Three years later...

"Daddy?" Our little girl asked.

"What princess?"

"Do you want to know what I want to be when I grow up?" she asked with her serious face. She was too cute. "I want to be just like you!" she said. I chuckled and Edward glared at me. The best thing about kids is that they only ever see the good, I loved that about kids.

"Now, why would you want to be just like me?" he asked. I was on the edge of seat waiting for her to answer.

"Well, you know everything," she said emphasizing the word, which earned a giggle from me. "You are the nicest people I know, and you are nice to people you don't like," she said as I busted out laughing. Kids were too perceptive, and it was worse for her because she was a Cullen.

"Who don't I like, Sweetie?"

"Lots of people, Daddy!" she said as if it was a known fact. Well it was, but I loved that our three year old was calling him out on it. "You don't like it when other boys say mommy is pretty, you don't like Aunt Rosie or Aunt Alice, and I am pretty sure you don't like Papa Cullen ooorrr Papa Swan," she said as I covered my mouth trying to muffle my laughter.

"Oh, um, yeah, Baby, help me?" he asked as I shook my head no.

"It's okay daddy, I don't like Jacob either," she said as we both looked at each other in confusion.

"That is your cousin, you really can't, not like him," I told her.

"Well, he's mean! He pulls my hair and says that he will be my only friend, because I'm ugly," she said looking sad. The anger that fueled inside me was insane.

"Nessie, you don't ever let anyone talk to you like that. You ask him nicely to not pull your hair, but if he doesn't stop, I want you to kick him as hard as you can," I told her meaning every word.

"Bella, that's a little harsh. He is only two," Edward said.

"He will be three soon," Nessie told him.

"You don't let anyone be mean to you," I told her.

"Mommy's right, but I want you to tell us if someone is mean," he told her. He was right as well. I didn't want her going around kicking boys, but I would be damned if I let her walk around being a door mat.

"Anyway, I do like your Aunts and Grandfathers, it's just they annoy me sometimes. There is a big difference, and you will learn that when you get older." I loved our little family talks.

Nessie Marie Cullen was born March fifteenth. It was the greatest day of my life. To hold my little girl was amazing. We didn't agree on a name until two days before she was born. We picked Nessie, because it was different and for me it had the wow factor.

My mother was able to make it for her birth, and that was the first day that I called her mom. I didn't know how easy it was going to be to be able to call her mom, but it was and we both liked the way it felt. My dad and Sue, who were married last year, even sat in the waiting room while she was being birthed. Esme and Carlisle were there as well as Emmett, Rose, Alice, and Jasper. That little girl was always going to be loved. Even though we all had our own problems, being able to love was never a question.

Alice and Jasper did get back together. She found out shortly after she was pregnant. Jacob was born four months after Nessie. Alice had thought that all of the stress over leaving Jasper was what was making her miss her periods. She never had morning sickness. I had never seen Jasper as happy as the day Alice told him she was pregnant. With the two of us pregnant Rose said she was going to double up on her birth control. She refused to bring a baby into this word, those were her words. Emmett said he was too old to have kids, so that worked for the both of them. As far as the violent tendencies, things were getting better. Alice said Jasper was learning to channel his anger, whatever that meant. After being a part for three months and then seeing first hand that you are not the better chose, can really do a number on a person's ego. Sometimes we all need a reality check and Edward and Jasper each had one. Emmett and Rose, well, they were so much alike it was scary. Their fighting was like their foreplay. I did, once in a while, see a bruise, but I never asked and she never told.

The Cullen boys were still works in progress, but thing were a lot better. Edward, I think he would always be a control freak in one way or another, but I could deal with that. Once we were able to move into a house of our own, which we didn't get until six months after Nessie was born, he made a promise to himself that he would never punch a hole in any wall. I was glad that he made a promise to himself and no one else because that showed that he wanted to change. He did however punch one hole in the garage wall a year after our daughter was born. We had been doing counseling right along and the day we touched on our parent issues he lost it. Dr. Barner said that Carlisle would always be in our lives if we choose to have Esme in our life. The good doctor tried to explain that no matter what other people chose for their way of life we couldn't judge them and we just had to go with the flow. Edward talked at one point about not letting his parents into our daughter's life, but we both knew that wouldn't happen. Regardless of the man that Carlisle was, he was a wonderful grandfather. After Edward punched the hole in the wall he started to fix it as he broke down.


"I've let you down," he said not turning to look at me.

"No, you didn't," I told him. And he didn't, I knew that when it came to his father it took everything in him to not flip his lid.

"Where's Nessie?"


"I promised that I would never hurt this house and look at what I did," he said pointing to the fist sized hole.

"It's okay..."

"No it's not!" he yelled and as a sob broke through his body. I had seen him cry before, but most of the time it was to get his way, but this was different. These were real tears from being hurt. "I want to be better for my daughter...I'm so sorry," he said as I put my arms around his waist. He pulled me into a death grip and buried his face in my neck.

"You already are," I told him as I let him cry on my shoulder.

That was our true turning point. That day bonded us for life. That was the day that we became each other's rock. We had come so far in three years that it was hard to comprehend sometimes. As I had said before, we were never going to be perfect, but part of our life was and that was our daughter. I knew there was a part of Edward that would never fully trust me, I would never know how dominate that part might be.

After living with him for so long, I started to see changes in myself. I was becoming stronger and I was able to say what I was feeling without being scared. Of course Edward and I still argued about everything, but that was us. I never threatened to leave him, he was my everything. I was able to stop taking the anxiety medication. I still had Adavan just in case I had a panic attack, but they were far and few between.

"I'm going to go for a drive," I said to Edward.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Nope, just need some me time. I'm gonna pick up something for dinner and Nessie is sleeping," I said as I grabbed my purse to leave.

"You've never just gone for a ride before."

"I know I just feel like I want to be alone." I did know why, but I didn't want to tell him...yet.

"You're scaring me a little bit," he said. I knew it was his insecurities, but he knew deep down that I wasn't up to anything.

"I'm just going to grab some dinner, I'll be back," I said with a smile. He kissed me and I headed out the door.

My first stop was the drug store, I thought I was pregnant again and I was nervous. I didn't know if we were ready for another child, but was any one ever really ready? After I bought the test I pulled into Jacob's and ordered some take out. I used the office bathroom and then waited those three long minutes.

Jacob's was still thriving and the boys were talking about opening another one in Seattle. The three of them were true business men and they worked wonderfully together. Jacob, Alice and Jasper's son, had his second and soon to be third birthday parties at the restaurant. He said it was his because his name was on it. That kid was like his mother in so many ways, but at times his father shined bright. He was a spoiled brat and was a Cullen through and through. Nessie was spoiled as well, but she never wanted anything. She was always so happy to just go to the store that she didn't care about anything else. I was going to soak it up for as long as I could, I was sure it wasn't going to last. I feared that she would become Hilary from Fresh Prince of Bel-air when she got older. Edward would give her anything she asked for.

I was the only one to take the plunge and get married. Alice and Jasper were engaged, but they had yet to set a date. Rose and Emmett were happy with their life. They said they didn't need a piece of paper to sat they belonged together. To each their own. I was happy to be tied to Edward in every way, and now we were going to be adding to our family. I knew Edward was going to be happy. Once our order was done I headed home. My heart was racing when I walked into the house, I didn't know how I was going to tell them about our addition.

"I smell chicken fingers!" I heard my overly-excited daughter say as she ran into the kitchen.

"You hungry, Baby?" I asked her.

"Yes I am. Thanks for asking," I heard Edward say before Nessie could answer.

"Daddy, you're not a baby," Nessie said with a cute little giggle.

"I'm Mommy's baby," he said taunting her.

"No, I am, right Mommy?" she said as she looked up to my face with her big brown eyes.

"You both are my babies," I said as Edward stuck out his tongue out at Nes and stole one of her french fries. I shook my head at their childish behavior, but that was one of the things I loved most about my family.

"Feeling okay?" Edward asked as we sat down at the dining room table.

"Yeah, I'm good. Nessie, if you eat your dinner you can have some cake!" I said as she ate without saying a word.

"What kind of cake?" Edward asked.

"Double chocolate."

"That's the bestest!" Nessie said with a mouth full of food. I always had to remind her not to talk with food in her mouth. She spent too much time with Emmett.

"Nes, do you know why it is your favorite?" Edward asked her. Nessie looked up to her daddy and shook her head no. "That was all Mommy ate when you were in her belly. I was nervous you were going to come out looking like double chocolate cake."

"Daddy, you're silly," she giggled.

"I don't think you have brought that cake home sense you were..." I knew he had figured it out, now I just had to let it sink in. "Baby?"

"Yes daddy?" Nessie asked. I knew he was talking to me.

"Sorry Sweetie, I was talking to Mommy," he said as our little spoiled daughter rolled her eyes. "Bella, are you...we, are we having another baby?" he asked me.

"The stick said yes," I told him as he sat quietly and watched Nessie eat her dinner. I loved watching her eat. She was always in her own little world. She would sit on the edge of the chair and she would swing her legs back and forth.

"Baby?" he asked, this time to Nessie. She just ignored him and went on her way eating. "Nessie?" he said with a chuckle. He waited until he had her full attention before he continued. "Would you like a little baby brother or sister?"

"No," she said as she went back to eating.

"Why not?" I asked with a laugh.

"'Cause I like it just being you, me, and Daddy. Why do we need another baby?" she asked as Edward and I both started to laugh. "Jacob was cool until he started walking and talking," she said as the both of us busted out laughing even harder.

"You don't want to be a big sister?" Edward asked her.

"Nope," she said popping the P. "You and daddy are all mine," she said. It was times like these that I saw her father come out.

It took us a while, but we were able to convince her that having a little brother or sister would be a good thing. This was our life and life goes on. It doesn't matter what chooses we make as long as everything turned out great. Everything happens for a reason...right?

~The end~

I want to thank everyone for reading and reviewing! It makes my day to see positive feedback!

I don't wish an abusive relationship on anyone and I don't like seeing people in this type of situation. I write about such things because I have seen a lot people hurt because of domestic violence, it helps me work through it.