A/N A deeper insight to what happened when the vampires flew to the Emerson's house. Hope you enjoy. It's what I imagined the vampires to look like. Please review if possible!

They were coming.

Their eyes, bright and feverish, locked with her own. David was at the head of the group. The spear point.

His coat billowed in a wild mass around him; the darkness of the material contrasting with his pale hair. His red, animalistic eyes were the hungriest of the lot – eager for revenge. His arms were taunt beneath him, his hands curled into fists. David opened his mouth slightly, his fangs glinting in the moonlight. His eyes never left her face. Marko had been part of his pack, and they would exact retribution on the culprits.

Paul was next. No longer the joker of the group; his mouth was stretched into an ugly grimace. Marko had been closest to him, and it had hurt him the most. He kept his gaze directed at Edgar. Edgar. The boy who had taken the life of his dearest friend. Paul would take out Edgar; that was all he wanted.

Dwayne came up the rear. His face a mask of rage. He was thought to be the most protective of the lot of them, and as someone had hurt someone he had cared about, he would hurt someone they cared about. Or, rather, he would kill the lot of them. A life for a life. His eyes were fixed on Michael. Michael, whom had been the catalyst for their destruction.

Sam ran for Nanook, stumbling in his haste. His face, fresh with fear and excitement. His movements, agonisingly slow and jerky. He wasn't running fast enough. His hurriedness was causing his shoes to kick up clouds of dirt, as they ran. They were literally running for dear life.

Michael followed, not being able to bear the pain of seeing his younger brother out there, alone. His face was awash with genuine anxiety for Sam – and himself. His hair flew in untamed waves, his neck becoming exposed. Star began to feel the pull of bloodlust.

Nanook began frantically barking, as the boys sped closer.

Edgar, saturated by an almost thrilling tension, which was rolling off him in spades. Star looked at him sharply. Edgar was pleased about this. This opportunity to kill more vampires. Getting rid of Marko had given him an insatiable thirst for killing. His stance lent some audacity to Star, despite the alarm which was loaded throughout his voice.

Alan. Unlike his counterpart, his expression betrayed some concern. He called wildly after them, his eyes open wide, full of fear. Alan had not yet killed a vampire, so did not have any of the borrowed bravado, which Edgar had gained.

Star called after them, "They're coming!" It was in the hope it would redouble and quicken their efforts.

Sam reached Nanook, and released the dog's attachment to the fence. They all ran together.

David neared the two boys. His eyes had switched to that similar to what she imagined as burning ice. He had never liked Michael. All of their eyes were now blazing at the prospect of removing Michael from the vicinity.

But alas, Sam stumbled, and it created an unexpected diversion. They focused on Sam now, going for the most vulnerable; like lionesses on the hunt.

No. They were so close, yet so far. With a ferocious expression, Michael yanked Sam to his feet, dragging him as quickly as possible.

Star, Edgar and Alan continued to yell. Sam and Michael reached the door, everyone bustled inside.

The door shut, mere centimetres away from the approach of the vampires.

They'd made it.

But the fun was only beginning.