Okay, we've all thought it before. What fan of Psych hasn't watched Holes and went, "Gus!" every time Dule Hill appeared on screen as Sam? C'mon, raise your hands. Nobody? I thought so. I haven't thought on this idea in a few months (since I last watched the movie), but I was thinking on Sam from my Transformers obsession, and that reminded me of the Sam in another Shia LaBeouf movie, and since I'm in a rut for my current TF fics, I decided to write this out for kicks.

This is a drabble and a one-shot: It's short, sweet, to the point, and shall not be continued.

Disclaimer: I don't own Psych or Holes, though I do own the novel version of Holes.

Stanley sat on the bus to camp. He wasn't sure if it was because of the stress of recent events, or the anxiety he felt about this Camp Green Lake, or the all of the desert heat, but he could have sworn that out the window of the bus he saw an African American man in old-time garb leading a donkey behind him. In silence he watched as the apparition seemed to fade like sand being blown away by an invisible breeze.

Yep, he was officially crazy.

The man watched as the bus plowed right past him. Seriously, could they not see the man with the donkey that they had almost run over? Why was nobody helping him? He was right there, the least they could do was stop and ask what he was doing there, if not offer him a ride back to civilization.

Really, none of this would have happened if it weren't for...

His cell phone rang, the screen telling him who was calling. He answered it quickly.

"Shawn! You left me in the middle of the desert with a donkey! What the hell is wrong with you? Get out here and help me!"

His best friend made a noise, probably eating a pineapple by the sound of it. "Mmm, sorry, no can do, buddy. You see, I was going to get you, but there was this girl, and she was really cute and thought that psychics were adorable, and so-"

"Shawn, shut up. I don't care about the girl; I want you to get back here and get me out of this desert! And why the hell did you make me dress up with a donkey, anyway?"

Shawn paused. "Uh, you know what buddy, I think were breaking up. Khh. Yeah, I'm having trouble hearing you. Pffzzt. Sorry, gotta go!"

"Shawn? Shawn! I know you're just making those noises. Shawn? Answer me!" He sighed as only a dial tone met him. "Dammit Shawn!"

"Great. What am I supposed to do now?" asked Burton Guster.

The donkey grunted at him.

"Oh, shut up."

When Sam first appeared in the movie of Holes while Stanley was on the bus at the beginning, I couldn't help turning to my sister and saying, "Dammit Shawn! You left me in the desert with a donkey!"

Reviews would be nice.