Title: Reclamation 11/11

Author: Gothabilly13

Pairing: Morgan/Girl!Reid

Rating NC 17

Warning: AU, gender switch, violence, language, graphic sex, no con, torture, angst, and anything else I can come up with.

Summery: Sasha Reid is there for Derek when he needs her, can he get past his own demons to be there for her when she needs him?

Status: Complete

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

A/N: This is the last chapter. Thank you so much to all those who have stuck with me and R/R. Extra special thanks to Berryblue_girl who gave me the prompt that started it and never let me flinch away from the hard parts. You have been a muse and a cheering section and a critical eye all rolled into one. This fic would not be the same without you. *HUGS* As always please let me know what you think. I like feedback and even constructive crit as long is it's not mean. Thank you again!


Last chapter we left our lovers as such...

Now she was standing here, in his arms with such love in her big eyes, God how he was a sucker for those eyes. Telling him she was ready. Ready to go further. To consummate their love in a manner they had yet to try. Derek was humbled by her trust and the depth of love he saw in her eyes.

He had set out to help her heal her wounds and in return she had helped him with his own.

Derek couldn't believe she had chosen to tell him this while they were getting ready to leave for work. His dark eyes squinted at the innocent smile she gave him.

"You better not be playing with me, Pretty Girl." he said, swatting her ass. Sasha yelped and looked at him with mock indignation.

"I didn't deserve that." she protested. Derek soothed the swat with a circling palm as he drew her in once more.

"I'm sorry, Baby. It's just-you had to drop that right before work? Now all I am gonna be able to think about, ALL DAY, is that." He sounded so pouty that Sasha had to chuckle.

"Then, when we get home, you can tell me everything your dirty mind came up with." she reasoned and pulled from him to gather her messenger bag.

Aristotle jumped up on the small table by the door. He meowed at his mistress, waiting for his kiss goodbye. Sasha giggled and stroked his silky head before bending to press a kiss to it.

"Be good, Aris, no parties." she admonished and heard Derek chuckle behind her. She said the same thing to him every time she left the flat. It amused Derek to no end.

"One of these days, you are gonnna forget to say that and we are gonna come back to find 'little man' having a rager. I will laugh." he said and winked at the cat before giving him a parting pet as well.

Sasha locked the door behind them and shook her head. The look she gave him before moving ahead was squinty and sarcastic.

"You are weird." she snarked and stomped down the stairs into the cold morning air.


Morgan had been right. All he could think of all day was Sasha and what she had confessed to him.

He thought of every way things could go, both good and bad. He had imagined her in every mood and position combination he could come up with. Three times he had been snapped out of his daydreaming by one of their team mates.

Every time, he coughed and bullshitted about being deep in thought.

Sasha snickered at her desk and went about her first day. She was so glad to be back. Everyone was so happy to see her.

There had been cake. With double frosting. Sasha had managed to get several pieces to take home.

She was a little hesitant when she had to deal with her paperwork for Georgia. But Jason had appeared suddenly and squeezed her shoulder briefly.

She had felt the love and strength in that touch and it emboldened her. The paperwork was done lickity split.

The day was finally over and Reid was delighted with how well it had all gone, despite the heated and sometimes pained looks Morgan had shot her.

Gathering her things, she buttoned her coat on and slung her bag over her head. Derek was saying goodnight to Emily before he walked to Sasha's desk.

"Give you a ride, Pretty Girl?" he asked in a low and husky tone. Sasha raised a brow and then laughed.

"Do I want to know how often that line has worked for you in the past?" She sounded teasingly unimpressed. Derek rolled his eyes and grabbed her wrist, pulling her toward the elevators.

"You have been sassy all day." he snickered. Sasha smiled wide and batted her long lashes.

"I don't know what you could mean, Agent Morgan." she said playfully.

The ride back to her flat was filled with more teasing and sass. Derek had to take a few deep breaths as they headed up the stairs. His cock was beginning to get excited about the prospects. He silently willed it to behave.

Sasha insisted on seeing to Aris and then debating on what to have for dinner. Derek grinned as he noticed the stall tactics. Leaning on the counter that looked into the kitchen he tapped the formica surface.

"Baby, you don't have to play games. We don't have to go ah-" He was interrupted by the slender woman moving swiftly toward him and latching her lips on his.

Derek's arms slipped around her as they deepened the kiss. Everything seemed to still and it was only them in the whole world. Just this moment and this kiss.

When they both needed air, their lips parted but the embrace was unchanged. Derek breathed her in. She smelled of sandalwood and cinnamon. His senses swam and then he focused on her honey eyes.

"You are my everything, you know that right?" he whispered. She blushed and pressed her forehead to his.

"You are mine." she answered. Derek felt his chest swell and he lifted her into his arms. Sasha giggled and wrapped her long limbs around him.

They moved to the bedroom and Derek turned on the light while kissing her some more. He stumbled over Aristotle as the cat scampered off the bed and down the hall. Laughing, they tumbled to the bed.

Laying on their sides, they caught their breath and just looked at each other. Sasha's long fingers stroked his face with loving touches.

"You are the most amazing man I've ever met." she said softly. Her eyes were glassy as she smiled crookedly. "I really put you through the wringer." Derek shook his head but her fingers stilled the words he was about to speak.

"No, I have to say this, Der." she said and leaned up on her elbow. "You have been here for me when anyone else would have walked away. I love you Derek Morgan." her voice trembled slightly.

Derek was silenced by her honest words and he fought for the ability to speak. Failing to find it fast enough, he drew her in a heartfelt kiss and threaded his fingers in her silken locks.

The kiss was deep and long, drawing them both into the passion just bubbling under the surface.

Derek rolled them over until he was leaning over her. He was careful not to hold her down hard. He wanted this to be about nothing but them. He wanted to keep the darkness a bay with the light of their love.

His hands mapped her neck and shoulders, blazing a trail his mouth moved to follow. Slowly, he unbuttoned the blouse she wore. His lips nipping and caressing the exposed skin as he worked.

Soft little gasps escaped her lips and she fisted her hands in the cotton of his shirt. She could feel the warmth of his breath as he kissed her belly. She started to tremble. Not realizing she was shaking, she blinked confusedly when Derek stopped and lifted his head.

"Are you ok, Baby?" he asked softly. Sasha opened her eyes wide and nodded.

"Y-yes...why do you ask?" she stammered and moved her hands to cup the back of his neck. Derek's expression gentled and he kissed her chastely.

"You're trembling." he said and smoothed his palm over her abdomen. Sasha blushed pink and bit her lip.

"I didn't notice." she mumbled and pulled him back for more kisses. "It's not bad." she promised and nipped at his plush lips. Smiling into the kiss, Morgan resumed his exploring.

He slowly stripped her clothing off, making sure to keep her connected to here and now. He didn't want her to slip into memories. Bad enough she would never be able to erase what had happened from her brilliant mind. She didn't need her lover reminding her of it in the midst of passion.

Once she was down to her undergarments, Derek began to remove his own clothes. Sasha, still a little shy, sat up and reached for his hands.

"I want to do that." she whispered and grasped the hem of his shirt. Pulling slowly, she got it over his head and tossed it to the floor. Her hands spread out across his chest and she began to give him the same little kisses and nips. Her soft pink tongue finding the grooves of his muscles.

Derek groaned and cupped the back of her head. She smiled against his skin before moving her hands to his jeans. Her palm pressed the large bulge with a little force. The sound Derek let out was thrilling.

Gold eyes flashed up at him and he felt her undo the fly. He panted in anticipation. Doing his best to remain calm and not just push her down and fuck her brains out. It wasn't easy.

Sasha got his jeans open and began to push them down his legs.

"Want to taste you." she whispered and Derek thought his head may have just blown off.

He moved at her prompting to get the denim off his long legs. Once he was free of the jeans, she tugged at his boxers.

"These need to come off too if we are gong to do this properly." she said, amusingly sober. Derek chuckled and shucked the cotton drawers.

"Does that mean you'll take these off too?" he asked and hooked one finger in the hip of her panties. Sasha smiled and lowered her lashes.

"Yes." she said and began to push them down. Derek watched her with such an expression of love on his face, that the young woman felt no self-consciousness in the baring of her body to him.

Once the panties were gone, Sasha reached back and unhooked the bra. Slipping it off her arms, she lifted her eyes to him again.

"I know they aren't as big as the women you usually go for but I think they are pretty." she said in a small voice.

Derek sucked in a breath and moved to face her on the bed. They were kneeling in the middle and only inches apart.

"They are beautiful just like everything else about you, Baby." he said. His large hands slipped up to softly caress the alabaster mounds tipped in dusky peaks.

"See how they fit my hands perfectly?" he asked and kissed along her white throat. Sasha moaned as his thumbs brushed her nipples, causing them tighten.

Her soft sounds were making his cock weep with need. Slipping his hands up her back as his mouth claimed her neck. She shivered when he found the soft spot behind her ear.

She gripped her hands into his shoulders and looked at him with such a wicked expression he thought he might cum right then.

"Lay back." she purred and Derek happily complied. He watched her as she moved over him, her long hair spilling over her white shoulders.

She began to kiss his chest once more, taking time to torment his nipples before moving lower. He was fairly stunned that she was pursuing this. He also couldn't wait to feel her wet little mouth on him.

Her fingers found his length and wrapped tight around it. He groaned and pressed his head back into the pillow. His hands fisted in the bedding to prevent the reflex to grasp her hair.

She glanced up at him now and then, watching his reactions to her exploring mouth and stroking fingers. The tips of her fingers brushed his sack, making him arch his hips.

Sasha smiled, she was nervous, no doubt, but the control Derek was giving her made the really scary feelings melt. It felt right and real.

Her lush mouth pressed to the tip of his cock, taking in the musky taste. She found that it was odd, but she liked it.

Slowly she licked the ridged flesh. The way he gasped and moaned encouraged her to move ahead.

Licking her lips, she caught his eyes and then lowered her mouth to engulf his head. Derek cried out and shuddered with the effort to not thrust his hips up into her mouth.

"Oh God, Baby! You are gonna kill me." he gasped and looked down to watch her as she began to bob her head. His eyes nearly crossed when she sucked in on the up stroke.

The moments stretched by, Derek felt his body shaking with the need to control himself.

"B-Baby...Y-you need to stop or this will be over way too fast." he panted and caressed her cheek.

Sasha's head came up and she looked at him with liquid eyes and a swollen red mouth. The sight made his balls tighten and he groaned again.

"W-Was it ...b-bad?" she asked nervously. Derek pulled her up to him and shook his head.

"Not at all, it was too good." he said and cupped her cheek before kissing her. He could taste the spice of himself in her mouth and it thrilled him to the core.

Sasha was relieved that she hadn't disappointed him. She smiled as they parted and her long leg slipped over his hips. Her creamy thigh rubbing along his cock as it passed. She shifted to straddle him and leaned down to kiss his jaw.

"I liked doing that. I liked how it made you moan." she said in a lust rough voice. Derek growled and slipped his hands to her hips. She wasn't sitting on him yet, but he could feel the heat of her little sex against his abs. It was making him crazy.

With a quick kiss, he rolled them and landed himself on top. Sasha looked startled for a moment before Derek drew back and smiled affectionately.

"My turn." he whispered and let his lips slip down her throat. He nipped her collar bone for a minute before moving his lips to catch one hard little bud.

The gasp she let out as he suckled her nipple was erotic and raw. He laved the little peak, grazing it with his teeth gently. She writhed under him and he felt her silken heat brush his length. Hissing against her breast, he moved to the other and gave it the same treatment.

Sasha was awash in pleasure. Derek's mouth on her was trailing fire over her skin. Her sex was throbbing and damp with want. She was excited by the new feelings.

Derek had nipped his way down her ribcage to her flat little belly. Dipping his tongue into her navel, he liked the way she squirmed for him.

With tender hands, he parted her thighs gently and dropped his gaze to her pink core. He licked his lips before lowering his head and nuzzling her sex.

His lips and tongue worked to take in her taste and seek out the tiny nub at the apex of her folds.

When they closed around her clit, Sasha arched off the bed. She moaned loud and deep.

Derek reveled in her taste, like honey and citrus. He licked and sucked at her making those sounds continue. His tongue flicked over her button and soon she was shaking and moaning his name.

He reached his hand up to cup one milky breast in his dark hand. The other tickled along her thigh before delving gently into her wet center.

The press of his finger made her tense up for a moment. The moans turned into pants as he slowly stroked his finger into her tightness and sucked her clit.

Sasha's head thrashed on the pillows. She bucked into the sensation. She felt like her body was going to break apart at any second.

Nipping the little nub with his teeth and including a second finger on the next thrust, Derek brought her over the edge. Her sheath clamped down on his fingers and she cried out in climax.

He nuzzled and licked a few more beats before she twitched away from the over sensation.

Swiping his mouth with his fingers, he sucked the taste of her from his skin. He moved up to hold her face as she gasped back to reality.

When her golden eyes cleared, he kissed her deeply. Sasha wrapped her arms around his neck and hooked one leg over his hip.

"Want you now, Derek. Need you." she panted and her large eyes pleaded. He shushed her and promised he would take her where she needed to go.

Shifting to settle more evenly between her legs, Derek ran his fingers down her belly.

He reached for his aching cock and brushed the head up and down her wetness a few times. She wiggled and groaned. Derek grinned.

"Open your eyes, Baby." he said softly. Her eyes opened, still heavy with her climax. "Don't look away until I am inside you." he said as his free hand traced fingertips along her face.

He was giving her the last out, a chance to say now before they crossed the line that couldn't be uncrossed. Sasha recognized what it was.

"I want you, Derek. I give myself to you freely." she whispered and she could feel hims quiver at her words.

Holding her eyes with his, Derek lined his begging shaft up with her entrance. They both took a deep breath and then he thrust forward.

Her wet sex, already excited, made the penetration easy. Derek groaned as her heat surrounded him. She was so tight, so soft.

Sasha cried out at the fullness and the stretch. It was odd and nothing like what she had experienced before. He was still once he was hilted in her silk. Holding her face in his hands, he kissed her tenderly and waited for her to get used to it.

Sasha swallowed the sudden lump in her throat and gave him a crooked smile. She was scared, she was aroused and she trusted this man on top of her, now inside her. She trusted him not to hurt and abuse her. Taking another deep breath Sash wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck.

"Make love to me, Derek." she moaned and shifted her tiny hips up. Derek made a growling sound and caught her mouth as he began to buck.

Slowly, tenderly, he eased in and out of her heat. His heart was pounding like mad, his hands trembled as he touched her everywhere he could reach. They kissed and panted and moaned in sync.

His mouth latched onto the crook of her neck and he sucked a mark. His mark. His claim. Sasha was his and no one else's.

"I love you, Sash. " he gasped and lifted his head to watch her face as their pace increased. She was arching to meet his thrusts. Her sensual mouth parted in pleasure when he thrust deep.

He saw that she still had her eyes closed. He heart skipped a beat and he worried suddenly at the creases in her brow.

Needing to sooth that encroaching fear, Derek grasped her hips and rolled them again.

He held her atop him as they settled and Sash looked down at him in surprise. The shift in position gave her control. Her heart clenched at his actions and she almost sobbed out the next moan.

Leaning down to kiss as she began to rock on him. The angle making her feel new things that sent lightening bolts of sensation up her spine. Derek broke their kiss and pressed at her shoulders.

"Lean back, Baby. Let me see you while you ride me." he breathed heatedly. Sasha managed to blush, despite the fact that he was balls deep in her.

Leaning back, she felt his thrusts change and it made her smaller body bounce a little. Bracing her hands on his broad chest, Sasha began to move with his harder deeper thrusts.

His hands each found a home. One on her hip, guiding her pace. The other on one soft breast, clasping it covetously.

"Oh Sasha, Baby, I'm close." he moaned, overwhelmed by the sensation of her little sex clenching around him.

He let his hand drop from her breast to slip between them. His fingertip brushing where they were joined, making them both gasp. He found her clit and began to thrum the little nub.

Sasha bucked against him harder, her cries getting louder and more frenzied. Derek growled and watched her through slit eyes.

"That's it, Pretty Girl. Cum for me." he rumbled and could feel the first wave as it hit her.

Her channel closed hard and tight around him. She began to heat up, her hips bucking off rhythm as her head fell back. A throaty cry came out as she trembled and fell forward on his chest.

Needing to meet her on that level, Derek grasped her hips and sat up. Holding her to him and rocked his hips hard a few more times, before the haze took him. He held her body tight and her name was shouted into the air.

Sasha could feel him spill inside her, the heat and the pulse of his cock. It made her feel warm. Like she was renewed in his claim.

Tumbling to the bed, they lay in a heap panting and slowly coming down. Derek held her to his chest, his heart matching hers in it's slowing beat.

"Thank you." she whispered and traced her fingers down his chest. Derek lifted her head to look at him.

"Nope. Thank you." he said softly and smiled at the confusion in her eyes. "Thank you for letting me be the first to make love to you." he said and kissed her with all the love he felt.

"Thank you for giving me your virginity. I am humbled by that gift." He said against her still parted lips.

Sasha's eyes welled at his words and she bit her lip. Derek brushed away the few tears.

"I love you." she mumbled and pressed her face to his chest. Derek hugged her closer and kissed her hair.

"Not as much as I love you." He smiled, trying to inject a little levity into the tense moment. Sash giggled and nipped his chest.

"You cannot quantify that." she said and looked back up at him. "It's impossible to measure how much one person loves another. It isn't tang-" he stopped her rant with a hungry kiss.


As the sun rose, it spread splintered fingers of light through the curtain in Sasha's bedroom.

In the tangled bedding, the two lovers lay entwined. Derek was asleep, lightly snoring. Sasha lay watching him in the half light. Her lips drawn up in a small smile.

She owed this man so much, she hoped her love would be enough. That she would be enough.

Derek Morgan had made sure she survived and healed. He had over seen her soul's reclamation.

She would give him anything he needed, and knew he would return in kind.

Sighing to herself, Sasha snuggled down and felt Derek move in his sleep to spoon up around her.

Pressing her back to his heat, she felt content and whole. Just as she was slipping into sleep, she felt her cat snuggle up in the curve of her belly.

All was right in Sasha Reid's world.

The End

Let me know what you liked and what you loved!