A/N: Hiya! This is my first story, but don't leave just yet! I've had plenty of experience in writing stories, so I'm not a total n00b. This is just my first MattMello fanfiction. It's rated M for future chapters that I hope not to screw up. So, please enjoy and review!

DISCLAMER: I don't own Death Note or any of the characters. If I did, the series probably wouldn't have a plot. xD If you catch my drift…

Matt sat on the couch in the small apartment, his DS placed gently in his hands. The game was running, and his fingers were moving, but his mind was far from the world of games and heroes.

No, he was thinking about his roommate: Mello.

Well, 'roommate' was an understatement. Mello was more to Matt than just a roommate or a friend. Matt didn't know how to describe Mello. He was pretty sure he was in love with the blonde, but he was almost certain the blonde didn't feel the same way.

So, Mello was more than a friend, but less than a lover.

He was that blank spot in Matt's mind that he enjoyed so much.

The blonde had just finished up healing from the freak explosion he caused. Just the memory of rushing into the burning building after Mello's call made Matt's eyes itch and his heart lurch. It never got better, even after months of nursing the chocoholic back to health.

Matt reached under his goggles and rubbed his eyes. Mello had gone out to buy chocolate not too long ago. Soon he would come home and rant about how he was going to make Kira pay and hurl ideas into the air as to how he would do it. Matt would reply with monosyllabic noises and words. He had quickly learned not to suggest anything or question him when he was like this.

Matt shut his DS and stood up from the couch, stretching. He didn't want Mello to come home in that mood again. He always came home in that mood; ever since Mello had been able to take care of himself again.

Sure enough, Mello burst through the door to the apartment holding multiple bags of chocolate.

"Hey," Matt greeted the blonde, his heart skipping a beat as usual at the sight of him.

"I've come to a conclusion as to how we should take down Kira," Mello started in on his usual rant.

Matt sighed and sat back down, pretending to listen. This time, though, he didn't whip out his DS and start up a game. Instead, he turned around on the couch and rested his head on his arms, watching the blonde pace around the small apartment, talking and eating chocolate at the same time.

The redhead noticed that Mello's tone would increase until he snapped off a piece of chocolate. He would then return to his normal tone, and the process would repeat itself.

Matt thought about how stressed the chocoholic was, and it worried him. He hadn't noticed (or registered) the signs before. Mello was stressing himself to death with all this constant plotting.

And an idea popped up in Matt's mind. A grin slowly spread across his face as he toyed around with the idea, turning it over and over in his mind.

Mello stopped ranting when he noticed the suspicious grin on the redhead's face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" he demanded, slightly ticked because he knew the gamer hadn't been listening.

Matt's eyes snapped up to meet Mello's. Still smiling, he stood up and leaned against the wall opposite of Mello, lighting a cigarette.

"We should take a vacation," Matt said casually as he tucked his lighter back in his pocket. He watched Mello carefully as the blonde took in what he said.

"Why the hell would we do that?" the blonde demanded. "We have too much work to do! Kira never takes a vacation!"

"You don't know that. He could be relaxing in Hawaii right now while his disciples do all of his dirty work," Matt blew a puff of smoke into the air.

"Well, then that's his mistake. It just gives us more time to plot his demise," Mello snapped. He honestly didn't know why Matt would even suggest a vacation. The word was foreign in his mind.

Matt looked into Mello's eyes. They seemed confused and angry, but they were clouded by stress. Yes, he definitely needed a vacation.

He finished his cancer-stick and smiled at Mello as he placed the butt in the already full ashtray. "You're right, I'm sorry."

Before the blonde could question his quick surrender, Matt bid him a goodnight and headed off into his bedroom, leaving a very confused Mello staring at the closed door.