anime16: originally a one-shot but now a two-shot! Enjoy.

The Prince of My Life

"Kissing you is what I like doing the most. My most favourite hobby since I met you."

Natsume scoffed as he took a seat beside his one-month girl friend, Mikan Sakura. He was frustrated because his own girl friend ignored him for some guy in a fashion magazine. She was currently holding the said magazine in her hands, giggling and sighing dreamingly at the hottest boy in the fashion world, no other than Tsubasa Andou.

"It's obvious that I'm more good looking than that handsome-wannabe weirdo," Natsume muttered and put his chin under his palm, growling and grimacing at the fashion magazine. Then Mikan brought down the magazine and casted a glance to her side. Her eyes widened and stood up, saying, "You suddenly appeared beside me again. Do you have the power of appearing and disappearing whenever you pleased?"

Natsume rolled his eyes and uttered, "You have to work hard to distinguish reality from fantasy little girl. And glad to have you back from the Andou-bastard." Mikan giggled and asked, "Are you jealous?" Natsume raised an eyebrow, "I'm not jealous to some guy who is inferior to my looks."

Mikan just laughed and stated, "You are jealous." Natsume looked at her and retorted, "I told you that I'm-" He was cut off by Mikan's lips. He kissed back and snaked his arms to her waist and pulled her closer. Mikan's hands went to his hair and messed it up. Then after a few minutes they broke apart to catch their breaths.

"I can't see why you're jealous to some guy I don't even love. You know how much I like-" It was Natsume's turn to sealed Mikan's lips with his.

"You two should get a room," a cold voice said. Mikan and Natsume pulled out of each other and looked up. There standing on the door frame was Mikan's best friend, Hotaru Imai. She smirked and said, "But it was a great scene that I took a picture of it." She showed them her camera. Natsume glared at her and uttered, "Give me the damn camera Imai." He stood up and went after her, leaving Mikan alone.

"Tch, he left me alone for Hotaru. Maybe the one he really likes is Hotaru," Mikan put down her face on the table, groaning and murmured, "He hasn't told me yet with her own lips that he likes me. Am I the only one who has these strong feelings?"

She straightened up and picked up the forgotten magazine on her desk. She flipped the pages and something caught her eyes. The article's title read, "How to know if He's really In Love with you." Mikan read it and a gleamed appeared in her eyes. She stepped out of the room to find Natsume.

Is he concern about you?

Mikan saw Natsume chasing after Hotaru. She ran to him and pretended to fall down. She didn't stand up and waited for Natsume to notice.

Does he help you stand up whenever you fall down?

Natsume looked at Mikan and said, "How long are you planning to stay on the ground little girl? You have to stand up now." Mikan slowly stood up with a sad face. Natsume didn't help her up.

Does he ask if you're alright whenever you hurt yourself?

"You're really clumsy lemons. I pity the floor for always catching a pig like you. You know, you're quite heavy. I hoped someday you learn to walk without falling," Natsume smirked. Mikan flushed and shouted, "Pervert jerk."

Are you on his top priority list?

Mikan put her hands on her stomach and grumbled, "Natsume I'm hungry. Let's go and eat." Natsume scoffed and uttered, "I still have to find that damn Imai. I don't have time for eating."

Mikan smiled sadly. Is she losing Natsume to her best friend? Mikan looked at the ground and muttered, "Then I'll just go by myself." She turned around and went to the direction of the canteen.

Does he always make time for you?

"Natsume, chase after me please," Mikan chanted to herself. When she didn't even hear a single step behind her, tears flowed down from her eyes.

Then someone touched her arm and slid down to hold her hand. She looked up and saw Natsume walking beside her. "Natsume," she murmured. He glanced at her and said, "You're stupid, crying by yourself. If you want me to come with you, you just have to ask."

Mikan smiled and squeezed Natsume's hand.

He's overprotective when it comes to you.

They arrived at the cafeteria of the school and chose to sit at the corner. Mikan sat down and Natsume went to get their food.

If you're in a restaurant, he will sit beside you to mark his territory.

Natsume went back and put down their food. He sat across the table. Mikan frowned and started to eat the food that was on the table.

He is always jealous to some other guys closer to you.

"Tsubasa Andou is really handsome," Mikan said out of the blue. Natsume nearly choked on his food and reached for the ice tea in front of him. When he was done drinking, he glared at Mikan and said, "I bet that Andou-bastard is really ugly in person. I'm handsomer than that fool." Mikan slowly smiled.

He likes kissing and touching you.

After eating, they proceeded to their Sakura Tree. Natsume and Mikan climbed it and sat down to its branches. Mikan fidgeted her fingers and asked, "Natsume do you like kissing me?"

Natsume nearly fell from the tree. He looked at Mikan incredulously and hollered, "Why are you asking me that stupid thing?" Mikan looked down. Natsume sighed and touched her cheeks.

"Look at me, little girl," Natsume murmured. Mikan glanced up and said, "Don't call me little girl who is so small that could be compared to a gnat." Natsume rolled his eyes and uttered, "Do you always have to ruin the moment? And I haven't gone that far stupid."

Mikan looked away, with tears gleaming on her eyes and said, "So you don't like kissing me?" Natsume made Mikan looked at him and stated, "Are you really that stupid?" Natsume brought down his lips on hers and gave her a soft kiss. They broke apart and he said, "Kissing you is what I like doing the most. My most favourite hobby since I met you."

He tells you that he really loves you.

Then he kissed her again, long and passionate this time. He pulled her closer to him. They pulled out from the kiss and Natsume said while panting, "Mikan, I love you." He sealed her lips again and they were both panting after the kiss.

"I love you too Natsume," Mikan cried, "I thought you didn't love me." Natsume raised his eyebrow and asked, "How did you come up with that conclusion?" And Mikan proceeded on explaining.

Natsume smirked and said, "First of all, I would never fall for that Imai."

"But you're not concern about me," Mikan told him sadly. Natsume messed up his hair and replied embarrassingly, "But I said that I want you to learn how to walk without falling. That means I want you to be careful next time."

"I'm not on the top of your priority list," Mikan retorted. Natsume rolled his eyes and said, "But I still went with you, aren't I?"

"You're not protective to me. You didn't sit beside me," Mikan accused him. Natsume flushed a little and shouted, "Damn, do I really have to say this? I just want to look at your face every time, stupid."

Mikan smiled softly. And Natsume said, "And I like kissing you and I told you that I love you. What else do you need until you're satisfied that the one I love is you and not Imai." Mikan just smirked and pulled Natsume's face to kiss him. He kissed back and wrapped his arms to her.

Then they broke apart, panting. Mikan said, "I believed in you because I love you." He grinned and uttered, "I feel the same way, Mikan."

The Prince of My Life

anime16: I have a hectic schedule in my classes. So I'm slow in updating. Guys, what story do you want me to update this week? You have to choose: Dorm Days, Bittersweet Sin, or Crazy Love Affair.I'll wait for your comments and reviews. Thanks a lot guys for always been there for me.