "Thinking about what, exactly? About how you came out to our entire biology class, kissed me in front of everybody, and then just took off without another word, leaving me sitting there speechless with everyone staring at me trying to figure out what the hell just happened?"

Craig scratched his neck sheepishly. "Yeah. Sorry about—"

Kenny cut off his apology with a needy kiss, clutching the taller boy's face. Craig was surprised, but pleasantly so, as he welcomed the display of affection. The kiss lasted for several seconds before Kenny pulled away.

"I thought you were pissed," Craig murmered.

"For what?" Kenny asked, grinning. "Putting Cartman in his place? Kissing me in the middle of biology? In the eleven years I've known you, that was by far the coolest thing I've ever seen you do."

"Really?" Craig asked. "Cooler than the time I—"

"A hundred times cooler than that."

"Huh," Craig said, grinning proudly. "I must be, like, a really awesome kisser."

Kenny took Craig's hand. "But I'm sorry it had to happen that way. I know you weren't ready. To come out."

Craig nodded. "It felt damn good though."

Kenny stared up a Craig, reaching up and pushing away locks of raven hair and tucking them under his dark blue hat in order to see more of his face. Craig just stared back and allowed Kenny to study him intently.

"You didn't shave this morning," Kenny observed, running his thumb along dark stubble.

"Hmm mm," Craig responded, his hands making their way into Kenny's back pockets.

The blond leaned forward, brushing his lips against the taller boys exposed neck. Craig let out a soft moan, his eyes fluttering shut. Kenny left a soft trail of kisses along his boyfriend's neck, his lips working his way up to Craig's. When their lips finally met, the kiss was slow, tender, and chaste, and when Kenny broke the kiss, Craig shivered.

"You're cold," Kenny whispered.

That hadn't been the reason he shivered, but Craig thought about it and realized that he was, indeed, cold. He nodded.

"Here," Kenny murmered, pulling his hands away from Craig's face to reach for the zipper of his orange parka.

"I don't want your coat, Kenny."

"I don't care. I'm giving it to you," Kenny replied, slipping off the parka and wrapping it around Craig's shoulders.

Craig slipped his hands through the sleeves, his arms soaking up Kenny's body heat from the fabric.

"God, I look like a homeless person now," he teased. "People are gonna start throwing spare change at me."

"Watch it, Craig," Kenny replied. "Just because I love you doesn't mean I won't beat the shit out of you."

Craig grinned. "Wait, say that again?"

"I said, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you if you keep up the poor jokes."

"No, I meant the part where you said you loved me."

"I never said that."

"Yeah you did."

"I think you hear what you wanna hear, Craig."

Craig just smirked, lifting his blue chullo from his head and pulling it over Kenny's dirty blond hair.

Kenny smiled. "How do I look?" he asked, wiggling the earflaps.

Craig just laughed, pushing a lock of blond hair out of Kenny's blue eyes.

"What?" Kenny asked.

"You're so cute it's funny."

"You know what sucks?" Tweek asked.

"Dodgeball?" Kevin guessed, as he took a seat on the bench between Clyde and Tweek, rubbing his bruising arm.

Clyde rolled his eyes. "Tweek wouldn't know. He fakes a panic attack every time we play dodgeball in gym and manages to get out of it."

"That's not true," Tweek replied. "The first time it was a real panic attack."

"What were you gonna say then?" Kevin asked. "What sucks?"

"Being single. Gah! Being single sucks."

"It's not so bad," Kevin replied.

"No, dude. It sucks," Tweek argued. "I mean, Token's got Wendy. Clyde's got Bebe. And Craig is with—gah!—Kenny. Who the hell saw that coming? You know you're miserably lonely when you're jealous of your gay friend having a boyfriend."

Clyde raised an eyebrow. "You're mad because all of your friends have girlfriends—or, erm, boyfriends—and you're single?"

"I don't have a girlfriend," Kevin pointed out.

"But no one expects you to because girls don't like Asian guys."


"You know who else girls don't like? Me."

"You'll find someone, man," Kevin replied, slapping his jittery friend on the back.

"No I won't. Girls think I'm…weird."

"Well, you kind of are," Kevin said.

"Have you considered weaning yourself off the coffee and switching to Adderall?"

"Don't even joke about that, Clyde!"

"Calm down, Tweekers. You know I was kidding."

"But seriously…what if it's like this forever? What if I'm…destined to be alone forever? Like Kevin."

"What the fuck? I'm sitting right here."

"Maybe you'd have better luck if you switched to dudes like Craig did," Clyde suggested.

"Pretty sure it's not a choice, bro."

"Agh! Kevin's right. I don't think I could like guys."

"And even if he could," Kevin put in, "I don't think there are any gay guys besides Craig and Kenny around here anyways."

"Hey, there could be. You never know. For all we know, you could be gay."

"I'm not."

"That's exactly what a closeted gay guy would say."

"It's also exactly what a straight guy would say."

"Dammit, that's a good point."

The three sat in silence for a while and watched the violent game of dodgeball going on before them. After a few minutes of enjoying the carnage, Clyde spoke up again.

"Hey guys, if there were another homo wandering these halls, who do you think it would be?"

"Kyle," Kevin responded without hesitation.

"Kyle," Tweek agreed.

Clyde nodded. "Yeah, I think you guys are right."

"It's Kyle, isn't it?"


It was twenty-two degrees out and the two teenagers were lying on a patch of hardened snow, but neither of them seemed to notice the cold. They were nestled together cozily in Kenny's orange parka, and they were pressed so close together that if someone were to stumble upon the two, they would not have been able to tell which legs extended from which body.

"You told me there was one other gay guy in our class. Was Cartman right? Is it Kyle?"

"No, man. It's not Kyle."

"Are you sure?"

"HIV positive."

"Hey, no AIDS jokes. No one wants to hear stuff like that from the guy they're sleeping with."

"You saying I'm getting some tonight?"

"Aren't I supposed to be the one making all the perverted comments?"

"Mm," Craig replied, letting out a deep sigh.

"But seriously, are you sure about Kyle? Because he totally admitted to checking out other guys in the locker room."

"Kyle's just brave enough to admit to something most people wouldn't. Everyone checks out other guys in the locker room."


"Yeah they do, Kenny. Any guy who says he hasn't at least peeked at another dude's junk while he was packed into a steamy room full of naked sweaty guys is lying."

"I haven't," Kenny insisted.

Craig just snorted.

"I haven't. Have you?"

"I'm gay, dude. How could I not?"

"You could try closing your eyes and reminding yourself that you're taken," Kenny huffed.

Craig smirked. "I like it when you get jealous."

"You're an asshole."

"True. But you like assholes."

Kenny groaned. "You're in some weird kind of mood today, Craig. Making all these gross remarks."

Craig squeezed Kenny tightly. "I'm just happy."

They lay in silence for a moment before Kenny spoke again. "So if it's not Kyle then who is it?"


"No fucking way."

"Yeah, man. Why do you think he broke up with Wendy?"

"Stan is…gay? Stan Marsh?"

"What other Stan do we know?"

"But Stan's not gay. I mean, he doesn't act gay."

"Well he wouldn't, would he? I mean, he doesn't want the whole world to figure it out. That's what being in the closet means. You wouldn't admit to looking at other guys if you actually had something to hide."

"I know but…Stan? Really? Does Wendy know this?

"I'm pretty sure. And it's a good thing I got my hands on you a couple weeks before he came out to his girlfriend, because he's got a thing for you. Like a major one. If I'd acted any later, it could be Stan rolling around in the snow with you right now."

"Wait a minute. You're saying that one of my closest friends is a homo and he has a gay crush on me?"

"Can't say I blame him."

"Huh. You think he'd be up for a threesome?"


"What? He's so inexperienced. Someone's got to deflower the poor boy."

"I'm not sharing you with some other guy."

"I'm kidding. Mostly. Come on, I can't let you make all the perverted jokes."

"That wasn't funny," Craig mumbled, as Kenny kissed his neck softly, smirking against his pale skin.

"You feel threatened by him."

"I do not."

"Admit it, Craig. You're afraid I'm gonna run off with Stan because he's got that sexy deep voice and those toned abs…"

"I knew you checked out other dudes in the locker room."

"…but you can put those fears to rest, because I don't like Stan that way."

"Dammit, Kenny, I don't feel threatened by Stan. I do, however, think he's a bit of a douchebag."

"You're cute," Kenny replied. Craig pulled Kenny's parka tighter around the pair and breathed in the smell of the poor boy's cheap aftershave. "Craig?" Kenny said, after a moment of silence.


"I love you."

"I love you too," Craig replied, as the smaller boy nibbled at the pale flesh on his neck. "And I want everyone to know it."


"But I still don't want you giving me any damn hickeys."

"And that's still not gonna stop me."

"I've heard about six versions of what happened in your bio class today," Stan told Cartman, taking a seat at his usual table for lunch. "I'd ask you what really happened, but I have the feeling your version would be even more far-fetched than Jimmy's. Who swears, by the way, that you and Craig had a full-on fist fight before Craig kiss-raped Kenny and ran out of the room."

"No one hit anyone," Cartman replied grumpily.

"But there was some kind of confrontation," Kyle said. "That's the one thing everyone agrees on. So what were you and Craig fighting about?"

"Craig was just being a pussy," Cartman replied. "It was all Kahl's fault, really."

"Oh, god," Kyle muttered. "Go on, Cartman. I can't wait to hear this."

"Well if you would just come out of the closet already, I wouldn't have to suggest such drastic measures. How the hell was I supposed to know that Craig would snap like that?"

"Cartman, what are you talking about?"

"And you weren't supposed to tell Kenny about Craig leaving that stuff in your locker."

"I had to tell Ken—hold up. I never told you. How did you know about—" A light turned on behind Kyle's green eyes as the truth dawned on him. "Oh, hell no. Really, Cartman?"

Stan squinted at his best friend. "I feel like I'm missing something here."

"Isn't it obvious? Cartman convinced Craig to put that crap in my locker."

"Cartman? You're Kyle's secret admirer?"

"No!" Cartman cried. "I'm not in love with Kahl. It was a prank."

"It was a stupid prank," Kyle muttered.

"It wasn't stupid. You were never gonna come out without a little motivation."

"I'm not gay, fatass."

"Craig said you were."

"Craig said that someone in our class is gay. He didn't say it was me."

"Well who else could it be?"

"It's not me, dude," Kyle replied. "It's obviously Clyde. He tried to feel me up in study hall today."

"He what?"

"The dude totally tried to grope me."

"It's not Clyde," Stan assured them.

"How do you know?" Kyle asked.

"I…Well, it's just…I mean, he…"

"Clyde's obviously really into his girlfriend," a fourth teenager filled in, sitting down at their table beside Stan and across from Cartman.

The three boys stared at the newcomer. "Hey, Kenny," Kyle finally greeted him.

"Hey guys. What's going on?"

"We were kind of wondering the same thing," Stan told him.

"Yeah, Kenny. What happened with you and Craig?" Kyle asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Kenny replied, leaning forward and stealing a chicken nugget from Cartman's tray.

"Ey! Don't touch my food!"

"Why are you wearing Craig's hat?" Stan asked, sliding his tray closer to his poor friend.

Kenny touched the end of the left ear-flap. "Cause it looks sexy on me."

"Are you two good then?" Kyle questioned.

Kenny smiled. "Yeah, we're good."

"Then why are you sitting here and not with him?"

"Because he wanted to talk to his friends by himself." He nodded toward the doorway, where Craig was standing in Kenny's parka, staring at his friends' table nervously. "He's still working up the courage."

"Damn," Cartman muttered. "I thought he was done being a pussy about this."

"He's not being a pussy," Stan replied. "He's coming out to his friends for the first time. It's a big deal. I mean, I would assume."

Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of which," Kyle said. "Did Craig tell you who the other guy is?"

Kenny's eyes darted in Stan's direction for a split second before he replied, "No, he didn't say. I don't think he's ever gonna tell me."

Stan let out a heavy sigh.

"What? Can't you, like, withhold sex or something until he tells you?"

"I honestly don't care enough, Cartman."

"Why doesn't he want to tell you?" Kyle asked.

Kenny shrugged. "I guess he feels threatened or something. Which is dumb, because…" He met Stan's eyes. "…he has nothing to worry about."

Stan faked a smile. "Of course not."

"Not that this other guy isn't totally cool and good-looking. I mean, I assume, because I don't know who it is."

"It's Kahl. I've been trying to tell you guys this our entire lives."

"You are so fucking stupid, fatass."

Craig wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans—a pointless deed, as his pants were already soaked from the snow. He took a deep breath and swallowed hard as he made his way across the cafeteria to his friends' table.

"Can I sit?" he asked, meeting his friends' gazes one by one.

Kevin was beaming up at him, Tweek looked nervous, Clyde seemed lightly hurt, and Token was staring up at him with his usual disinterest. It was Token who answered him.

"Duh, dude. You've been sitting here since ninth grade. You don't have to ask."

Craig sat, not sure whether or not to be surprised by his friend's reaction. I mean, sure, Token usually made a point of not giving a damn what Craig did, but he couldn't not react something like discovering Craig was gay.

"So, uh, you don't care?" Craig asked, directing his question at Token.

"Don't care about what?" Token replied, turning to his meal.

"That I'm gay."

Token dropped his fork. "You're gay?"

Clyde's eyebrows shot up. "You didn't hear?"

"No! I didn't hear!"

"But everyone's been talking about it."

"Everyone?" Craig and Token asked in unison.


"How come you guys didn't tell me?" Token questioned, looking at Clyde accusingly.

Clyde shrugged. "You're the one who said you didn't give a fuck about Craig's life."

"I didn't say that!"

"Not word for word."

"Well you could have told me he's gay! Especially if it's common fucking knowledge all of the sudden. I think I deserve to know."

"So…" Craig said. "You do care that I'm gay."

"Hell, yes, I care that you're gay!"

Craig winced. "I can sit somewhere else. Stan sort of hates me, but I could move over to…"

"I don't want you to leave, Craig. That's not what I meant. I care, but I don't care."

"So…you're okay with it."

"I told you, dude." Kevin muttered.

Clyde shook his head. "You should have told us. I mean, how could you tell Kevin and not me?"

Craig shrugged. "I didn't want you guys to rip on me for it."

"We wouldn't," Tweek assured him.

"Yeah," Clyde agreed. "We rip on you for being skinny and having fucked up teeth, but we wouldn't make fun of you for being gay. That's just not cool."

"You're not gonna tease me for dating Kenny then?"

"You're dating Kenny?"

"Seriously, Token? Where have you been all fucking day?"

"We're cool with it," Tweek told Craig. "Like Token said this morning, Kenny's a—agh!—a good-looking guy."

"He is," Clyde agreed. "Hell, I'd make out with him."

Craig raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I mean, if it was on a dare. Or to experiment or whatever. I think I would."

"Jesus, Clyde, are you saying you're attracted to my boyfriend?"

"I think everyone's at least a little bit attracted to Kenny," Kevin remarked, and the rest of Craig's friends nodded in agreement.

"What the fuck?"

"Don't act so surprised, Craig. You had to have known."

"No. I didn't."

Kevin shrugged and turned his attention to his lunch, quickly devouring his mashed potatoes. The rest of his friends did the same, and Craig wondered how such a conversation could end so abruptly. His thoughts were interrupted, however, upon seeing an all-too familiar girl approaching their table.

"What do you want?" he asked, not wasting politeness on the dark-haired girl who was standing directly behind Tweek and staring straight at Craig.

Claudia offered him a friendly smile. "I just wanted to say that I heard about what happened this morning, and I'm glad everything worked out." She glanced around the table. "I mean, assuming that everything did work out. Where's Kenny?"

"Yeah, dude. How come your new boyfriend's not sitting with us?"

"It's not really 'new', Toke. We were together for, like, two months."


"He's right," Clyde told Craig. "You should get Kenny to come sit with us. He's your boyfriend after all."

"Bebe and Wendy never sit with us," Craig pointed out.

"Because they talk about fucking girl stuff. Just go get him."

Craig rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he mumbled, standing up. He shot Claudia a quick, "Er…Thanks," before turning and sauntering toward Kenny's table.

Claudia waved goodbye before looking down at the top of Tweek's head and furrowing her eyebrows. "Hey, aren't you that kid who had a panic attack in P.E. today?"

"A fake panic attack," Clyde replied. "He doesn't like to play dodgeball."

"It's Tweek, right?"

Tweek looked up at her and nodded. She smiled down at him.

"Say, Tweek, have you ever seen the inside of a '69 Mustang?"

"Um—gah!—I don't think so."

She grinned and seized the jittery blond by the wrist, tugging him out of his seat and dragging him toward the door. His three friends watched in bewilderment.

"See, Kev? I told you it's 'cause you're Chinese."

Kevin shook his head. "Fuck my life."

Kenny jumped, startled at the sensation of a hand on his waist. He spun around. "Oh, hey Craig. How'd it go?"

Craig smiled down at him. "They were cool with it."

"See? I told you."

"Yeah, yeah. You were right and I was an idiot."

"As usual." Kenny patted the seat beside him. "Come. Sit."

"Yeah, Craig. Sit with us." Craig knew Stan didn't mean it, but he appreciated the effort.

"Actually," he replied, jerking his thumb towards his own lunch table. "My friends want Kenny to sit with them. Apparently they're all super gay for him or something."

Kenny shrugged. "Everyone's a little attracted to me. It's a gift and a curse."

Kyle nudged Stan, sending him a look that clearly said, "I told you so." Stan just glared at his best friend, his cheeks heating up.

"So I keep hearing," Craig said. "But that's not possible, is it? I mean, not everyone can like you."

"Sure they can."

"Even the fatass here?"

"Fuck you!"

Craig shook his head. "Dude, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I have no standards."

"You're an asshole, Craig."

Craig just laughed, nudging Kenny's shoulder. "Come on. My faggot friends are waiting."

Kenny stood up, accepting Craig's hand as the two began making their way to Craig's table. "Are you guys coming?" he called to his friends over his shoulder.

Stan was the first to stand up, followed shortly afterwards by Kyle. Cartman followed suit, panting a little as he rushed to catch up with them.

"Wait up, you guys. There better be enough room at that table. I'm not gonna get stuck eating lunch with Butters again."

Craig put an arm around Kenny as they walked, pulling the shorter boy close to his side and planting a firm kiss in his thick blond hair. Kenny rested his head on Craig's shoulder.

"You know everyone in this cafeteria is whispering about us, right?"

"Let them."



The End



Yep, that's it. A few things I'd like to say, now that it's over:

First of all, the thing about Stan. I hope this didn't seem way too out of the blue. I decided from the beginning that Stan was going to be gay for Kenny, and I kept that in mind when I wrote him. I also kept in mind that Craig knew it. I tried to hint at it without being too obvious, but I'm afraid I might not have been obvious enough. When everyone started saying that they hoped it was Cartman, I kind of wished it was. But I already had Craig say (in chapter 7, I believe) that Cartman wasn't gay. So, why Stan? Simple answer: I thought it would be funny. Yep, I wasn't really trying to do anything spectacular with the whole "mysterious third gay guy" bit. It was just for my own pleasure. Hopefully the result was not too terribly lame.

Secondly, Tweek and Claudia. Now, I KNOW that part was out of the blue. It was one of those random bits I decided to add at the last minute. Yes, I feel completely lame for doing this, but I'm leaving it in because I have NEVER seen Tweek paired with a girl. Actually, I think I've only seen him paired with Craig, and I wasn't about to do that because Craig obviously belongs to Kenny.

Thirdly, the insane amount of Crenny fluff. Sorry, but I had to do it. This story was 9 chapters of plot followed by 1 chapter of Crenny fluff. But I needed to get it all out of my system. I felt like I hadn't gotten a chance to do that since chapter 2, which was a looooong time ago.

And lastly, the lack of Cartman. (Sorry Bialy!) I couldn't really find anything to do with Cartman in this chapter, because the major conflict of the story was over. No conflict = no Cartman.

Thanks for staying with me for 10 chapters! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! And, one last time, please review!
