My nine-year-old sister came up with this and frankly, I'm insanely jealous of her plot. This is going to be an absolutely epic story! I helped her find the words she wanted and helped with spelling, but this is all her! Her ideas, her description of scenes, her OC characters, and YES. There will be awesome OC characters! This is an AU story. What would happen if ONE event happened in the wrong order? How badly would the universe be affected?


"Don't worry, Ani. I'm feeling fine!"

Anakin opened his mouth to reply.

The door bleeped shrilly.

Anakin closed his mouth and looked questioningly at Padme'. She shrugged and didn't get up. He rose and started to the door of her quarters. Looking back at her in confusion, he opened the door.

"Hello, sir. May I ask you if you are Jedi, Anakin Skywalker?"

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?" Anakin looked even more confused. Why was there a blue, shiny android for him in Padme's quarters? As far as he knew, no one knew about their relationship. Could it be a trap? Anakin was instantly alert.

A female voice sounded from the android.

"I am Messenger Droid B4U-2O. I have a recorded transmission for you. I am programmed with over a dozen forms of message delivery and retrieval and am fluent in a large number of common languages. Would you like me to play the message in its original format?"

"Message? Who is it from?"

"The transmission originates from Chancellor Palpatine, Imperial Palace. Shall I play it for you, Sir?"

From the living room, Padme' leaned forward slightly, catching small bits of conversation. She wondered why the blue droid wanted Anakin and not her. It just didn't make any sense. She scooted to the edge of her red chair, wanting to hear the recording.

Anakin nodded to the droid. "Play it."

B4U-2O stiffened and warbled electronically. She spoke again, but this time in Palpatine's voice.

"Anakin, my boy! I have some very important information to discuss with you. Meet me in my personal quarters in two hours."

The messenger droid shook and shivered. Her plated head slumped slightly. The message was over.

Anakin was intrigued. "Tell the Chancellor that I will be there."

B4U-2O 'eyes' flashed in her version of a blink. "Yes, sir."

She turned and unlocked her small wheels, sliding out of the room. The door hissed shut.

Anakin looked down thoughtfully and strode back to his lover. Padme' was sitting back casually and innocently, but he knew she had heard everything. Her eyes blazed with curiosity. He couldn't blame her. He had no idea what it was about either!

Anakin sat down. She was definitely going to interrogate him. He just wished he knew the answers.

A.N. Please review! She would greatly appreciate it! She's only nine and I don't want her to quit now! Believe me. There's MUCH more coming and a ton of awesome stuff planned!