Chapter Five: We Pray

Dumbledore escorted them to his office after a universal language spell, a jumbled explanation, and a few sits Dumbledore finally got the translated answer to his questions. Dumbledore sat in his overly stuffed chair and thought about ether keeping the demon here or sending him back. Of course Inu-yasha didn't trust Dumbledore and kept on *Only* glaring at him since every time he growled Kagome had the habit of elbowing him.

"Kagome. Would you like Inu-yasha to stay?" said Dumbledore.

"Eh?! H- Him?! S- Stay?!! WHY?!!!" Kagome responded eyes wide pointing at Inu-yasha who flattened his ears back. Dumbledore looked calmly at Kagome.

"Well you carry something very precious and powerful. You never know what demons might be close by." Said Dumbledore. Then he smiled. "Besides he seems to have a strong attachment to you and I'm sure we couldn't ever get him to peacefully leave without you," said Dumbledore. Kagome blushed and Inu-yasha sputtered red faced.

"Iie! It's not like that!" said Kagome inventing two new shades of red. (A/N: /Iie/ means /No/ Right?^^;;;)

"As you wish," said Dumbledore. "Now where will the demon be staying?" said Dumbledore getting back to business.

"Oi! My names Inu-yasha! Not demon!" Muttered Inu-yasha.

"Sorry. Where will the demon Inu-yasha be staying?" said Dumbledore tongue rolling off the strange name.

"A tree is fine. As long as I'm close to Kagome and the Shikon Shards," said Inu-yasha crossing his arms.

"No way Inu-yasha! Your not sleeping in tree!" said Kagome.

"Why not? I always sleep in trees," growled Inu-yasha.

"Because where not on the road and you don't have to!" said Kagome. Then they started bickering like always. Ending yet again with Kagome the winner and Inu-yasha more irritated then before. After a while it was decide that Inu-yasha will be sorted in front of the school and will be staying in the house picked for him.


Harry watched as the dog demon left. 'What the bloody hell was that?' he thought. Ron who was standing next to Harry was also shocked.

"What the bloody hell was that?" said Ron mirroring Harry's thoughts.

"I don't know but whatever it was its no staying here. Right?" said Harry nervously. Hermoine snorted.

"Of course not." Said Hermoine.

"Moine! So you saw it to?" asked Ron smiling at her.

"Of course I did. Everyone did Ron. It was in the middle of the great- hall," said Hermoine sounding exasperated. Ron's ears turned red.

"Oh ya. I forgot." Said Ron.

"Harry!" yelled a girl with short brown hair. She ran up and hugged him.

"Ariana!" laughed Harry swinging her around. "How was your summer?" asked Harry. Ariana snorted.

"Almost the same as always. My mothers over protective and wouldn't let me out of the house with out supervision." Replied Ariana. Harry's face darkened.

"It was the Death-Eater warning that went out after the fifth year. Right?" Said Harry. He blamed himself for it all. If he had just hadn't touched the cup in fourth year Voldemort wouldn't be back in action.

"Come on Harry. Its not your fault." Sighed Ariana putting a hand on Harry's shoulder for comfort. Ariana was dressed in the Slytherin version of the school robes, her hair is a shoulder length sandy brown color, Ariana was shorter then Harry, she has pale white skin, and, burgundy colored eyes.

"You can say it but I don't feel like it," said Harry. Hermoine shook her head. He was a stubborn one with blame.

"Come on Harry. Cheer-up." Said Ron trying to help. Just then the chiming of the school bells told them to be seated. Ariana watched worried as Harry left to the Gryffindor table before going to her seat in Slytherin.


"Shit! *HE* knows," said Kagome's Fate.

"We have to act fast and plan our resistance," said Inu-yasha's Fate. The Wells Fate shook her head.

"All we can do is gather the other fates, Guide them the best we can." Said The Wells Fate.

"Then what?" asked Kagome's Fate.

"We pray." Said Inu-yasha's Fate grimly.


Once they where seated they watched the sorting carry trough like always (When they actually saw it). When it was over Dumbledore approached the front of the stage and waved the demon and the girl dressed in weird cloths forward.

"I know I owe you all a explanation for the happening today. I would like to apologize for the un-expected arrival of the half-demon Inu-yasha and the expected but *secret* arrival of the powerful-Miko Kagome from Japan who was pre-sorted into Gryffindor" Applause and mummers went through the school. "The half-demon Inu-yasha will sorted in front of you and will be staying in the house chosen by the hat." Finished Dumbledore with a smile and the accustomed twinkle in his eyes.

Kagome nudged Inu-yasha towards the hat. Inu-yasha didn't put it on he just eyed it with suspension but the look in Kagome's eyes told him he better put it on. With one last look of distaste at the dirty hat he sat down and shoved the thing on his head. At first there was nothing but blackness until the hat suddenly started mind talking to him.

*'Ah! You are an odd one to sort. Defiantly not Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.'* Said the hat.

'Just put me where you put Kagome.' Mind growled Inu-yasha. The sorting hat ignored him.

*'My- My Gryffindor bravery. You have lots of that- and a heart of pure gold. You'd do well in Gryffindor. But I also see lots of ambition and the darkness your demon blood brings. You want to be a full-demon don't you?'* said the hat.

'None of your business' replied Inu-yasha. The sorting hat chuckled.

*'My dear boy. Everything in your head is my business. Anyway with all that blood thirst and ambition its best you stay in.'*

"Slytherin!" yelled the hat.

Everything happen so fast after the hat announced its decision. Everyone one in the hall gasped, Inu-yasha tried to shred the hat (Dumbledore saved it), the Slytherin's all blanched at the same time and started complaining. Things like: "We Cant Have That THING! In Slytherin!" :Where called out from the Slytherin table. The whole great hall was in chaos.

"Enough!" cried Dumbledore. The Great Hall fell deathly silent. "He will stay in the house chosen like the rest of you. I assure you he's perfectly safe to be around. If he should do anything out of context Miko Kagome will handle it. Now lets carry on with the fest and in closing: Gobble, Wak, and, Nuk!" Finished Dumbledore. Food appeared and everyone ate quietly amongst the hissing of whispers.

Harry, Ron, and, Hermoine gave each other knowing looks. They got up from there seats and ran up to Dumbledore.

"Professor. Dumbledore! You can't let that thing stay!" said Hermoine looking worried.

"Ya! He could hurt someone. You saw what he did it Harry!" said Ron. Dumbledore looked kindly at the three teenagers.

"He's no more dangerous then Professor. Lupin." Replied Dumbledore. Hermoine who was about to add on snapped her mouth shut. Ron gawked and Harry Looked confused.

"Sir? Wouldn't parents be concerned that a Demon was attending Hogwarts?" asked Harry. Dumbledore smiled.

"Good question Harry. I will be sending notices out to all the parents tonight explaining that he's harmless before over blown rumors reach them. No doubt the rumor of what happened today will be that a Demon has eaten Harry Potter and taken over the school when it reaches their ears." Said Dumbledore chuckling.

"But Sir? Are you sure he's safe?" asked Harry.

"I'm sure Harry. Have I ever steered you wrong?" asked Dumbledore. Harry smiled and shook his head. "Good. Now go eat before you miss the return fest." Dumbledore waved the kids away and they did as they where told.


"Come one Inu-yasha. It isn't that bad." Said Kagome.

"But Kagome-" started Inu-yasha.

"No buts. Go sit at the Slytherin table." Said Kagome.

"Fine" Growled Inu-yasha and he stomped to the Slytherin table. Inu-yasha sat down in an empty set between to Slytherin's with a huff of annoyance.

"Eek! Don't sit here!" squeaked the third year Slytherin to his left. Inu- yasha tossed him a death glare that sent him running out of the Great-hall.

"And do you have a problem with me sitting here!" growled Inu-yasha to the sixth year girl to his right. She looked at him defiantly swallowing her fear she held out her hand.

"I do not mind. My names Ariana. Welcome to Slytherin- if you need anything ask me," said Ariana calmly as she could.

"Thanx- My names Inu-yasha and I might take you up on that offer." Replied Inu-yasha smirking as he shook her hand.

(A/N: Hi! I'm sorry I don't up-date my fan fictions alot but its hard choosing one to work on and be in the mood for it. I'll try my hardest to finish of my entire semi finished chapters. I have some fan fics with half a chapter done or a paragraph done. It's sad really. *Bows* Sorry. I'm also going through some hard times here so please take pity on me and don't flame. Besides Bob's ragging on me to get them done. Love you all!)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Characters, Places, And, Things they belong to Rumiko Takahashi


Love: ksha2222

Motto: I plan on taking enough people down with me to be remembered and then I'll drink tea with Inu-Chan and Ran-Chan tied to chairs^0^