Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn and All the Same by Sick Puppies belong to their rightful owners; I gain nothing from writing this.

Warning: M/M; bloodplay

A/N: A few drabbley song-shots on Bel/Fran – one of the pairings I find most difficult to write.

"I don't mind where you come from, as long as you come to me."

Fran frowned half-heartedly as he sunk down onto his bed at the Varia HQ. He'd just come back from a more difficult mission wherein he had quite a difficult time fighting his opponent. They had been on solid ground, after all, because he could see through illusions.

Despite that, Fran had still managed to accomplish his goal and make it back to the Varia – but he was having a difficult time disguising his injuries. He preferred to heal alone, despite Lussuria's healing capabilities. After all, weakness came in the form of concern and he didn't want his group (friends?) slowed down.

Fran supposed he really shouldn't have been surprised when Belphegor sauntered into his room with a twisted grin set upon his face.

"Did the frog get hurt?" He asked, looking him up and down.

"No," Fran said, keeping his voice monotone.

"Ushishishi – I smell the blood," Belphegor leaned in from where he stood in front of Fran and nuzzled his nose into his neck which might have been slightly endearing had it been anyone but the fake prince.

"Get off," Fran grumbled, giving a half-hearted push. His arms had been sliced to bits and it was getting mighty hard to keep up the front while using his illusion.

"Arms, right?" Belphegor lifted the sleeve and grinned as he touched the smooth, pallid flesh. Fran winced as the older boy ran a finger over a blue-ish vein and consequently over one of his injuries. The illusion wobbled when the blonde took to licking up his arm and then it finally broke when he bit into the skin just enough to bruise.

"That hurt," Fran stated, frowning slightly as Belphegor looked up at him with a sneer.

"It was supposed to, stupid frog," The blonde glanced down at Fran's injuries and then back up. "I knew you were bleeding." For some reason, the older boy seemed awfully proud of that.

"Idiot fake prince," Fran grumbled, sucking in a quiet breath and Belphegor moved from his arm up to his neck.

"Shishi, shut up or I'll kill you, frog," A quick swipe of his silvery blade and the small slice in Fran's neck was beading crimson. Belphegor grinned further and ran a tediously slow finger across the slit before lifting the same finger to his mouth and licking away the blood. Fran watched carefully; observing Belphegor's tongue absently, hardly noticing the blonde's other hand snake around his neck to play with the teal hairs.

"Frog," Bel murmured as he leaned down again to press his mouth to the shell of Fran's ear.

"What?" The younger teen asked, feeling oddly sleepy. Blood loss, perhaps. He still didn't have bandages on his wounds after all.

"I don't care where you come from, but – shishi – if you ever get hurt come to me and I'll make you feel better," Belphegor whispered the last word almost suggestively but Fran overlooked it in favour of watching the older boy slink away and out the door, tracing each step as he went along.

Belphegor was many things, Fran decided, but simple definitely was not one of them.