Omg its been so long sob I'm sorry this is a kisshufan4ever chapter

It had been a month since they were taken to this hell. Ricos weapons had been taken of him and destroyed but worse still kish still had not awoken. Glancing over to his friend Rico sighed at the sight. Kishes body was lying motionlessly on the floor. His breathing was stuttered and the bloody bandages were stuck to his skin with dried blood.

Rico continued his work. A death ray . A super penguin hero forced to build a machine capable of killing hundreds ironic hum? Deep blue had kindly supplied the plans for him and even got another servant to help him build it for a time.

It was build this or Kish died you may think this was selfish but Rico had a plan a good plan one the once psychopathic penguin could claim to be his best plan ever. Which isn't so hard if you think about it.

~Back at cafe mew mew ~

Kowalski had finally woken up and joined in the search of his missing comrade. So far they have had no look finding them there was not a trace of them round the city and the fan girls hadn't been seen since then.

"I bet it blowholes plan or the Danes or..." Skipper rambled un helpful suggestions.

"Be quite Skipper it isn't going to get them back any quicker." Kowalski yells remembering who he was talking to he quickly apologized and got back to work.

~Deep blues hide out~

A thick silence hung over the place when ever Rico was aloud to take a break. His whole body ached and screamed in protest whenever he took a laboured breath. Kish had it easy knocked into a coma and not having to move from the same spot day after day. It sickened him. Also the thought that he may never live to see Ichigo again stroke that cherry red hair, smell her ever so sweet strawberry perfume but most of all the rosy red lips that he wouldn't feel over his again caused his heart to shatter.

He never could figure out what she saw in the once manic penguin maybe it was because they were similar just in reverse he was an animal turn human she was a human turned animal. Well half any way. Why could he talk? Another question. He hadn't been able to talk or even think since that fateful mission the one were they lost Manfredi and Johnson.

The only thing about being a penguin he missed was his doll. The way her silky blond hair separated when he brushed it. The way her blue eyes sparkled remembering these things made him fall in love all over again but no he had Ichigo now know piece of plastic however much he loved it would stand in the way of his true love Ichigo.

The old clock struck one. Back to work he goes.

~Back at the cafe again~

"Id never thought id say this but we need the fan girls" Pai sighs

Beep beep beeeeeep

"Rebecca here how may I help you?" The black haired girl talks into the small wrist watch.

"What are you doing" a angry yet confused Spanish teacher looks over to the sharpie file graffiti artist.

"Shush can't you see I'm on the watch? Hum that made no sense all well". The boy in front leans over the desk to peer at the watch witch contain a picture of a very angry purple haired alien.

"Ok so you need my fan girl knowledge to find out the coordinates of Deep blue yay I knew spending every day on wikia would help" Rebecca giggles "and wait how did you get my number?" It was to late to answer that question as Pai had already clicked off. The whole of the Spanish class stared at the departing girl.

"Ok class so does anyone no what siga todo recto mean? Liam?"

The girl ran until she reached her sister science class up four flights of stairs she collapsed into the room.

"Hay Lauren your future husband was on the watch darn it still doesn't make sense." She announces.

"Gray was on the phone?" Lauren lifts her head excitedly.

"Nope wrong anime it was Pai" Rebecca says gleefully.

"You do realise I have to kill you now right?" Lauren says menacingly.

"Go figure" Rebecca screams heading towards the nearest exist.

~1 hour later~

A slightly bruised Rebecca and a triumphant Lauren entered the pink building through the remains of betty.

"We have entered the building" Rebecca announces to the crickets witch happily chirped as the tumble weed blew past.

Seeing no-one was upstairs they headed to the basement.