A/N: Hiii~~ yes, It's me again, for those who have read my previous work 'Bolognise & Beer' (well not really...previous since I haven't actually finished it yet = =") I have came with another fic, (since I seriously got stuck in Bolognise and Beer and cant come up with another idea) Tomato Ketchup! (notice how all the titles are edibles?) I'm sorry since I am that kind of person who get bored REALLY easily ^^""….anyways, as usual, I don't want to waste your precious time reading this….scroll down already!

Disclaimer: Hetalia and Tomatoes ain't mine.

Today is an unusually beautiful day, the sun is shining brightly , yet the weather wasn't too hot, the ripening tomatoes greeted him in their lush red color, waiting to be picked and eaten, and don't even start with the sky, which now spread a clear blue with light puffs of pure white clouds.

It indeed is a beautiful day today.

Romano hummed to himself as he trudged along the tomato fields, marveling at each ripening tomatoes with a rare smile, patting them softly as if the red plump fruit would suddenly purr and lean into his touch. The older Italian sighed in contentment as he eyed the whole field, covered in red, red, plum frui-


The older Italian's thought was cut abruptly by a certain Spaniard who decided it was a perfect time to completely ruin his perfect afternoon.

"Lovinoo! It's such a beautiful day isn't it! Look at the sky! The sky! It's not normally this blue!"

On second thought, today is just like any other day.

Romano sighed. "What is it you bastard."

Said Spaniard literally skipped towards his beloved little tomato, big smile planted on his face, now marred to a delectable pout, "mi querida tomate,…must you be so moody everyday, enjoy the view, the surroundings!"

"I was until you came along." The hasty Italian grumbled in his head.

"Whatever, today is just like any other day, come now, Its time to harvest the tomatoes. " The Italian quickly darted back to the confines of their home, grabbing equipments essential for harvesting the plump red fruits.

After a while, the grumbling Italian came back with a pair of big baskets and two pairs of gloves. "Here , you bastard" Romano quickly threw the basket and gloves towards the Spanish who was completely caught off guard at the attack. "

"Ay! What was that for lovi~~" Antonio rubbed the side of his head where he was hit. "For being such a bastard." Romano quickly slipped on his gloves and started plucking the tomatoes one by one, cradling a few in his arms, and dumping them to the basket, while Antonio just moaned in pain.

"WILL YOU HELP ALREADY YOU BASTARD!" The Italian launched a perfect round tomato towards the Spaniard's unsuspecting face. The throw was completely successful, drenching the older man's face with red, sticky juice.

"pu…PUHAHAHAHAHA! YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE!" Romano cracked up cradling his stomach as he literally "rolled on the floor laughing".

"That wasn't very nice Lovino.." Antonio's voice that used to carry an innocent twinge behind it, now became dark and huskier. His hand now wiping the tomato remains off his face.

"AHHHHAHHA! THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD ATTACK! I DIDN'T EVEN SEE THAT COMiing….A-Antonio?" Romano now realized the tone that said bastard was using, fear creeping down his throat. Antonio could be fun and childish sometimes, but when he's angry he could just be downright scary!

"a. Antonio? uh…I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you like that…"

Wow, that sounded way better in his head.

"oi…you bastard!"

he wasn't supposed to curse at him! It's making things worse!

Antonio shook

"heh…you're actually right Lovino, it was my fault, I should have helped you from the start, besides, you can just wipe this off with water later on!" The Spaniard looked up to him with his usual stupid grin.

"A-ah….well…" The Italian was completely out of words, "I-it is your fault that I had to do that….welll…"

"You're right, it's my fault" the Spaniard's grin grew wider.

"S..STOP BLAMING YOURSELF!" Romano flushed a deep tomato red.

"I'm so sorry lovino…."

"Well…I …you….ah-

The Italian's rambling was quickly cut off with a flying tomato that landed straight on his face.

"Which is why you should punish me for what I just did, si?" Antonio batted his eyelash at him seductively. At least he thought it was seductive.

The Italian was silent for a while, until he erupted.

"WHY YOU! BASTARD!" Romano quickly plucked a plump red fruit near him and threw it to Antonio's direction, where the Spaniard dodged the tomato and hit the fence; It's ripe red juice trickling everywhere.

"Ah, you missed mi tomate!" The Spanish snatched another ripe tomato in his sight and swung towards Romano, hitting him square in the face.

2-1 The Spanish grinned, building an imaginary scoreboard in his head.

The Italian glared through tomato remains- covered eyes, wiping said remnants with his glove, and grinned evilly, taking two red victims simultaneously in his palm, quietly whispering "oh it's on,"

The Italian quickly launched both tomatoes towards Antonio's head, one hitting him right on his forehead as one missed and collided with his left shoulder instead, In return, Antonio plucked three tomatoes out and threw them alternately, said tomatoes landing on both sides of his chest and his vital region, creating quite a sigh for the Spaniard.

"AHHAHHA! YOU RESEMBLE QUE FRANCIA! AHHA!" Now it was the Spanish's turn to roll on the floor laughing.

"WE'LL SEE WHO'S LAUGHING IN THE END!" grabbing three tomatoes, imitating Antonio's previous strategy, Romano began launching the tomatoes to the laughing Spaniard's direction, the tomato hitting him square in the ass.

"HAH! GOT YOU! YOU BASTARD!" The descendant of the Roman Empire laughed victoriously, ignoring the still hanging tomato on his chest, which by now drooped leaving its remnants and core behind.

That was completely unpredictable, Antonio thought in his head, that is, until another liquid-y, squishy substance struck the back of his head.

"DID YOU LIKE THAT, HUH!" Romano cackled, as Antonio completely remained silent.

"what's the matter Antonio? Are you starting to back out now? Afraid of the unbeatable descendant of the great roman empire? Huh? Huh?" Romano snickered, bouncing a tomato up and down in the palm of his hand. Antonio suddenly turned around, and smiled.

"Uh oh" Romano thought.

"Of course I would still like to play this little game of yours!" The Spaniard grinned as he inched closer and closer towards the now cornered Italian. "Uh…A-Antonio….I really think that we had outdone ourselves today….and uh….we're pretty much wasting tomatoes….and….I mean…look at us! We need a bath! Right? Right!" Romano tried to defend himself from Antonio's wrath.

"Si! But that can be done later, no?" Now Antonio's face was less than a millimeter closer to Romano's, who's now marred with fear. "Ah…but as they say! Cleanliness is important! So…..we must all hurry and get the important things done first! Aha…aha…"

Romano nervously replied, quickly cut off when a pair of strong arms pinned his wrists to the ground.

"I don't think so Lovi…" an evil glint prominently seen in Antonio's eyes as he said so.

The poor Southern Italian struggled to free his hold, but Antonio would have none of that, He truly is scary when angered. "We shall play this game clean and fair Lovi~"

"What are you talking about! This is NOT FAIR! YOU'RE PINNING ME TO THE GROUND! LEMME GO!" Romano started trashing on the ground resembling a little boy who's not allowed to buy his favorite toy car.

Antonio clicked his tongue. "no ,no, no, Lovino, we can't have you launch another perfectly ripe tomato at me!"

Antonio leaned closer to whisper on Romano's ear. "I have some more fun things we can do with it."

At this, the younger boy blushed a deep red. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING! Y-you PERVERT!" The more he struggled with the strong hold, the harder Antonio clenched on his wrists.

"a-a-a, Lovino, how could you even accuse me of the same inscription with that dirty France-nii san of yours? I'm different!" To emphasize his point he leaned down and blew a puff of air to Romano's ear, whispering a "si?" in the process.

Romano now flushed a deep crimson as he no longer struggled to free himself; it was pointless, Antonio has more strength than of a professional wrestler if he was angered, even more strength than that potato bastard! Who he thinks is strong. Nevermind that! He was pinned to the ground for goodness sake!

"Now where is that little tomate?" Antonio without releasing his hold on Romano's wrists stood up and went to look for the ripe fruit.

"Wh-what are you doing! If you're looking for Tomatoes it's right beside you- you moron!" Romano bashed, pissed he was being dragged like a friggin' luggage by the Spaniard.

"My, my, I have to look for the best tomate for my little tomate si? Ah! I spot one!"

Romano was quickly dragged to the corner of the garden, where a red, ripe, plump tomato dangled happily. Though its happiness is short lived once the Spaniard bit the plump red fruit and plucked it out of its roots, red juice stained Antonio's chin, and collar.

"ish afeaufiful homaho eght?" (It's a beautiful Tomato right?") Antonio said, despite the plump fruit sitting on the confines of his mouth. "I have no idea what shit you're saying. " Romano sighed. "If this is what you're going to do, plucking beautiful tomatoes, then let me go." He once again struggled from his grip, with no avail. Antonio leaned in towards Romano, The tomato previously bitten shoved roughly to the Italian's mouth, the plump red tomato juice marring his equally plump red lips.

"Mi dios lovino, couldn't you be the least bit patient? After all, I did say that este tomate es para ti, no?" The Spaniard gave a little wicked smile, as he continued his little adventure in trying to find said beautiful tomates for his little cute tomate, still dragging the Italian with him, words now muffled by a sweet, ripe tomato, that even he himself is unable to spit out.

After having dragged to literally every corner of the garden, The Italian had enough. Spitting out the beautiful tomato previously shoved in his mouth, Romano hastily let an outburst of profanities, tears now creeping to the corner of his eyes, stomping the ground once planted and watered to grow a certain fruit that now lies limply besides the Italian's foot.

"Questo è tutto bastardo!" Romano cried out in his native tongue. Tears now threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Se volete fare qualcosa per me allora fatelo!" Romano shrieked in agony as he pulled his wrist away from Antonio's grip, though…..without any avail once more.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU BASTARD!" Romano screamed, threatening a string of Italian obsceneties to the man who won't even face him at that moment.

"lo bueno se hace esperar, lovi." The older man smiled, picking up the fruit previously spitted out by Romano.

"I-I don't even know what that means! You bastard! I- Let me GO!"

Romano's outbursts were quickly cut with a pair of soft, and warm lips, belonging to a certain Spanish. Romano's eyes went wide, as he tried to push the Spanish away, unfortunately resulting in a futile attempt.

"Good things come to those who wait Lovi " Antonio grinned, bringing the crushed tomato near Romano's face and squeezing the substance, red, sticky liquid trickling down the sides of his hand, and ventured down to Romano's cheek.

Romano shook faintly as the cool liquid hit his cheek.

"Now, be patient si? I will make this tomato be of good use." Antonio's intimidating smile never faltered, as he continued to squeeze the poor tomato, now running its juice against his knuckles.

Antonio once again leaned in Romano's figure, brushing his lips gently towards the Italian's plump pink ones, impatiently prodding his tongue inside Romano's hot cavern. Romano gasped in surprise and tried to push the Spanish away from him, but ended up submitting as he melted into the kiss.

"Antonio…tastes like tomatoes….." Romano thought as the invasion inside his mouth still proceeded. Antonio was getting even more impatient by the fact that he didn't get the response he wanted out of the Italian. He roughly thrust his tongue in and out the Italian's mouth, brushing Romano's teeth vaguely in each thrust.

The lack of oxygen was starting to be a problem for both tomato loving nations, as Romano pulled away with a gasp for air. Though that too was short lived, once Antonio pulled on the odd curl of his hair. Not too gently.

"Chi-Chiigii~" Romano squeaked despite his flushed state, cursing himself for actually letting that word out of his mouth.

"mi dios mio Lovi, you really are sensitive here." Antonio chuckled, the bone-chilling smile never leaving his face, hiding his true intentions very well.

"auh….shut up….hyaaa….chi-chigiiii~….stop it!" Romano writhed under the touch of his bouncing curl.

"hmm, let's see what we can use this tomato for si?" Antonio squeezed the tomato once more, letting the juice pool his palms, while the poor Italian just watched in complete horror.

"what…what are you doing!"

Romano got his answer as the Spaniard started smearing the tomato juice onto his 'erogenous zone' leaving the Italian completely helpless as he felt his favorite fruit dripping down the curl that always seemed to stand upright.

"Delicioso" The Spaniard muttered just as he devoured the tomato slicked curl, sucking and playing with the stringy texture.

Romano went mad, legs going limp, as he struggled to think straight. With his beloved (not that he would have admitted this) sucking on his sensitive spot, drenched in his beloved fruit, it is clearly impossible to do so.

"Stop…per favore…." Romano whimpered, struggling weakly to free himself.

"Now why would I do that?" Antonio gave out a menacing aura, as he continued to assault the already abused curl.

"w-we're outside! You-you bastard! Hyah!" Romano's sentence was cut short when a flick of tongue inched the tip of his curl.

"Then shall we take this inside? The view won't be as beautiful" Antonio smiled, the hand that used to hold the violated tomato now ventured to the depths of Romano's uniform, searching for a nub that in par, holds a ripe pink color as of the tomatoes, pinching it and twirling it in his thumb and forefinger once it was found.

By now, Romano is a big panting, sweating goop of mess, whimpers and moans escalating in every single touch of the Spaniard.

"My brother…..i-if fratello comes her-AH!" Romano gasped in surprise as a cool, squishy substance came in contact with his little pink nubs.

"wh-what is that!" he tried to sound angry, but unfortunately it came out as a small squeak. Darn.

"Tomate!" Antonio replied ever so cheerfully. Still smearing red sticky juice onto Romano's now exposed chest. Romano blushed like the little tomato he is. No longer trying to struggle against Antonio's grip, enjoying the soft texture of the tomato against his skin.

Antonio licked his lips "I'm going to bathe your whole body with tomatoes, mi querida tomate"

Andddd, It ends here ^^" sorry I just had to cut it there cause It'll be a REALLY long chapter if I didn't. Anyways, here are the translations:

Que Francia : That France

Mi querida Tomate: My dear Tomato

este tomate es para ti: This Tomato is for you

Questo è tutto bastardo: That's it you bastard

Se volete fare qualcosa per me allora fatelo: If you want to do something with me then do it.

mi dios mio Lovi: My Gosh Lovi.

Per favore: please (very obvious)

So there ends the first chapter of Tomato Ketchup ^^". As you may have noticed I have a BIG food kink. And this idea just appeared to me when I was eating tomato ketchup (yes only the ketchup) then I thought : Oh wow, since Spain loves tomato so much I bet he would die to have Romano bathe in Tomato Ketchup. Though I don't think they invented tomato ketchup yet at that time? So lets just make Spain crush them and smear em onto Romano.. OTL

Ah well~~ anyways, please do review, and for you readers who have read my other fic bolognise & beer, I do hope I can make the next chapter in time…^^" so…review, and tell me what you think of this fic!

flames are for…..boiling tomatoes! :D