A/N: Yay update, I seriously need to write fics more often these days –sighs- anyway enjoy and this chapter writes itself, meaning I'm blank as I type this A/N coz I type A/N's before and after writing the chapter sooo, please enjoy this shit I'm about to write. XD

Warning: CLASH (of gay guys- uhm I meant PoT characters and Princess Princess!) and of course, as usual – cursing. OH AND shounen ai!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my fantasies.

Princess Prince

(The Awakened Story: Introductions Please: A)

There were two things the princesses found out after they all met each other's teams…. First of all, the middle schoolers knew each other all too well. The second one…they were rowdier than the boys in Fujimori high before a Princess picture album launch. THAT, is hard to deal with, like hell.

"WHY is HE here,nya!"

"This is my school, WHY ARE YOU HERE?"


"….so noisy."

"Tch, immature sempais."

"Ne, Marui sempai…the redheads are shouting at each other…you should like start some crap too!"

"His hair is pink, puri."


"It is ahn."


"ORE-SAMA sees what ORE-sama sees."

"Monkey king is blind."

"Saa…Ryoma, don't insult the monkey king."

"Ore-sama is NOT a monkey king!"

"Tch, so you do acknowledge that YOU ARE the monkey king."


"Maa…maa..No need for fighting minna."

"Atobe, do not shout at our guests."


"Shut up Akaya!"


"Stop going near Yuushi- you you you sorry excuse for a redhead!"

"You stop jumping around nya!"


"You scream too much Gakuto."


"Psshu…I feel like I just experienced de javu…"

"Pfft, what the hell is de javu mamushi?"

"Idiots should shut up peach."

"G-guys…don't fight."

"AS ore-sama was saying Ore-sama is not th- HEY! You peasant put that down!"

"Mura-buchou! The weakling from Hyotei just called me a peasant!"

"That's coz you're stupid!"


"I agree, puri."

"Niou-kun, that's rude."

"Saa…Sanada, everyone's so noisy neh."

"Yukimura…." Sanada frowned understanding what his captain meant.

"Saa…" Yukimura smiled at him. Sanada sighed and nodded.

" …I understand."

"Saa…Tezuka looks like he's about to burst as well." Fuji commented, he was watching the two interact closely for the past few seconds.

"…Kikumaru, Fuji, Echizen, Oishi, Momoshiro, Kaidoh. "

"Hai Tezuka?" "B-buchou?" "Nani?" "Hm…" "NYA?" "…"

"50 laps when we get back in Seigaku and 15 more if you don't shut your mouth."


"You too Inui."

"OHHHHHHH…Seigaku Losers are getting-"

"TANDUROUUU!" Everyone turned their head to Rikkaidai when a loud 'slap' echoed through the large auditorium.

"Aww bakaya got slapped again,poor him." Sanada faced Marui and slapped the half grinning redhead with the same intensity with Kirihara's punishment.


"He so had that coming." Jackal whispered and gulped as Sanada's eyes moved to him for a second and then traveled back to the two shamed regulars.

"IS IT THAT HARD TO SHUT UP AND ACT NORMAL?" Sanada shouted in a harsh voice, even the regulars from the other teams shuddered.

"...I'm sorry." Kirihara sniffed as he rubbed his swollen cheek, Marui punched his shoulder lightly as he did the same to his own swollen cheek. "Stupid Bakaya."

"Saa…how nice, everyone's so quiet." Yukimura said. Everyone twitched as Rikkaidai's real sadist patted Sanada's shoulder in approval.

"Should we not start already? Stop wasting Ore-sama's time peasants." Atobe half coughed and half shouted, everyone almost rolled their eyes.

"By the waaaaaaaaaay…"

"What is it idiot?"

"Shut up Shishido. Where are Jirou and Hiyoshi?"

"DUDE! Wh-" Marui cried in horror. Niou sighed but covered his boyfriend's mouth fast enough to stop Marui's raging verbal hatred for Jirou to be heard.

"Do not say anything anymore, puri." Niou ordered his boyfriend via whispering softly in his ear, Marui bit his tongue and sighed.

"But-but-I hate that guy!"

"He hates you too, ahn!" Atobe snapped.

"Uhm…no he doesn't." Kirihara said cheekily.

"WHY YOU!" Atobe points at Kirihara but stops when a heavy hand patted his shoulder. "What is it ahn?" Atobe turned around and saw Kabaji carrying a sleeping Jirou on his shoulders.

"…Why must I be here again?" Hiyoshi commented lowly suddenly appearing next to Kabaji.

"Get out of here then!" Gakuto hissed.


"Ohhhh…" Shishido cooed teasingly. Someone shouted 'tsundere!' but the princesses channeled out the boys' voices and held a meeting on the darker side of the exaggeratedly big auditorium that is supposed to be their training room every time practices would be held in Hyotei.

"So who has which school?" Yuujiroh asked in a very bored voice. To say the least, he was irritated with Atobe, the noise, Mikoto's sulking face, Atobe and mostly Atobe.

"…Seigaku." Mikoto said in a dreaded voice, he was comically banging his head in the wall. Yuujiroh just watched somehow amused.

"Lucky you. I got Rikkaidai…violent and vulgar boys!" Toru half whined and sighed as he massaged his temples and exhaled with dread clearly showing. "THEY talk about IT like it's nothing!"

"Oh joy, it. What it?" Yuujiroh repeated monotonously.

"You know…."

"I don't know!"

"I don't know as well." Mikoto cut in tiredly.

"SEX!" Toru said with a lowly with a hiss.

"Dude, they're like healthy teenage boys!" Mikoto said unconsciously.

"…they were talking about sexual acts between themselves." Toru snapped. Mikoto's mouth fell open and he struggled for things to say….

"Hmmm, Toru acts as if he's a virgin neh~" Yuujiroh finally commented. Toru blushed and looked away, ignoring his boyfriend's seductive way of talking.

Mikoto just sighed and groaned. Oh right…everyone IS gay, he forgot again.

"And don't act like you're disgusted Mikoto." Yuujiroh said, pointing a perfectly manicured fingernail in front of Mikoto's nose.

The redhead "WHAT? I was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"


"Both of you shut up! Yuujiroh, stop bullying Mikoto and let's talk about how we'll make those things…" Toru points to their students. If one looks closely though, you will see a blonde boy glomping a slightly shorter redhead boy, while two gray haired taller guys are pulling the two apart. "..Uh, to get anything done, at all. Kami-sama they're insane!"

"AMEN!" Both Yuujiroh and Mikoto said.

"Let's just bully them until they're broken." An ominous


"Sorry…sorry…uh, let's just ask the team captains to help us."

"And the Atobe person is your team's captain…right?" Mikoto almost smirked.

"...you're a brat."

"How about we start with some introductions, neh?"

"I agree with Toru."

"Tch…fine, but I'm not breaking up that fist fight between brat-sama and rat tail."

"Rat tail?" Mikoto asked, Toru sweat dropped.

"Look at his hair." Yuujiroh chuckled.

"He has a name Yuu!"

"And I call him rat tail, now…before someone gets ugly- or rather before brat gets punched by that kid, someone break them up!"

Toru sighed. "I am so not enjoying this."

"I want a normal life…"

Yuujiroh rolled his eyes and walked to the crowd, his expression changing from clear irritation to a sinisterly innocent smile.

"Neh minna I'm sure we all hate each other ~ so…how about we all introduce ourselves?"

A/N: hope fully a faster update, review please. XD yeah this is a shounen ai story so yeah.